[Chapter 36 - Cum Gladio et Sale : With Sword and Salt Pt.3]

The trip had been uneventful, not that I was complaining. It was a rather straight shot carriage ride from Fort Balor to Oslind ; A larger sized city located a half day's ride from the mana zone and where we were currently residing. We arrived early in the day yesterday and between what I learned from Patron over the course of the journey, and what I could immediately gather from my brief time here, Oslind seemed like the ideal mix of Balor and Lindor. 

The close proximity to the mana zone provided an attraction of military and freelancers alike, which also provided the need for respective shops and services. Oslind was also only a few days from the neighboring Port town of Sarline, the only point of international access, so there was no shortage of wealthy nobles who made their living in trade.