[Chapter 39 - Per Angusta Ad Augusta : Through Difficulties To Honors Pt.1]

Scattered rays of light poured down upon the fog-covered mountain landscape of dense ferns and scattered thin and nearly branchless trees that stretched infinitely into the sky. Littered throughout them were creeks and streams, some of which spilled into small pools containing fish too big to get back out ; which made easy meals for Reigner and I.  It was an ideal situation, and one we were not the first to discover. 

"How many?" Reigner asked as I knelt down close to the dirt, inspecting a trail of small narrow footprints. 

"Three, maybe four." I picked myself back up "The usual" 

"It doesn't make sense.." Reigner mumbled from horseback as I mounted mine next to him. Afterwards we both took a moment in silence staring at the cluster of footprints.