Hi Papa,
There is so much you missed, but there is so much to learn about me.
So many days, months, and years go by, and I wish I could hate you but oh, how I love you...
Why did you leave me behind?
Was I not enough?
Don't you want to know more about me?
Who is going to walk me down the aisle and give me away? I rather be traditional...
I don't want my children to ask me, "Do I not have a grandpa?"
I am tired of doing the heavy lifting. I want your love. I want to forgive you. I am yearning to.
If you start now, I'll forgive the past. I don't want to be without. It feels empty when you are not around.
I don't hate you as much as I wish I could.
Can't you see that it's all a facade?
Another Christmas
Another birthday
Another new year...
Let's not make it another without each other.
I don't want to lose hope forever, infinity.
your little girl
P.S. my deepest darkest thoughts...