Chapter 10

Gabriel Truman had no other choice but to accept Albert's proposal. He couldn't accept being expelled from Hogwarts anyway. After writing the letter, Gabriel looked at the flying owl and then at Albert, asking, "Is this really okay?"

Albert tried to comfort the freckled teenager, saying, "I think the school will be shocked by this. I don't think they would expel a student for something like this. They would at least try to find out what happened here." Albert's calmness seemed to have a soothing effect on Gabriel.

"Can I take a look at that letter?" Albert asked.

"Oh, what a disaster!" Truman said with a bitter smile. "I was already warned by the Ministry of Magic for using magic in front of my family during the summer holidays after finishing my first year."

He handed the letter to Albert and explained, "Students at Hogwarts aren't allowed to use magic outside of the school."

"But why wasn't Albert warned after using magic?" Nina was puzzled.

"It's probably because he hasn't started Hogwarts yet," Truman said, although he wasn't entirely sure.

"There must be some loophole in the ministry's system," Albert said as he began to read the letter.

Dear Mr. Truman,

We have been informed that you performed a Levitation Charm at 10:40 a.m. in a muggle residential area.

This behaviour has infringed on the 'Reasonable Restraint of Underage Wizards Act', and therefore you will be expelled from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The Ministry of Magic will send a representative to your residence to destroy your wand.

Since you have already been formally warned for violating Article 13 of the 'International Federation of Magicians Confidentiality Act', you have been summoned by the Ministry of Magic for trial at 10:00 a.m. on August 17th.

Your faithful

Mafalda Hopkins

[Department of Underage Magical Misconduct]

"I suggest that you apply for some form of compensation from the Ministry of Magic after this matter is resolved. My family members are all lawyers, so I have learned a little about how to navigate legal loopholes. Gabriel, you seem a bit dazed. Let me explain. The Ministry of Magic has a system in place to monitor the use of magic, but in this case, they mistakenly thought that you used the Levitation Charm. This was a serious mistake on their part, and it caused you a great deal of mental duress. You almost lost control of your emotions and your magic, and that was not your fault. The Ministry should be held responsible for their error and should compensate you for the distress they caused you."

"Yes, it's completely reasonable to ask for compensation," Nina said.

Albert continued, "Someone will probably come over later, or at least write a letter, to make sure you keep quiet about the mistake the Ministry of Magic made. Then, you can complain about the ministry's mistakes and ask for compensation for the cost of being put in this situation. You could ask for around 100 gallons."

Truman was taken aback by Albert's outrageous demand. "Is that not a bit too much?"

"That's easy to explain," Albert said without hesitation. "If the Ministry of Magic doesn't give you any compensation, you can write a letter to the Daily Prophet to report the Ministry's mistake, but keep your name out of it. I bet they'll be willing to pay you for at least 50 gallons. But when you receive the money, you'll need to give me half of it, as I'll be your witness." Gabriel felt that Albert was so amazing.


Hogwarts' Headmaster's private quarters

Dumbledore had just received a notification from the Ministry of Magic that Gabriel Truman had been expelled from Hogwarts for using a Levitation Charm in front of Muggles. This is not good news, as Mr. Truman already has a record of committing previous offences. During the first-year summer holiday, he was warned by the Ministry for using magic in front of his family.

Just as Dumbledore was about to go to the Ministry to confirm the situation, he received a letter from an owl. The letter stated that Mr. Truman had nothing to do with this incident. He had simply run into a first-year student in the park who had recently been admitted to Hogwarts and was practising the Levitation Charm. The Muggle that the Ministry was referring to was the other student's sister. Dumbledore also received another letter from Albert Anderson explaining the situation in similar detail.

In his letter, Albert expressed regret for the unwarranted disaster he brought upon Truman and offered to testify in court if necessary. Dumbledore confirmed that Mr. Anderson is a student set to join Hogwarts in September.

Dumbledore couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. He thought that this was probably the case. Expelling a student is definitely not something that a Headmaster wants to do.

Dumbledore immediately went to the Ministry of Magic and discussed the letter and the matter with the person in charge of the Department of Magic. The matter was not serious enough to require a trial. If it were only an accident, the Ministry of Magic would likely become a laughing stock. After all, both Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic knew the loopholes in Magic Trace.

The facts were similar to what Albert had guessed. The Ministry of Magic sent someone to investigate, and Dumbledore saw them talking to the two children in the park. "It seems this was a misunderstanding," Dumbledore smiled and said to the Ministry staff nearby.

"Aren't you Headmaster Dumbledore?" Albert looked up at Dumbledore and reached out to shake his hand. "You look exactly like the picture on the chocolate frog."

"Mr. Anderson?" Dumbledore looked at Albert and said with a smile. "We received your letter. Could you let me inspect your wand?"

"Yes, of course. No problem." Albert knew what Dumbledore wanted to do and handed over his wand willingly.

After Dumbledore held it, he detected the magic used in the last few days. He looked at Albert with a bit of surprise, amazed that the child in front of him had managed to learn five spells in just a few days.

"Gabriel corrected my wand movement while using the Levitation Charm. I just performed that spell," Albert explained.

"Where's your wand, lad?" The wizard from the Ministry of Magic looked at Gabriel.

"I didn't bring it with me. I keep it at home. If you need to check it, you can come back home with me to get it." Gabriel was very confident and was not afraid of them checking it anyway.

"This seems to be a misunderstanding, Nutley," Dumbledore said with a smile.

"Yes, it would appear so." Nutley nodded. "I believe I need to write a new report."