Chapter 64

After returning to the Gryffindor Common Room, Albert made himself a cup of tea and asked his roommate if they wanted to go to the library to finish their outstanding homework. After being rejected again, he packed his bag and the three boys waved him goodbye.

There are few people in the library during lesson time. Albert walked into the library and saw Shannon. She was flipping through a book that was scattered on the table, with countless other books skimming for relevant information. He walked towards the girl, pulled the chair next to her, and sat down.

"I hope I'm not too late," Albert said as he looked at the clock on the wall next to them. It read two o'clock.

"No, it's fine. I got here about twenty minutes ago. The Charms homework is quite hard to do and I can't find the relevant information," Shannon said as she pointed to the array of book sprawled over the table.

Albert flipped through several books on the table and also couldn't find what he needed. He got up went to Area C to find some helpful books on this bookshelf. This was also the bookshelf where he found the book 'Disillusionment Charm and Co: The Basic Guide for any Aspiring Aurors' that he was currently still reading. The lending time for that book was almost expired, so he focused a lot more attention on studying that book in his spare time.

From the bookshelf he selected 'Disillusionment Charm and Co: The Basic Guide for any Aspiring Aurors', 'History of Spell Makers: Eighteenth Century' and 'Charms Throughout the Ages: Eighteenth-Century Edition'. He then returned to the table to join Shannon.

"You found some books. How do you know they would be useful and contain the information to do our homework?" Shannon asked as she read the titles of the book.

"The Wand Lighting and Light Extinguish Charms were created in the Eighteenth century so we can find most of the thing we need in 'Charms Throughout the Ages: Eighteenth-Century Edition'. 'History of Spell Makers: Eighteenth Century' should contain information we can quote and would be a good way to fill up the word count and 'Disillusionment Charm and Co: The Basic Guide for any Aspiring Aurors' has some practical applications for those spell that we could write about," Albert said.

"Fair enough. Why weren't you sorted into Ravenclaw?" Shannon asked.

"Who knows?" Albert said, as he shrugged his shoulder. "Perhaps the Sorting Hat thought I value courage and bravery over learning and sorted me into Gryffindor."

Finding the books was the simple part. Finding the relevant information to extract and writing it down was the hard part. For example, this one is for the Wand Lighting Charm:

The Wand-Lighting Charm was first developed by a wizard named Levina Monkstanley in the mid-18th century. Monkstanley was a skilled wand maker and duellist who had a particular interest in the practical applications of magic. She saw the need for a spell that would allow for easy illumination in dark places, and thus created the Wand-Lighting Charm.

The charm quickly gained popularity and became a staple in the wizarding world. It was especially useful for those who worked in dimly lit environments, such as dungeons, caves, and forests. Over time, we developed variations of the spell to allow for different levels of illumination. This includes the Wand-Extinguishing Charm, which was used to extinguish the light created by the Wand-Lighting Charm.

It is a basic spell used to illuminate the tip of one's wand, allowing for better visibility in low-light situations. The incantation for the Wand-Lighting Charm is "Lumos," and the wand movement required is a simple flick.

And this is on for the Wand Extinguishing Charm:

The Wand-Extinguishing Charm is a common spell used by witches and wizards to extinguish the light created by the Wand-Lighting Charm. "Nox" is the incantation for the Wand-Extinguishing Charm and the wand movement required is a simple wave.

The Wand-Extinguishing Charm was first developed in the mid-18th century by a wizard named Levina Monkstanley, who also created the Wand-Lighting Charm. Monkstanley saw the need for a spell that would allow for simple control over the light created by the Wand-Lighting Charm, and thus created the Wand-Extinguishing Charm.

The Wand-Extinguishing Charm is used to extinguish the light created by the Wand-Lighting Charm in situations where it is no longer desired. It is useful in situations where one wishes to remain hidden, as the light created by the Wand-Lighting Charm can draw unwanted attention.

It was at a time like this Albert wished he was back in the modern world. What a simpler time it could be if he could just copy and paste.

"Ugh!" Albert muttered while he was distracted. He realised he had misspelt a word.

He crossed out the wrong word, dipped the quill pen in the ink bottle, and continued to write his thesis statement. In fact, his thesis statement was almost a replica of the textbook. The books he had chosen almost had the same thing written when they introduced the two charms, so there was nothing wrong with just copy everything down and changing a few words.

As Albert was writing his conclusion for his essay, he looked up to see Shannon still struggling to find what to write. She was flipping through the books like a maniac.

"Do you need help?" Albert asked.

"Yes..." Shannon said meekly as she looked at his parchment.

"Would you like to see my essay?"

"Yes, please."

"Let me finish my conclusion first," Albert said.

After finishing his conclusion, he handed his essay to her so she could read it. He then got out another parchment and ripped the corners off of it. He found the information he used in the three books and marked it before handing the books over to her.

Although it was mostly copied from the books, it was well written and his own interpretations weaved into it. He referenced the full title of books and where to find them in his essay to make up for the word count. If you took all of them out, the essay would probably be only eight hundred words.

While reading, one particular paragraph surprised her. It summarised what a torch was and how it could be used in the magical world. It mentioned a viable way to do it and the implications of this in the academic field. Although the academic field was not as xenophobic to muggle inventions, they would heavily discourage the creation of items closely resembling their muggle counterparts.