Chapter 105

Winter had cast its icy spell over Hogwarts, transforming the castle and its grounds into a wintry wonderland. The past few weeks had witnessed a dance of snowstorms, each one leaving behind a fresh layer of snow that crunched underfoot. The Black Lake had succumbed to winter's touch, its surface frozen into a gleaming expanse, a canvas for daring students to test the thickness of the ice.

Through the castle windows, the world beyond revealed a panorama of snow-covered turrets and frosted trees. The Forbidden Forest, usually shrouded in mystery, now stood adorned with glistening icicles that sparkled like diamonds in the winter sun.

The courtyard had become a battleground for ambitious snow sculptors, their creations ranging from misshapen snowmen to intricate replicas of magical creatures. Laughter erupted as snowballs flew in good-natured duels, leaving traces of magic in the air.

The quidditch season has come to a temporary stop. From the light snow during the opening match to the full-blown snow storm in the latest match, Hufflepuff is dead last, with Ravenclaw just ahead of them. Gryffindor and Slytherin were neck and neck, both having a good chance of winning this year's Quidditch Cup.

In order for Gryffindor to gain an advantage against Slytherin, Professor McGonagall and Charlie booked all the available training slots at the Quidditch Stadium. The intensity was driven up a notch, and the younger students were put through their paces. If a situation similar to the one against Slytherin happened again, Charlie wanted to be prepared.

"Charlie must have a few screws loose," Fred muttered as he looked outside through the window. They were currently in the mists of a brewing snowstorm again.

"He's just eager to win. He'll do anything to win," Albert said as he zipped up his coat. "Even if it means we train in a bloody snowstorm."

"The only good thing is that you have to suffer alongside us now," Lee said as he rubbed his hands, trying to warm them up. "It's a shame Professor McGonagall temporarily cancelled the transfiguration club until after the new year."

"It's not a shame," Albert replied. "It means I can spend more time with you guys."

"Really?" George asked.

"No! It means I can spend more time with the girls. They're much better than you guys."

"You don't mean that, do you?"

"No, of course not. Professor McGonagall promised to help the older students before they start their winter mocks."

"Stop, stop, stop. Don't you dare mention those."

"Do you know how much homework they're setting?"

"It's way too much."

"We don't have time for our nightly adventures because of them."

"We're lucky that most of them are due after the holidays. Well, the big ones at least," Lee said. "The potion work is going to be exhausting."

"I know. And then there's Albert, who has finished most of it."

"I told you, you should join our study sessions," Albert said.

"As long as you get rid of those slimy snakes."

"You know that's not going to happen," Albert replied.

"Until then, we're not going to join."

"Most of the girls have joined. It's not that bad," Albert said.

"Come on, guys. You know what happened last time when this conversation happened. Let's move onto a much lighter topic, are you guys going home for Yule? My parents asked me to come home," Lee said as he read a letter on his bed.

"We're going home."

"And we're going to be watching the Quidditch World Cup qualifiers."

"What about you?"

"I'm also going home. Are you going to take your garlic with you?"

"It should be fine if we don't water it for a couple of weeks."

"If needed, we could ask the house-elves to look after it while we're gone."

"You could also take it home," Lee said.

"I already gave you a copy of how to make the Luminara garlic solution. You could ask your dad to help you make it. He's into that kind of stuff, right?" Albert asked.

"Yeah, he's got a whole shelf of books on alchemy and muggle contraptions."

"He'll probably enjoy making it with us during the holidays."

"The only problem is our mum. If she finds ud with this, she'll probably make us help in the garden."

"Or in the kitchen."

"We don't belong in the kitchen."

"We're peacocks, mate. You gotta let us fly."

"Can peacocks even fly?" Lee asked.

"Peacocks are short-distance flyers that don't cope well with flying for long. Data tends to differ, but they can only fly up to 100 metres."

"See, we can fly."

"If everything fails, we could ask Hagrid for help again."

"Have you guys visited Hagrid's hut recently?" Lee asked.


"What happened?"

"Nothing much. He's just decorated it, and it looks nice," Lee said as he picked up today's issue of the Daily Prophet. "He seems to be in the festive spirit."

"Yeah, I heard from the students that visited Hogsmeade yesterday," Albert said. "They said Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick helped."

"I also heard that. Rumour has it that Hagrid has found a lover. People saw him disappear into the forest with an older lady. People say she was a cent… MERLINS BEARD!!!"

"She was a cent-Merlin's beard," one of the twins said.

"No, not that, this!"

"What is that?"

"Let me see."

"No, me first."

"I'll just read it out."


"Fudge Triumphs in Ministerial Race: A Surprising Victory Shakes the Foundations of Politics!"

In a stunning turn of events that has sent shockwaves through the wizarding community, Cornelius Fudge has emerged victorious in the race for the next Minister of Magic. Defying expectations and surpassing formidable opponents, including the venerable Albus Dumbledore, the wealthy Lucius Malfoy, and the shockingly late-comer Lady Warbeck, Fudge's triumph has left many questioning the established norms of magical politics.

The announcement came late last night after a tense session at the Ministry, with Fudge securing a majority of the votes in what can only be described as an upset. Fudge's victory marks a departure from the recent trend of seasoned, high-profile figures taking the helm, raising questions about the direction in which the wizarding world is headed.

Fudge, previously the Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, is known for his amiable demeanour and seemingly affable nature. Critics, however, argue that his lack of experience in the 'necessary departments' could pose a significant challenge in the coming years.

This unexpected win has sparked intense debate within magical circles, with some applauding the democratic process that allows for such surprises, while others express concerns about the readiness of Fudge to lead in times of uncertainty. Notably absent from the ministerial race was the head of the Ancient and Magical of House Black, Arcturus Black, whose decision not to run surprised many.

With the tenure of Minister Fudge looming on the horizon, the magical community is bracing itself for what could be a period of significant change. Only time will tell whether Fudge's victory will usher in an era of stability or whether the wizarding world will face unforeseen challenges under his leadership. For our prediction of his time as minister and the laws he's going to pass, turn to page 11.




"Wait, Millicent Bagnold is retiring?"

"She's planning to end her run for office at the start of February, and Fudge is going to take over mid-February," Lee said as he turned the pages in the newspaper.

"Cornelius Fudge became minister of magic. Who would have thought?"

"Whoever betted on him would make a killing."

"Hey, Albert, didn't you bet on Fudge?"

"He did. How much did he bet?"

"25 galleons, if I remember correctly."

"That means he's going to make 75 galleons of profit."

"Ollivander wasn't wrong. My wand is lucky."

"Albert, you know how we're like your best friends; can you donate some to us?"

"Please. 5 galleons, no 3, any amount will do."

"You, stop begging for money," Lee said with an annoyed look. "It's rude."

"I'll give you each 3 galleons with your Yule presents if that makes you happy," Albert said.

"Yes, really happy."

"We'll even show you our most precious item."

"And we'll lend it to you if you ever need it."

"You mean the Marauder's map? I would have just asked you guys if I ever needed it," Albert said. "Lee, does it say when I'll receive my winnings?"

"It says they'll give it within 3 months of Fudge being in office. The dates may vary, but they'll try to get your money to you."

"That news has come at a good time. I was running low on funds after buying presents for my family," Albert said.