Chapter 106

Although the Daily Prophet announced that the prize money would be delivered after Cornelius Fudge came into office, they delivered a large majority of the winnings within two weeks via owls. Most people speculated that Fudge asked them to hurry up the process to boost public sentiment, and it worked. The public had an overall positive sentiment towards him.

The snowstorms were still ongoing and were starting to be a problem for the general populace. Some orders were being lost because owls were hit during the storm. The Daily Prophet sent a letter to Albert earlier this week, saying they delivered his winnings. Albert responded, saying he didn't receive it. They replied that they'd send it again, but this time he had to sign for it.

In the Great Hall during breakfast, Albert and a few other students received an owl at the same time. All of them had a small bag and a letter attached to their legs. The owls landed in front of the recipients, and using their beaks, they handed the money bag and a letter to the recipient. This attracted the attention of others; however, Dumbledore made an announcement for everyone to mind their own business. If people were willing to share, then they would find out why the owls were there.

Albert stretched his hand out to receive the letter and the bag for the owl. The owl then moved closer and started staring intently at the letter. Picking up the owl's intention, he opened the letter. It read:


To Mr. Albert August Anderson:


Congratulations on predicting the next Minister of Magic! Your initial bet was 25 galleons, and you won 100 galleons.

I am personally writing to you to apologise for our mistake when we tried to deliver your winnings earlier. After receiving a few letters from students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, we did an investigation into why you did not receive your winnings. The investigation concluded that some of the owls were hit during the snowstorm, and money was lost.

To remedy this situation, we have sent your winnings again. However, this time, we would like to open the cylinder on the owl's right leg. You will need to use a drop of blood to do this. After that, we require you to sign the document stating that you have successfully received your winnings. You will be able to open the pouch after you sign the document with the quill delivered alongside it. You may keep the quill after you finish using it.

We know this might not reach the intended recipient, so we drafted this document using magic. The documents were drafted in the presence of magic and are biding. The document states that you are indeed the intended target. If you are not, a pain far worse than death will be inflicted on you. For more information, please read the document.


Kind regards,

Barnabas Cuffe

Head editor of the Daily Prophet



After reading the letter, Albert put the letter away and reached for the cylinder on the owl's leg. The cylinder, a compact marvel of craftsmanship, measures no more than 10 centimetres in length, snugly fitting within the palm of one's hand. Crafted with meticulous precision, it emanates an aura of elegance and mystique.

Forged from a deep azure-hued metal, the cylinder exudes a sense of enchantment. Its surface is a canvas of rich blue, reminiscent of the depths of an ocean, capturing and reflecting light in a mesmerising dance. Glistening gold accents adorn its circumference, tracing intricate patterns that seem to tell a tale of ancient magic.

The cylinder's surface is embellished with captivating designs, reminiscent of arcane symbols and magical glyphs. These patterns, etched with remarkable skill, spiral around the cylinder, creating a seamless fusion of artistry and functionality. Underneath the fingertips, the cylinder boasts a smooth, polished texture, suggesting a masterful hand in its creation. The interplay of the cool metal against the warmth of the skin adds a tactile dimension to its allure.

Albert tranced his thumb around the top of the cylinder until he placed his thumb on a golden circle. Albert heard a small pop. He felt something prick his finger, and he quickly pulled his thumb away. He placed his thumd in his mouth and tried to suck the pain away.

Albert turned his eyes back to the cylinder and saw a small silver needle slowly retracting back down. As the needle returns to its original position, the golden runes adorning the cylinder undergo a breathtaking metamorphosis. The once-golden symbols, intricately woven into the metal, transition into a vivid shade of royal purple. This change unfolds within seconds.

With the completion of the rune transmutation, a subtle vibration coursed through the cylinder, resonating with the magic held within. It's as if the cylinder is now attuned to the touch of its rightful owner. In response, the cylinder's lid begins a slow, almost ceremonious ascent. A hushed creak accompanies the movement, creating an air of anticipation. The lid rises gradually, revealing the contents within. As the lid reaches its zenith, a whisper of smoke escapes from the now-opened cylinder, adding a touch of theatricality to the unveiling.

'A bit too theatrical for my liking,' Albert thought as he poured out the contents of the cylinder. There was the document that he needed to sign and a quill to sign it. After reading the terms and conditions, Albert signed it and placed the document back in the cylinder before tying it onto the owl's legs. After he did that, the owl flew back to where it came from.

By the time Albert had finished reading it, a Slytherin winner had revealed what the letter and the smoke were for. He then told the people around him that he had won 500 galleons. This went around the Great Hall, and the other winners also told everyone how much they won. Whether it was the actual amount or not, only the winners would know.

"Congratulations on winning," Shannon said as she looked up from reading her books.

"Thanks," Albert said as he put the pouch in his robe.

"How much did you win?" Angelina asked.

"100 galleons!" the twins shouted excitedly as if they had won the money.

"Woah, that's a lot of money," Angelina said. "I can't imagine how much quidditch gear I could buy."

"And all the magazines we could buy. Did you hear Lockharts is in the recent issue of 'Enchanté'? And did you see Lady Warbeck's latest outing wear range on 'Witching Hour'? Without that money, I could buy almost the whole range."Alicia said.

"What's 'Enchanté' and 'Witching Hour'?" Albert asked.

"They're fashion and glamour magazines," Shannon replied as she saw the confused gaze of Albert. "What? Although I may not look it, I like fashion and lifestyle magazines from both the magical and mundane sides."

"Shame, this is the last time we're going to see each other this year," Katie said. "I just got used to leaving my room with you guys."

"Don't worry, Katie; when we return, we'll act as if no time has passed," Katrina said. "Have you guys packed whatever you're taking home? We're leaving in like ten minutes."

"No, we haven't, have we, brother?"

"No, we haven't. We have to hurry up."

"We're the first ones leaving, so you could just join us later on the train. Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape are walking us to the Hogsmeade station," Lee said.

"I guess we'll meet you guys on the train later."

"Until then."

"Excuse me, if I could have your attention," Professor McGonagall said as she stood up with the wand at her throat. "As most of you should know, today is the last day of term. Those of you who are going home should have left your luggage outside your dormitory for the house-elves to take to the train. I would suggest that the plate in front of you is your last. If you are in year 1, could we ask you to gather at the courtyard in about ten minutes? Professor Snape and I will walk you to Hogsmeade Station. Everyone else, you can take the carriages at your designated time. Thank you, and I hope you have a joyful time away from Hogwarts. And for those who are staying here, don't do anything too mischievous."

After hearing that, nearly all the first-year Gryffindor made their way to the courtyard. They waited for the rest of the first-year students and the two professors. Once they arrived, they walked all the students to Hogsmeade. They allowed the students to run around for 15 minutes in Hogsmeade before guiding them to the station. The professors helped the younger students board, while some of the older students were arriving by carriage. 

Once Albert and his friends selected a carriage on the train and sat down, their luggage popped into the storage compartment. They waited for ten minutes before the train started moving. The twins joined them about twenty minutes after the train started moving. During the journey, they played UNO, chess, and Exploding Snap. The lady with the cart knocked on the door, and they all brought something. They all shared their snacks with each other.

Soon the train pulled up into Kings Cross Station. The students had to stay on the train for ten minutes before they started deboarding. The students grabbed their luggage and made their way outside onto Platform 9 and 3/4.

"I guess this is it. We wish both of you a very happy and joyful festive season," Angelina said as she first hugged Shannon and Albert quickly after. "We'll see you after the new year."

"Are you not leaving with us?" Shannon asked.

"No, we'll leave through the other exit," Angelina said.

"The other exit has a fireplace where we could use the floo system. You guys are taking the main entrance/exit back into the muggle side," Alicia said.

"Why don't you leave with the main exit?" Albert asked.

"There's a room where our parents stay and socialise. We're going to meet them there, and then go home," Katie said.

"Well then, see you after the holidays," Albert said as he hugged all his friends. Shannon also said her goodbyes before the two of them made their way to the muggle exit.

"I can see parents, Albert. Thanks for everything you've done for me," Shannon said as she put her bags down and hugged Albert. 

"No worries. I enjoyed spending time with you," Albert said as he went in for a hug. They separated after a few seconds. Shannon bent down, picked up a small package from her bag, and handed it to him.

"Don't open it until Christmas. Bye Albert," Shannon said as she picked up her bags and walked away towards a group of people waving to her. Albert put the small, wrapped package in his bag. He looked up and saw Shannon walking away. He started at her back for a few seconds before she turned around, smiled, and waved. Albert waved back. 

He started at her general direction for a few seconds before he felt someone clutch his hips.

"Who was that, dear? Was she someone special? Do we need to invite her to our house for Christmas?" Daisy as she walked hands-in-hand with her husband towards Albert.

"Mum, she's just a friend," Albert replied.

"Just a friend? I know that look from a mile away," Daisy said. "Your father always used to do that to me when I went to university."

"Ewh, gross. Brother, tell them to stop with their gross stories," Nina said.

"Mum, she's just a friend. Anyway, where are grandma and grandpa?" Albert asked.

"They're waiting at home," Herbert replied.

"Albert, can you tell me stories about Hogwarts? Please?" Nina said with puppy-doll eyes.

"Nina, what did I tell you? Story time is family time. Wait until we get home, so grandma and grandpa can hear as well," Daisy said as she picked up Nina.

"Come, kid, give me them bags. I parked the car quite far away," Herbert said as he took the bags and walked towards the exit with his family following behind him.