Dungeon break (5)

When the two S Rank Monsters heard this, they immediately lowered their heads and said, "My lord, we are here and awaiting your orders."

The black dragon's eyes swept over them and then said, "No, you two won't do at all."

Both of them trembled when they heard this and they were about to look up to say something, but the black dragon then said, "But you do fit another role that I have in mind…"

Hearing this, their tense hearts dropped as they felt a wave of relief fill them.

As long as the black dragon had a need for them, that was fine…

But then the black dragon's next words pulled their hearts back up into their throat.

"How would you feel about becoming the dungeon boss?"

Both of them suddenly looked up at the black dragon with eyes filled with shock and confusion. They understood the words that came out of the black dragon's mouth, but neither of them could really understand what these words meant.

However, neither of them dared to say a single thing because they knew who the true master of this dungeon was.

Naturally it was the black dragon.

So for the black dragon to say this…

After a long silence, both of them suddenly said, "My lord, we wouldn't dare!"

But the black dragon just waved its hand…claw and said, "No, no, I need you two to become the dungeon boss. After all, the dungeon won't close unless the dungeon boss is defeated and the dungeon core is destroyed."

Both of them were suddenly stunned when they heard this and looked up at the black dragon in a daze.

The Goblin Emperor was the smarter of the two and quickly figured out the meaning behind the black dragon's words. He looked up at the black dragon in a daze and said, "My lord…are you telling us to die?"

The Red Ogre trembled when he heard this and quickly turned back to look at the black dragon as well.

The black dragon just revealed what seemed to be a smirk as it said, "All I said is that I need the dungeon boss to be defeated and the dungeon core to be destroyed, did I say anything about dying?"

The Red Ogre also quickly understood what was happening and revealed a look of panic along with the Goblin Emperor.

Was the black dragon not telling them to die?

It was basically saying that it was abandoning them to their fate and if they died, they died. But they would certainly have to be defeated since the black dragon had already planned for them to be defeated.

Would the humans spare them after they defeated them?


That was just how the relationship between humans and monsters was.

The Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre immediately bowed their heads and said, "My lord, we promise that we can serve you well, please do not abandon us! We brought our races and followed you all the way from Ethra, you can't just throw us away like this!"

The black dragon narrowed its eyes when it heard this. It blew out a plume of smoke in the faces of these two and said, "Are you telling me what to do?"

The Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre jolted before quickly shaking their heads.

Even if they were to be abandoned, they didn't dare order the black dragon around. They didn't even dare speak too harshly towards it because they knew that it could kill them both with just a flick of its claw.

That was the reason why they had abandoned everything back on their homeworld to follow it to this world.

That was right, it was the black dragon that had created this dungeon break.

The black dragon was a creature that was more than strong enough to create a dungeon like this.

It had one day suddenly smelled something delicious drifting through the cracks of space and it had wanted to track it down. That was why it had created this dungeon break in this world.

The black dragon gave another snort which released a plume of smoke in their faces. Then it took out an orb that was the same size as a human head and dropped it in front of them before saying, "This is yours now. Do your best and maybe the humans won't kill you."

Then without even giving them a chance to say anything, it picked up the Fenrir and disappeared on the spot.

As the Fenrir was picked up, it looked at the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre with a look of pity. Before it thought that it would be the one in danger…of losing its innocence, but now all it could do was feel pity for the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre.

As for the wolves that followed it, it didn't have any intentions of saving them.

They were just wolves that had submitted to it after it had beaten them up for attacking it. They followed it on their own and it had never acknowledged them as its subordinates.

Even when they followed it to follow the black dragon, it had just let them do what they wanted because it didn't want to seem too weak in front of the black dragon.

But there was no obligation for this Fenrir to protect these wolves.

So it left without any hesitation since its own life was the most important thing right now.

The Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre that had been left behind looked at each other with blank stares before turning to the dungeon core in front of them. As they looked at this dungeon core, they revealed determined looks.

For them, their lives were also the most important thing, so they didn't want to take this and die.

In fact, if they were able to survive with this dungeon core, it would be considered an opportunity for them.

After all, becoming the dungeon master of this dungeon would mean gaining the benefits that came with that title. They would be able to absorb mana directly from the dungeon which would help them become stronger.

If they absorbed enough mana, there was even a chance for them to evolve even further.

But of course, there was only one dungeon core and one dungeon master role…Only one of them would be able to take it.

Still, it wasn't the time for them to turn on each other just yet. Before they could fight over this dungeon core, there was something else that they needed to take care of first.

The humans!

If they didn't take out the humans, they wouldn't be able to fight each other to determine who would take this dungeon core. So before they did anything, they would have to clean out the mice first!

So both the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre turned to look at the humans standing there with sharp looks.

When Ryu and the other hunters felt the gazes of the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre falling onto them, they all felt a chill run down their backs.

They could tell that the way that the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre looked at them was completely different from before. Before they looked at them with restrained looks, but now…

There was no hiding the hostility that was in their eyes.

But before the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre could issue the order to attack, there was a voice that suddenly rang out.

"Big sister! Where are you!"

Right after that, there were many other voices that rang out.

"Maria! I'm coming to save you now!"

"You stay in the back, I'll be Maria's hero! I'll save her and then she'll love me!"


This last one was just a cold snort.

But the moment that these voices rang out, the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre felt a chill run down their back. They immediately turned in the direction that the voices came from and saw that there were a bunch of people running in their direction.

However, the aura of these people wasn't normal.

They were releasing their aura in full and they could feel the strength coming from them.

These people were much stronger than them, though they weren't as strong as the black dragon…However, the most important thing was that they were stronger than them.

Even if these two S Rank Monsters wanted to fight, they might be able to survive if it was a one on one fight…They might be able to win if it was a two on one fight, but with all these powerful people charging at them…they didn't stand a chance at all.

Both the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre couldn't help wanting to cry, but having no tears. They didn't know where all these powerful people came from, but why did they have to gather in this dungeon all at once?

Couldn't they follow the rules and come one after another?

Why did they all come at once?

With no other choice, the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre ordered their subordinates to charge at this group of people that had suddenly appeared, but it was naturally useless.

The ones that had charged into the dungeon were the S Rankers that had gathered.

It was like throwing an egg against a wall sending all of these weaker monsters at them.

In fact, the weaker monsters felt fear from the danger coming in that direction, so they didn't really want to go.

It was just too bad that their races were tribal races, so they had no choice but to listen to the orders of their leaders. Even if it meant that they would die following those orders…

But that was just the pressure that they suffered from the leaders of their race.

As for the wolves, they had no choice but to submit to the strongest monsters here, which were the Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre.

So the goblins, ogres, and wolves all charged at the S Rankers.

It only took a single instant for all of the monsters in the way to be destroyed. They almost exploded into guts and blood as the attacks of the S Rankers hit them head on, splashing out in all directions.

Of course, not a single bit of it splashed towards the S Rankers since the force that came from them blew it all away.

The Goblin Emperor and the Red Ogre had bitter looks on their faces, but they also raised their weapons to face the S Rankers.

It was just too bad that with all the S Rankers here, they didn't stand a single chance as attacks rained down on them.

They might have been able to resist one or two attacks, but this wave of attacks that fell on them ripped them to pieces. They didn't fare any better than the normal monsters and were killed in an instant.

Ryu and the other hunters couldn't help standing there with looks of shock on their faces.