The Kidnapper (Part-1)

"How dare you show your face here!" Pamela screamed. "You and your father are responsible for all of this! You tried to kill my son to get back at us for what happened to your family!"

Vivian's eyes filled with tears as she tried to defend herself, but Pamela continued to berate her. Her voice was filled with venom as she spewed accusation after accusation, blaming Vivian for everything that had happened to Eddie. The other people in the room looked at her in shock, unsure of what to do.

Christopher stepped forward, trying to calm Pamela down, but she pushed him away. "You stay out of this, Christopher! This is between me and her!" Pamela yelled, pointing a finger at Vivian.

Vivian was shaking with fear and guilt; her head was bowed as Pamela continued to lash out at her. It was clear that nothing she could say or do would convince Pamela of her innocence.

When Christopher saw the situation getting out of control, he held Pamela in his arms.