The Kidnapper (Part-2)

Abigail was shell-shocked. She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Sebastian," she murmured in a daze. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Abigail thought Sebastian and his wife were lovely, kind, and caring people. She had no idea he was capable of something as heinous as kidnapping. Her hair rose on her back as she remembered what Christopher had told her about Sebastian that day.

She did not believe him at the time. She now realized how dangerous he was. But she couldn't think of any motive for him to kidnap her.

Abigail had never offended him and never heard Christopher mention anything about him. Their rivalry was with the Simons. Why would Sebastian Hubbard, a businessman in Singapore, want to harm them? What enmity did he have with the Shermans?

"What is going on? Why am I here?" She tried to speak, but her voice was hardly audible. Her mind was spinning with bewilderment as she tried to piece together what was going on.