He is not for you.

Abigail snatched the photos from him. She blinked and looked at the photos, bewildered. She couldn't understand how he had taken photos with her when she was a baby.

Could her parents have known them?


They may have previously visited her parents and taken photos with her. Sebastian was now manipulating her with them. He definitely had malign motives.

Abigail's expression darkened. She clutched the photos and threw them away. She turned her fiery gaze at him and snapped, "You think you can manipulate me with these photos? You must have taken the photographs when you visited my parents." 

"I don't even know who Mr. and Mrs. Green are," Sebastian retorted. "It was just a coincidence that Maria happened to run into Rachel that night. To keep you safe, she handed you to her. She promised to return and take you back, but she never could go there. Please, Barbe, trust me. I am telling the truth."