Christopher’s pain

Christopher's lips curled a little in his sleep. In his dream, he saw Abigail wearing a beautiful blue dress with a matching necklace, her hair tied up in a loose bun. They were dancing in a grand ballroom with soft music playing in the background.

He twirled her, and she laughed with joy. He couldn't help but notice how stunningly beautiful she looked. Her eyes sparkled in the dim light of the room, and he felt like he was the luckiest man in the world to have her in his arms.

Happiness and contentment washed over him.

Christopher felt like nothing could go wrong in his life as long as he had Abigail by his side. He held her close, and they swayed to the rhythm of the music, lost in their own world.

Christopher smiled from ear to ear. He felt like he could dance with her forever and never get tired. The happiness he felt in the dream was so real that he didn't want to wake up. He wanted to stay in that moment forever and never let go of Abigail.