Tension between Christopher and Benjamin.

Christopher's initial shock and disbelief had swiftly given way to a boiling rage, and he couldn't bear to stay in the hall any longer. He stormed out of the hall, unable to look at them any longer.

Concern etched across Abigail's face, and she felt compelled to follow him. Her steps quickened as she tried to catch up with Christopher, her voice calling out to him softly amidst the fading sounds of celebration.


"Abigail, come over here." But before she could reach him, Gloria's voice interrupted her.

Abigail's eyes lingered on Christopher's departing form. She hesitated for a moment before walking up to Gloria.

Gloria, seemingly unaware of Abigail's inner turmoil, inquired, "Where have you been? I have been looking for you."

Abigail managed a faint smile as she tried to mask her inner turmoil. "I was..."