The rescue mission (Part-2)

Samuel, on the other hand, stood vigilant and ready to strike, his tension palpable. However, Christopher appeared remarkably composed and managed to ease the guards' concerns with a clever ruse.

He smiled casually, gesturing towards the backyard. "Oh, this isn't our blood. It's theirs." He gave a sly smile as he glanced at Samuel.

"Uh…" The guards exchanged looks, seemingly unsure of how to react. After a moment, the first one spoke up again. "Well, we kinda want to join in on the fun too. Can we go beat up Sebastian with the others?"

Samuel gritted his teeth and glared at them, wishing to pull his tongue out of his mouth. But Christopher just chuckled and shook his head playfully. "Sure thing, guys. We've got this covered."

"Are you sure?" The second guard asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement. The prospect of inflicting pain on their captive held an odd allure for him.