The bachelorette party

Inside the room...

Abigail and Vivian were in high spirits. They had retreated to the balcony, their giggles and whispers carrying through the night air.

"Have you noticed his face?" Vivian asked. "He is clearly disturbed. I can't believe he is getting so worked up over nothing. Let's keep ignoring him and make him even more jealous. I'm going to have a good time. Are you enjoying it?" She playfully nudged her on the arm.

Abigail nodded and said, "Yes, yes. He is trying to avoid me. Now, I'll make him jealous."

Vivian, always game for a little drama, eagerly agreed. "Oh, that's going to be fun. I'll help you torture him."

They sat on the balcony, their light-hearted conversation filling the air.

An hour later…