Hard Job

#Chapter4 Hard Job

/" Kyungsoo !/"

I don't know how long it has been since I started hating hearing my name .especially when it comes from their mouths .

/"Kyungsoo !/"

his voice makes me puke .and I would give everything to just punsh in his stupid handsome face .

but unfortunately it wasn't that easy .

I packed the sandwiches in 3 boxes along with carrots for Eunji strawberries for my stepdad and paprika for Seungsoo

holding them tight I rushed upstairs and into the room of my beloved stepbrother Seungsoo .

/"Seungsoo you need to get up you have an appointment/" I opened the curtaina and the windows to let fresh air into the room as I layed his box with food onto the table .

/" Kyungsoo !/"

quickly I hurried out of Seungsoos room .heading towards eujins room , where I placed her box onto the table .its saturday after all so she doesn’t have to get up early it’s just her breakfast because I’ll be gone for work and Seungsoo will be with my stepdad at the dentist .

/" Kyungsoo !/" his voice was getting louder, so I speeded up and almost ran towards his room .

I opened the door gently and held his box in my hands .

/" Where were you I called a dozen times !/"

where was I supposesupposed to be !? I had to run to the grocery store and back to make it in time. of Corse I couldn’t hear him .

/" I'm sorry /" I still apologize though .because he was simply scary and I'm already receiving a punishment .I don't need it to get worse .

/" Give me my box /" he reached his hand out from his seat and I quickly handed him the box.

he looked inside as if checking if I were doing it right .

/" the sandwich ?/"

/" Just a little butter .instead of tomatos, eggs ,fresh bacon and no salat ... and the strawberries beside /" I informaned him .I was doing this a thousand times .they always had different wishes but I didn't bother anymore. its

normal to me now .

/" Eujin ?/"

/" Just tomatos, bacon, salat and the carrots /"

/" Seungsoo ?/"

/" Just bacon and butter .. and the paprika /"

he nodded in approval, closing the box again as he stood up and walked to a different desk on the otherside of the room .

/" Wake up Seungsoo /"

I hated his voice ,his comands .it disgusts me, how he knows that he can order me around and do whatever he wants. but what could I possibly do? .

so without further or do I just nodded and headed to Seungsoos room. to wake him for their appointment at the dentist .

no he doesn’t have old teeth. he just gets that special toothpaste to make his teeth whiter for the ball .after all he's going to go after Jongin .just the thought of those 2 together made me want to burn the whole house down .

/" kyungie /" a giggling Baekhyun entered the diner jumping like little red riding hood over to me which makes me smile in instand .that idiot always manages to make me smile somehow .

/" What now ?/" I questioned as soon as he stood in front of me with only the counter between us as I washed over it with a cloth .

dreamingly he exhaled as he looked at the wall /" Chanyeol /"

oh god here we go again,I rolled my eyes .

/" Are you feeling better today ?/" he then turned back to me and I just rolled my eyes ... again .

/" yeah /" it was easy to say that because yesterday I was mainly feeling down because of my stupidly towards Jongin but all that kind of slipped to the back of my head because all the space was taken by

the punishment .

/" Are you sure ?/" his eyes looked at me sceptical

/" Yes I'm sure beak just tell me what happened /"

/" ok /" he took a deep breath, and I knew this was going to be something /" Chanyeol decided to start dancing and ... /"

he seemed to have stopped himself from continuing which made me frown ./" and ..?/"

nervously his pupils moved from side to side, and it made me even more curious .

/" beak, and .. what ?/"

I nearly collapsed when the door to the diner opened and Chanyeol walked in with yoona and Jongin

freezing as they took a seat I literally sank to the floor and covered my eyes under my glasses

taking steady breaths .

oh my god I really turned out to be the most pethetic human being .

I was never so afraid of people before but ever since that whole Jongin thing started I took interest in what other might think of me or how they would see me..its so frustrating .

/" Kyungie ?/" I heard beak calling but I didn't dare move .

/" Kyungsoo ?/" at the sound of Yixing’s voice I finally removed my hands off my eyes to see him looking confused down to me from the window to the kitchen .

/" what are you doing?/"

I swallowed hard blinking as I rubbed my knees .and adjusted my glasses .while I slightly brushed my long hair away from my eyebrows .only to feel them landing back on them .why was I so ugly .

/" Kyungie what are you doing /" it’s now bakes voice again and he leaned over the counter .

I released a sound of distress and got a little up just to peek with my eyes, seeing how Jongin laughed with yoona /" oh no/"

/" What ?/"

my eyes traveld back to my best friend and I stood a little taller .

/" there/" I tried my best to sign over to their table .

luckily he understood and soon spotted them as well smiling widly

/"Why ? do you guys know them?/" Yixing questioned from behind us and me swallowed once more .

/" Its Jongin /" beak answered amused and I just wanted to go hide behind the counter again .but unfortanatly I have a friend in front of me who doesn’t let me .

/" don't you want to serve the guests ? they are waiting /" he teased and I punshed him hard on his upper arm causing him to shrug back and whine like a baby ./" ou!.. /"

/"Baek you gotta serve them for me/" I pleaded but his eyebrows formed into an apo logic position

he bit his lips before he opened his mouth /" I'm sorry but .. channie's there and ../"

I sighed .. yeah sure I understood him /" and you don't want his friends to pull him away from you/"

/" I'm sorry /"

I whimperd as some new customers entered the diner making me more anxious .

come on Kyungsoo be a fucking man!

/" don't worry /" I inhaled deeply

/" I'm going to do this /"

I took the menu and stomped over there when suddenly reality hit me in my chest, and I whined stopping in my tracks as I was about to turn back again but unfortunately beak noticed and pushed me foreword before I could even chicken out again .

a squeak left me as I stumbled and came to a halt in front of them

/" Em .. em ./" I stuttered holding the menu shakingly as I tried not to look into Jongins direction and instead at the others .

they all turn to me, and I could already see the smirk creeping up on yoonas face

/" it’s you again .. should have known that we'll see you here /"

somehow that just turned a handle in my head and I answered unconsciously .

/" what did you expect ? you know it’s the diner I work at /"

my eyes grew as I said that, and she looked pissed .

it was kind of awkward again as I suddenly heard a pressed back laugh and turned to Jongin who smirked hiding his mouth behind his fist trying not to .. laugh ?

a hit to him from yoona pulled me back to look at her .

since there were no more words to say from me I just layed down the menu for each one of them and grabbed something to write when the words came back to me

/" d-do you want something to drink first ?/"

/" Oranger juice /" Jongin slowly grabbed the menu .smiling at me and I could have sworn I felt like my heart stopped at his beautiful smile ...

/"water/" Chanyeol was the next to order

/" I want lemon water you can put the lemon in the water if you know what I mean /" her bitchy smile made me angry .what was her problem ? I'm not stupid!

/" but if you put lemon in there you should cut it thin, and I at least want 2 slices-/" I wrote everything down quickly trying to follow her stupid wishes until Chanyeol cut her off finally .

/" God, yoona it’s a diner not a restaurant just order a damn drink /"

thank you, thank you, thank you !

omg .

/" but you heard me shorty so don't mess it up/" so she decided to keep her drink the way it is .

I rushed back and filled the glasses with their drinks .as Baekhyun stared at the back of Chanyeols head with a smile .

/" you know you can walk over and sit with him I don't mind /" I assured him as I cut the lemon for yoona .

/" Kidding me ? yoona is there too and she’s an annoying bitch stupid cheerleader, if I walk over there I would have to leave with them too .. ew /"

Baekhyun once more managed to made me giggle .but also the more guilty .. Baekhyun is not going over there because he wanted to spend me company .

I breath out as another customer entered and I took the plate with the 3 drink and made my way over to them feeling my heartbeat speed up once more .oh how I hated being nervous .

I didn't even say anything anymore,I just placed the drinks on the table. and turned around to quickly walk to the new customer

but I stopped for one split second when I heard that perfect voice of Jongin .

/" thanks/"

so carefully .and gentle I opened the door. it looks really weird the way I'm doing it because this old door isn’t really quiet and I was secretly hoping my stepdad had forgotten about the punishment .

when the door was open, and I heard nothing I carefully took a few steps towards the under stair storage .since he couldn’t get me once I am inside .


fuck .

/" Kyungsoo /"

I swallowed a single sweat drop falling from my forehead as I exhaled shakingly turning around to see the men I was afraid of facing the whole day .

he exhaled too folding his arms in one another /" you know .. forgetting is a really really terrible thing /"

/" i-I'm sorry ../" I sounded like an idiot stuttering scardly .

/" You know I really hate punishments-/" he started calm but I cut him off .

/" then don't do it I'm sorry .it was a one-time thing it won't happen again I promise please-/"


I flinch back and the keys landed on the ground as I darted my eyes elsewhere bringing new silence to this situation as I swallowed once more .

I hate moments like those it makes my stomach turn and my heart scream .

he suddenly chuckled lowly and I looked back into his eyes shocked but scared .

/" it was a one-time thing /" was he imitating me now ? does he find this funny !?

/" You know when I came back home .. Seungsoo wanted to play a game in the gaming room /"


tears sprung in my eyes as I realized I had forgotten to clean the gaming room last night .

I instandly looked into his eyes my tears dropping to the ground

/" I'm so sorry please please I didn't I-/" I couldn’t finish talking as he slapped me causing me to fall to the side before he grabbed my hair and pulled me with him into the kitchen .pushing me to the ground as I cried .


one kick to my side as I cried

/" I don't know !/" pathetic I'm such a pathetic human being and he was just showing me how weak and stupid I was .kicking me over and over again as he repeated with questions like .

why did you forget ?

what did you do ?

calling me an idiot .stupid

a waste .

trash ..

and the list goes on .

I was now spitting blood as I deservedly tried to inhale air .

I screamed, I cried, I sobbed until my vision was too blurry to even see something else then the angered eyes of him burning into me .

and it wasn't even the punsihment yet .

/" Please stop ../" I had no voice left it hurt .my stomach hurt .and I was trying really hard not to puke out what already crawled up my throat .

he grabbed the back of my neck and slammed me against the counter just above the kitchen sink .

/" I know why you forgot .you were probably tired right ?/"

my breath was so speed up I couldn’t even reply to him at that moment .

/" I understand .. I mean you've got a job to do and school right ?/"

I knew he was just talking goody goody because he was enjoying this moment .seeing me helpessly in his oh so strong and mighty hands .

/" But still .. there are FUCKING PEOPLE OUT THERE ../" he inhaled yelling so loud that I could have sworn he even spit on my back while doing so as he still held me over the sink I was squeezing my eyes /" WHO HAVE IT WORSE ! AND HERE YOU ARE FORGETTING SOMETHING LIKE THIS ! you know what you are ? huh ? you know !? you are nothing but trash unwanted trash ! consider yourself lucky, unwanted trash, that you even had a place to go !/"

words shouldn’t hurt I mean there is no bruise left after words were said right ? since I can't see one?

words. don't. hurt ! right !?

I closed my eyes swallowing and shedding a few silent tears as I heard him open the counter .

grabbing a wooden long spoon .

please God,

please help me

I'm scared I'm so fucking scared . I don't want to get hit again it hurts. I don't want to die either why can't I live normal what did I do to deserve this I .. I'm sorry ok .. I'm so sorry just please help me .

mum ? mum ? please-


/" AAh !/" I screamed in pain .shaking when the spoon met my back hard .


/" What did you do wrong !?/"


/"AAHA! .. i-I f-forgot ../"


/" What are you!?/"


I couldn’t breath and I feel it all coming up I couldn’t even scream


my body arched and I would have collapsed if he didn't press me against the kitchen sink .

/" ANSWER !/"

/" t-tra-sh /" I stutter. someone helps me please any way. please ..

he let go of me and I sink to the floor shaking like crazy .every movement hurt and those were only 6 hits .my throat burned and my stomach turn I could no longer hold it back as everything came up and my puke splatterd all over the floor .leaving me with even less energies as it was almost like water since I haven’t really eaten that much lately .

I could hear his laughing as I couldn’t stop at first and started chocking fightinf for air .

I was panting as I was finally done .

/" you're disgusting you know that .. /" He whispered and I cried like a baby again tears mixing with my puke I really was disgusting .my glasses were long gone laying somewhere else in the room so I tried to rub my eyes to see better through my tears .and bits of hair .

/" You haven’t learned anything have you ..

you just continue this time with ruining my kitchen !/"

/" i-I'm sor-ry ../" I sobbed betweent he breaths

/" Get up ! .. I said get up you are fucking baby !/"

I did as he said getting onto my feet in pain .

/" 30 /" he spoke, and I closed my eyes .knowing what it meant as he pulled my shirt up and I grabbed the handle of the drawers over the kitchen counter .





when someone you love dies ..

what is one of the things people tell you the most ?





to me they said .

she will always be by my side





they said .she will watch over me now.


mum ?,

are you watching ?