#Chapter26 Thank you
Well then ..
A few days have past actually and no I didn't ask him about dray and his scars . I felt stupid to push him and maybe I was a little scared that I would go too far with my questioning .
On top of that I didn't want to ruin his mood either, maybe dray was someone important to him he'd lost . Like his brother. I just assumed dray was his brother since that's the only close person I know to him other
than his mother .
And yes we went to school . Still boring but one thing changed .
The first day and the second where we returned was just weird . He took a hold of my hand whenever he could using the excuse that his leg hurt and he couldn't walk that well still .
I didn't mind tho and after the first week it became normal to us . Holding hands and being together in the breaks. Me listening to him whine about how hard all the classes were and even helping him work on some projects on his laptop .