

Joel's P.O.V.

Asa Finch was many things, but normal wasn't one of them.

I had known it from the very first time my eyes had met his; there was a child-like wonder in his gaze and he walked through his life like there was a giant umbrella above his head, protecting him from every evil thing in the world.

I wasn't sure what had drawn me in. I really couldn't say what had prompted me—besides it being my job—to go over and introduce myself. There was something about his smile, each one that lit up his face making him seem happier than a little kid on Christmas morning, that I had found fascinating. Captivating, even.

The first time I had met him, he had stolen my attention; around him, my train of thought became compromised. I lost focus.

I had hoped that the more time I spent around him, the more my fascination would decrease. I had been wrong. The more time I spent around him, the deeper beneath my skin he clawed.