

/"Next Tuesday, are you doing anything?/" Joel said as he gunned out of the parking space, tires squealing as he spun the car out of the bay backwards, flipping it into forward motion. /"We both have the day off./"

/"It's wet, Joel,/" I criticized. /"Drive safe. But I dunno. Me and Quinn are gonna watch Christmas movies on Sunday and go see the sea lions on Monday. We haven't decided on Tuesday./"

Mainly because I knew that Joel wouldn't be at work and I had been hoping that we were going to do something together instead.

/"It's my brother's birthday on Monday. I told him I would drive up on Tuesday./"

/"Oh,/" I said with a grin. /"And you needs my permission? I will lets you go but only if you come for ice cream with me first./"

/"Need your permission?/" Joel asked slowly. /"Oh, cupcake, you really are in an even stranger mood than usual today. Bless you./"

/"I didn't sneeze./"