After negotiating with Amael and striking a deal, Freyja made her decision—she would go to Utopia. It wasn't because she particularly wanted to, but after the recent attack on Elyen Kiora, she no longer felt safe. Her palace had been left drenched in the stench of blood, its halls littered with the corpses of those who had fallen. The sight of it had been disgusting for Freyja.
She ordered her remaining servants to cleanse the palace, though she knew no amount of scrubbing would wash away the memory of it. In the meantime, she needed somewhere to stay. Utopia was the obvious choice.
Durathiel had urged her to go there from the very beginning. In hindsight, it was clear that he had already suspected something was wrong with Kendel's supposed generosity in sending so many of his men to Elyen Kiora.