Freyja hovered above the ruined capital of Utopia, her gaze sweeping across the devastation below. For once, she found herself at a loss for words.
The city was now little more than a battleground, littered with wreckage and the lingering remnants of an earth-shaking clash. Fortunately, most civilians had long since evacuated, safely residing in Elyen Kiora and the other cities ruled by the Blood Elves and Dark Elves. Only Utopian Knights remained here, and some nobles.
And thank the heavens for that.
Freyja's golden eyes flickered as she surveyed the destruction. Though Durathiel and Amael hadn't fought in every corner of the city, the sheer force of their battle had left its mark on the city. The shockwaves of their clashes alone had been powerful enough to level structures hundreds of meters away, and the remnants of their Sins carried an even more devastating aftershock.