Thane had expected to be taken by the guards, put into manacles and locked into the deepest cell available at the Hold. Instead, Arcturus dismissed everyone in the chamber and invited him to take a seat.
Thane refused, informing Arcturus he’d prefer to stand.
Arcturus dismissed his stubbornness with a wave of his hand and picked up a remote and with a press of a button, lowered a large white screen over the decorated walls.
The lights around them dimmed and an image of a world map came into view. Contained within the map were coven territories, planned expansions of those territories, names of political and world leaders with a tiny profile picture next to each name and where they were located, the exact times of dawn and dusk, projected numbers of newly turned vampires and coordinates sitting next to several symbols of what looked like a human skull with a crack in the forehead and rams horns sprouted from the temples.