
"We are going to eat breakfast, then your father and All Might can take you to the doctor to get your quirk checked and registered. I will stay home to prep for the party later," mom says to us after we break the hug.

"Ok! Uncle Toshinori sit next to me, please," I say breaking free and running over to the table to eat pancakes and pointing to the seat next to me.

"Sure thing, young Akihiko," my uncle says while he laughs and nods his head sitting next to me.

Once we are done eating breakfast, my dad drives me and my uncle to the doctor to get my quirk tested and registered. On the way there I was daydreaming about what kind of hero I'm going to become, while my Uncle and dad were talking about our family still living over in the USA. Arriving at the doctor's office we step inside since it is early in the morning and not many people are there. The people who were there recognized my uncle though and asked for autographs or pictures. After waiting for a few minutes the doctor came to get us with my Uncle escaping his fans' grasps following behind us quickly.

"The fame getting to you?" dad says to my uncle with a laugh, making my Uncle laugh too.

"No, I am happy that I can provide so many people with safety and happiness. Plus I wanted to see more about young Akihiko's quirk," my uncle says while patting my head and making me smile. Once we get inside the room where the doctor takes us he asks me to sit down at the table, and I follow his instructions. Where my dad told him what happened this morning with my quirk and my wings are still out too.

"So Akihiko, your dad told me that your quirk might have something to do with flight. I can see you have three sets of wings and they look very nice. Can you do anything else?" the doctor asks me as my dad and uncle look at me with smiles and thumbs up.

"Uhh, I'm not sure. I woke up and my wings were just there. They feel like I've always had them and I can kinda control them a bit now," I say as I bring my wings around to feel them, they feel smooth and soft like silk.

"Ok, well I'm going to run some tests. First is a blood test, it will be a slight pinch for a bit ok," the doctor says bringing out a needle I get slightly nervous but seeing my dad and Uncle smiling at me I calm down a bit.

"Huh, well he might have extra durability too," the doctor says as he looks down at the bent needle. That he tried to use to draw some blood from me.

"It's no problem, we have special needles for this," the doctor says and brings out a larger needle making me nervous again. Once again the needle bends after he tries to draw blood again.

"Looks like extreme durability. This needle is made with a diamond and obsidian tip, to pierce even the toughest skin should be possible," the doctor says with a shrug.

"So no blood test....are you sure you don't feel like you can do anything else?" the doctor asks me as he puts the needle away.

"I'm not sure," I say with a shrug and nervous smile.

"Ok, well it is possible for more powers to form or show themselves later in life. Though for now, we will register your quirk as flight and durability," the doctor says writing some things down.

"Did you want to call it anything?" the doctor asks me and we all go silent to think for a bit.

"Young Akihiko reminds me of an Angel, so maybe along those lines," my uncle says after everyone falls silent.

"Yeah, my quirk should be called Archangel, like the leaders of the angels. I'm going to be the number one hero when I grow up like my Uncle one day too!" I say with determination in my eyes. My dad smiles at me and my uncle laughs while giving me a thumbs-up.

"Ok then we will register your quirk as 'Archangel'," the doctor says smiling at me.

Driving back home, I can see my mom is still set up for the party. My dad and Uncle help her set up everything after we tell her what happened at the doctor's office. Then they let me go upstairs to play before the party. Though instead of playing with my toys I mess around with my wings and super durability as the doctor said. My wings are becoming more comfortable and now like a body part that I was born with. I can control them freely like I always knew how to, with a simple thought I can make them revert back inside me and then bring them back out at will. After a few hours of messing around with my wings, I heard the knocking downstairs of my friends arriving for my party.

"Akihiko! Shota and Hizashi are here!" mom says after answering the door. I rush downstairs making my wings revert, so I can surprise my friends.

"Happy Birthday Akihiko," Shota says smiling at me and giving me his present for me.

"YEAH HAP-ppy birthday Akihiko!" Hizashi begins to shout with his quirk but Shota quickly turns it off with a glare at him.

"Sorry," Hizashi says with a nervous laugh and handing me my present from him.

"Thanks, guys!" I say taking their gifts happily.

"Uhm, honey where are your wings?" mom asks me since now my parents and uncle noticed my wings are gone.

"Wings?" Shota and Hizashi say at the same time looking at me confused.

"Oh Akihiko got his quirk?!" Shota's mom says realizing the situation. My parents nod their heads at everyone.

"Mom! I wanted to surprise them!" I say with a huff and my mom just laughs at me annoyed face.

"Sorry honey, I didn't know you could hide them. Is that what you were doing in your room?" mom says to me.

"Yeah I was playing around with them," I say with a shrug.

"Young Akihiko you should be careful with your quirk. As you just awakened it and need time to learn and adjust to it," my Uncle says smiling at me and I nod my head to him, he gives me a thumbs up in response.

"JUST– sorry…. Just show us already!" Hizashi says with an excited look. I smile at them and immediately my wings appear behind me fully expanding, as I put my hands on my hip and laugh like my uncle.

"WOW! SO COOL!" Hizashi yells in surprise and Shota glares at him covering his ears.

"Loudmouth is right, that is cool," Shota says after rubbing his ears and Hizashi's face becomes red in embarrassment. Though our parents all laugh at our interaction.

"Shota see if your quirk makes mine disappear like Hizashi's," I say after we headed upstairs to my room to play while our parents talk downstairs.

They both become curious too. As I have my wings out, Shota stares at me and we can see the glint in his eye appear a few seconds after focusing on me. It seems it did nothing as my wings are still out and I can still use them as usual, even fly.

"I guess it only works on none physical quirks," Shota says after rubbing his eyes and we both nodded agreeing with him.

"OH! Akihiko, can you pick me up I want to see what flying is like!" Hizashi asks me after we tried to see if Shota could stop my quirk.

"Sure!" I say walking behind him and grabbing him under his arms. I then struggle to lift us in the air slightly but can lift him up after forcing my wings to flap harder.

"THIS IS SO– sorry this is amazing!" Hizashi says laughing as I fly us around my room.

"Hey! I want a turn too!" Shota says seeing us flying around. After taking turns flying them around my room, we then head downstairs for dinner and then cake.

The year flies by now that we have our quirks and being to mess around with them. My quirk makes me popular among the other kids at the playground, though I was told not to fly anyone around outside my home. I can only play with my quirk at home and under one of my parents' supervision for now, as they don't want me hurting myself. Then the time came for my friends and me to go to school, luckily we are all going to the same school together. Shota and I would have gone to the same school regardless because we live so close to one another, but Hizashi is on the other side of town from us.

"Akihiko! Come on, we don't want to be late for your first day of school!" mom says as she yells for me to hurry up. But I'm making sure I bring my All Might action figures to show off.

"Coming mom!" I say rushing downstairs and following her to the school we are going to. Now that I'm five and have had my quirk for a year, I can easily control my wings and call them out or in almost immediately.

"Wait! Akihiko come back here," mom says as I try to run off into the classroom excited for my first day. Stopping I turn back to her and run back to my mom.

"Yeah, mom?" I say with an annoyed look. Though she just chuckles and gives me a kiss on my forehead before letting me go.

"Now you can go," mom says as I smile and give her a hug. Then I run inside the classroom and see Shota sitting near Hizashi in the middle of the room. Seeing an open seat next to Shota making him in the middle of Hizashi and me, I sit down.

"Hey guys! You excited?!" I say after taking my seat and smiling at them.

"YEAH!" Hizashi says and gets a red face as everyone looks at him after hearing his loudness. He can control his voice a lot better now but still loses control when he gets excited.

"I was, but now I don't know if I will be able to hear today," Shota says glaring at Hizashi who gives him a nervous smile.

"Well, this is the start of our journey to becoming heroes!" I say ignoring the glare Shota is giving Hizashi. They both then become excited again hearing my statement.

"True! We are going to have to be the best to go to the school that makes heroes though," Shota says with a determined smile.

"What school?" Hizashi asks as he never really looked into how to become a hero or heard about it.

"U.A High! Come on, Hizashi you have to have heard about it! It's the most famous school in the country!" Shota says looking at him with an annoyed glare.

"Sorry! How was I supposed to know that?! No one in my family is a hero!" Hizashi says annoyed at Shota.

"Calm down guys! People are looking at you guys like crazies," I say the last part hushed and they both look around seeing the other kids look at us. They both become red-faced in embarrassment.

"Hello kids, I'm going to be your teacher for the year. You can call me Sensei Nakamura," the young woman who entered the room says to us.

"Let's start with introductions and what you want to be when you grow up, you can also tell us about your quirk if you want," Sensei Nakamura says to everyone after she ushers everyone to take a seat.


AN: I don't plan on making names for every single kid in the class, the only names I will make are recurring characters or important characters. Keep that in mind for the following chapters.