
Sensei Nakamura went around the room as each kid introduced themselves, most wanted to become heroes. Everyone also told us about their quirks, then came a girl our age with dark purple hair and crystal blue eyes.

"Hello, I'm Nemuri Kayama. I like cartoons, reading books, and watching All Might fight villains on TV. I also want to become a hero one day. My quirk is to put people asleep with the scent that I can release," Nemuri says as she introduces herself and sits back down. More kids go about introducing themselves until it becomes Hizashi and our turn after him.

"HELLO! Sorry, hello everyone I'm Hizashi Yamada. I like playing with my friends and reading comics. I'm going to be a hero too! My quirk is speaking very loudly!" Hizashi says introducing himself with the same excitement as usual. Though most people around him cover their eyes at his loudness in the beginning, with Shota glaring the most at him.

"Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. I like playing with my friends too and I'm going to be a hero one day. My quirk is to be able to cancel other people's quirks," Shota says standing up after Hizashi.

"Hi everyone, I'm Akihiko Yagi. I like All Might and think he's the best hero! And playing with my friends is fun too. I'm going to be the number one hero one day too! My quirk is flight," I say expanding my wings behind me and making everyone stare at me in awe. Though my friends just smirk at me for showing off.

The rest of the day was spent learning about all sorts of topics. Though we are finally able to go outside if we want for lunch and recess is right afterward. As my friends and I are sitting eating our lunch kids come up and talk to me about my quirk. I talk to them about it and how I can fly while showing off my action figures of All Might. Seeing my action figures, the girl Nemuri is staring at us from the corner of her eye.

"Hey Kayama, did you want to see my action figures?" I ask the girl who sitting with some other girls. She looks over to us and then seems to think about it, before nodding and coming over.

"Wow, these are the first ones to come out and new ones that aren't even out yet!" Nemuri says looking at my action figures of All Might. I smile in triumph as I have successfully shown off, making Shota roll his eyes at me and Hizashi just laugh.

"Yeah they are, I know someone who can give me them before they come out," I say with the same smile.

"That's so cool!" Nemuri says with a smile as she overlooks them.

"You can play with us if you want, also you can call me Akihiko, this is Shota and Hizashi too," I say reintroducing us in case she forgot, my two friends, nod their heads in agreement.

"Ok, sure! You can call me Nemuri too," Nemuri says with a smile and joins us at our table for the rest of lunch as we all talk about heroes. The rest of the day goes by with us learning more and then the bell rings telling us we can leave. Walking outside I see our moms waiting for us.

"Hi boys, how was your first day?" Shota's mom asks us as she is the first to notice us.

"Super fun! We learned a lot and made some new friends!" Hizashi says with an excited smile.

"That's good," Shota's mom says smiling at us. Then we start to leave the school with our moms separately, except Shota and I head together as we live near one another.

"Bye Akihiko and Shota, see you both tomorrow!" Nemuri says waving at us as her mom takes her home. Our moms smile at them and wave back.

"Oh, you boys made friends with a girl? She was cute," my mom says smirking at us as Shota's mom smiles too laughing slightly. Shota becomes embarrassed at their knowing smiles.

"NO! Akihiko made friends with her, showing off his quirk and action figures!" Shota says with an embarrassed face. I just smile and nod my head.

"Ah, your son is already a lady killer it seems. Good luck Sachiko," Shota's mom says to my mom giving her a fake sad smile. Now I feel my face flush with embarrassment, making both of them chuckle at me.

The next few months go by with me becoming the most popular kid in class due to my quirk and action figures of All Might. Though Shota and Hizashi are my still two best friends, it seems Nemuri has joined our group of close friends over these past few months. As spring break comes up my family is hosting a barbecue with my friends' parents and my Uncle. Though this will be the first time Nemuri and her parents learn that All Might is my Uncle. I was outside helping my dad set up the chairs and games outside, like cornhole.

"It is I Uncle Toshinori! How can I help?" I hear my Uncle say as he enters the house.

"You can help your brother and nephew outside, I'm almost finished up in here," mom says to my uncle and he comes outside.

"Hirohito and Young Akihiko did you miss me?" my Uncle says laughing with a bad in his hands.

"Yeah! How've you been?" I say running over to him and hugging him, as he picks me up and hugs me back.

"Eh, you are here like every week. Did you bring the buns?" my dad says with an indifferent shrug, making my Uncle deflate a bit.

"Yes, I did. I remember a time, when you used to be as excited to see me as Young Akihiko," my Uncle says to my dad with a fake sad look.

"I also remember a time, when my older brother wasn't such a loudmouth. Why do you enter our house always shouting?" my dad says and my uncle awkwardly smiles at him. My Uncle puts me down as I hear Shota and his parents enter the house. Running inside I see Shota walking to come outside.

"Hey, Shota! Want to play some cornhole while we wait for the others to get here?" I ask him after running inside.

"Sure," Shota says as we head back outside to see my dad and Uncle laughing as they drink beers together by the grill.

"Hi Mr.Yagi and All Might," Shota says as he is no longer nervous around me Uncle having met him a bunch already.

"Hi, Shota your parents inside?" my dad asks him and Shota nods.

"Hello young Shota, I've told you to call me Uncle Toshinori like young Akihiko. You are like family now," my Uncle says to Shota, as he just smiles at him nervously and nods his head.

Shota and I play a few games of cornhole as I showed him how to play, then eventually both Hizashi with his parents and Nemuri with her parents show up. Their parents stay inside for a bit talking with all the other adults as Nemuri and Hizashi come outside to us. Though my Uncle is manning the grill as my dad went inside to talk with the other parents.

"Hey, guys! Want to play some cornhole with us?" I say waving at them as Shota is getting annoyed from losing to me constantly.

"Sure!" Hizashi says walking over to us with Nemuri right behind him.

"Oh young Hizashi, how've you been? Hello young girl, you must be Nemuri Kayama. Akihiko has told me about you, I'm his Uncle Toshinori," my Uncle says turning around and hearing my friends come outside. Hizashi like Shota has gotten used to my Uncle and doesn't overreact. Though Nemuri has frozen up staring at my Uncle.

"Hey, I've been good," Hizashi says nonchalantly and continues over to Shota and me.

"You're... you're All Might! Wait! You're Akihiko's Uncle!" Nemuri says with a yell in surprise looking back and forth between me and my uncle.

"Yeah, sorry I was told to not go around telling everyone he is my Uncle. Though since you're one of my good friends now you can know. Though don't tell anyone please," I say walking over to my Uncle and patting his back as he laughs.

"He is right young Nemuri, now that you know please don't tell anyone," my uncle says with a serious but still smiling face. Nemuri just nods her head, still surprised at learning this information.

"Ok, Nemuri let's play some cornhole now," I say grabbing her arm and dragging her over to Shota and Hizashi as she snaps out of her surprise looking at us.

"WOW! Your uncle is All Might! That explains why you can get all the cool stuff so early!" Nemuri says with almost the same loudness as Hizashi making Shota glare at her, with me and Hizashi laughing at her reaction.

"Yeah you'll get used to it, the more you hang around Akihiko," Shota says with an annoyed look still directed toward Nemuri.

"I doubt it! That is All Might the strongest hero in Japan and maybe the world! How can you guys be so calm!" Nemuri says with an exaggerated expression. We all just shrug and go back to playing cornhole.

"Oh my god, you guys suck!" Nemuri says as we ignore her and continue playing the game. The rest of that day is spent with our parents drinking and laughing with one another. Then I take my friends up to my room and we play with all my action figures up there.

"Akihiko let me fly again!" Hizashi says as we are playing in my room.

"Fine, but only once I don't feel like flying you all around tonight!" I say giving them a serious look as Shota is about to say he wants to fly too.

"Wait Akihiko, you can make us fly?" Nemuri says as I bring out my wings.

"No, he can pick us up and hold us as he flies around. It's really fun, but our parents only let us do it inside, as they are afraid we could get hurt if we fly too high," Shota says as I pick up Hizashi and fly us around.

"Cool! Can I get a chance too?!" Nemuri asks seeing me fly around with Hizashi as he is laughing from flying around.

"Sure," I say and then land to pick up Shota next and fly him around for a few minutes. Landing again, I go behind Nemuri to pick her up and fly her around. Once I grab her and begin to lift us up, she tenses up a bit becoming nervous.

"I can put you down, I don't want to scare you," I say seeing her face become slightly nervous.

"No, it's fine. I want to see what it's like at least once," Nemuri says with a determined look toward me.

Nodding I lift her up and begin flying around my room, she became very nervous at first. From the looks of it slightly releasing her scent and my wings pushed it down into the faces of Shota and Hizashi making them pass out. Seeing them fall asleep we quickly drop down and check on them.

"Oh no! I lost control again! I'm so sorry," Nemuri says in a panic, but since only a little came out Shota and Hizashi begin to wake up quickly.

"What happened?" Shota says rubbing his eyes.

"Nemuri accidentally released her scent making you guys fall asleep," I say with a chuckle as Nemuri has a red face from embarrassment.

"Wait! Then how come you didn't pass out too!" Hizashi says pointing at me accusingly.

"I don't know maybe there wasn't enough or my wings blew it away from me into you guys," I say with a shrug and they just stare at me for a few seconds but shrug it off too.

"It's getting late kids! It's time for everyone to head home!" we hear my mom say as all the parents come back inside the house.

"It was nice meeting you all and you too young Nemuri," my Uncle says to everyone and gives a thumbs up at Nemuri before he leaves.


AN: For those asking about powers or love interests. Patience you will have to wait and see for more information. Make your own guesses, as the MC knows nothing much about his powers and will learn more as he grows to understand more about himself.