
My Uncle and Endeavor rushed inside the main warehouse while easily subduing the people inside. Rumi didn't waste time either while helping subdue some people, I just watched uninterested, and made sure Rumi was fine. The only thing that had me worried was there were using guns too, as is evident from the shots taken at us. Luckily everyone here is fast enough to avoid the gunfire or in Endeavor's case melt the bullets before they hit him.

Rumi seemed to have lost herself in the fighting as she was in the middle of a group, and one of the men looked like he was about to shoot her from behind. I immediately moved to intercept him, I grabbed his gun and the hand holding it breaking both in the process. The man screamed as he fell to his knees in pain, though I just ignored his cry of pain knocking him unconscious.

Though the feeling of hurting him and being surrounded by all these 'bad' or 'evil' people my fire was going crazy inside me. Like it wanted to burn everyone here to nothing. I was standing there trying to suppress this feeling of wanting to burn all these….sinners, that felt like the right word for them. Sinners deserved nothing but death and their only redemption is through bathing in my holy fire. My instinct is screaming at me while I stand still trying to control myself.

A gunshot right behind me rang out as a bullet struck me in the back of the head, but it just flattened on impact. However, that seemed to be the straw that broke my conviction from burning them all. I turned to the man and grabbed him by the face with both of my hands as I could feel something in my eyes change. It's like I could see everything the man has ever done wrong, this man is a murderer and rapist on top of dealing these drugs. My instincts had already taken over and made me burn the man while he remained in my grasp. His screams of pain from him made me smile slightly as the pain of all his sins burned him even more.

"Akihiko! Stop!" my Uncle yells at me as he rushes over to stop me. Though at this point I dropped the man on the ground who had turned to nothing but ash now. The ashes then scattered all around as the light breeze moved them.

"You killed him!" my Uncle says in disbelief, anger, and sadness. While the fighting seemed to have stopped now with Rumi and Endeavor coming over quickly after hearing my Uncle's outburst.

"All Might what is happening?" Endeavor asks as they come over and look between my Uncle and me. As we both stand there staring at one another in silence.

"Akihiko... he burned a man to death," my Uncle says breaking our small staring contest.

Though on the inside I was in turmoil as my instincts wanted nothing but to burn all the sinners. While my normal self wanted to kill those who hurt my parents, after taking my first life I was trying to cope with that. My Uncle's look of disapproval, disappointment, and anger didn't help me feel any better either.

"Is that true Akihiko?" Endeavor asks me with a neutral expression snapping me from my thoughts and I could see Rumi looking at me too. Rumi's look seemed to be nothing but concern for my well being though.

"Yes...though like before my fire was trying to let loose like it wanted to burn everyone here. I was trying to suppress that feeling when the man shot me from behind and made my instincts take over. That's when I burned him," I say trying to explain what just happened. Endeavor seemed to nod his head in understanding at me, Rumi seemed still concerned about me, while my Uncle had mixed emotions run across his face.

"Your fire didn't seem to leave anything that suggested you burned anyone to death, plus his ashes have already been disbursed. No one would know if we didn't say anything, plus these men are scum and if one died I see no issue with that," Endeavor says with a surprisingly indifferent voice after learning about what I did. Rumi seemed to agree with Endeavor as she gave me a reassuring smile.

"Fine....but we will talk later Akihiko," my Uncle says with an extremely serious voice after some silence takes over for a few seconds after Endeavor's statement.

We then walk outside to signal the police that everything has been taken care of. While Endeavor and my Uncle talk with the two police in charge, Rumi grabs my hand to lead me away from everyone to talk in private it seems.

"Akihiko, I just want to tell you that what you did may have been 'bad' but I believe what you said is true. All I'm trying to say is I'm here for you if you want to talk about it and I love you," Rumi says while giving me a worried smile and placing her hand on my face lovingly.

"Thanks Rumi and I love you too, but I don't want to talk about it right now," I say while giving her a hug which she reciprocated. Walking back we wait for my Uncle and Endeavor to finish their talk.

"We will leave tomorrow morning and say goodbye then. For now Akihiko, follow me," my Uncle says to everyone before giving me a neutral look and motion to follow him. Though this time he jumps and moves to the rooftops of the buildings until he finds one I guess that is closed off from others.

"Akihiko, were you serious about how your instincts made you want to burn the man?" my Uncle says to me after standing on the roof in silence for a few seconds.

"Yes," I say since I don't consider myself a liar and slightly annoyed that he doesn't believe me.

"Then from now on you are not allowed to use your fire when patrolling with me. Not until you learn to control these instincts, I will try to find a way to help in that area. I won't lie I'm disappointed that you killed someone tonight, a real hero doesn't kill even the worse villains–" my Uncle says though hearing his statement about villains pisses me off beyond belief.

"OH SHUT THE FUCK UP! If you had the balls to kill All For One the first time you fight him, then he'd never have killed my parents! I don't give a shit about your views on being a hero! Real heroes don't go around smiling like a jackass at the camera every time they save someone but move on to help the next. Some villains, criminals, or whatever you want to call them don't deserve to live!" I say with an outburst of anger while I feel something inside me break like a chain that held some of my hidden power. Though my Uncle just stared at me in silence at my outburst with his same neutral expression.

"Akihiko, there is a lot you don't understand. I too felt an unprecedented amount of anger and sought revenge against All For One, after he killed my Master. Though I learned that the path of revenge only leaves a bloody trail behind, plus I know my Master would've never wanted me to kill him or live a life of revenge. I just have one more question for you and you don't have to answer it to me but yourself. Would your parents be happy with your obsession with revenge or being ok with becoming a killer, even in the name of justice?" my Uncle says to me after a few minutes of silence after my outburst, as I calmed down a bit from the anger that threatened to overwhelm me. Then my Uncle leaves the rooftop without another word after leaving that question to me.

His question made my emotions go into turmoil as what he said is not wrong. My parents, especially my mother would probably be very disappointed in me for going down this path. Though at this point I'm feeling too far in and something inside me is telling me to go down the path of vengeance. As I'm having all these thoughts and feeling like I want to break something in anger, a voice speaks in my head.

'Hello Akihiko, I can not tell you much as you haven't reached your full maturity, but as your brother, I can not stand by anymore seeing you suffer. Just know that you are not human, but much more. On your eighteenth birthday, I will come and visit for a bit to explain everything,' the voice says to me and I feel all my rage dissipate, the presence of the voice reminds me like when I bring my wings out, comforting.

Though after hearing that it leaves me with many more questions than answers. However, I figure the voice left as the calming feeling disappeared too. For now, I won't mention it to anyone as I don't want to appear crazier than I may already appear. I just sit down on the roof in silence trying to get all my thoughts in order and think about what that voice meant by me not being human. My only conclusion is that maybe I really am an angel, but that'd be crazy.

After having calmed down and been curious about what it means to be an angel, I headed back to the hero HQ. After going to the room that I'm staying in while we are here, I look up everything the world knows or thinks it knows about angels. After two hours of research, it seems that just maybe I might be an angel. I move all these thoughts from my mind as I close the laptop and lay on my bed. Hearing a knock on my door, I get up to answer it.

"Rumi?" I say confused as it is two in the morning and she should be staying at Endeavors. She just walks in and closes the door behind her.

"We don't have to talk, but I figured we could spend some time together before you leave tomorrow," Rumi says to me with a sly smirk as I stared at her in slight confusion for a bit.

Then without saying anything I grab her lifting her up and giving her a passionate kiss which she returns. Rumi may be the only thing that keeps my mind from going crazy right now and what kind of idiot would say no to this? After a long night of no sleep, maybe an hour at best of shut-eye Rumi and I wake up. After taking a long shower together once again we head out to see Endeavor and my Uncle at the entrance of the hero HQ.

"Akihiko and Rumi, you both did well last night in the raid. I hope you learned some things and Akihiko, if you need to talk just reach out to me or Rei anytime," Endeavor says to us while giving me an understanding look.

"Rumi it was good seeing you again. Plus it seems you have improved since our time training together, you will make a great hero in the future," my Uncle says to Rumi before just giving Endeavor a nod, who glares slightly at my Uncle. Seems the two have a rivalry or just Endeavor does.

"Rumi be safe and don't let Endeavor be too much of an idiot," I say with a smirk at Endeavor who just rolls his eyes at me. Rumi smiles and gives me a quick kiss before I turn to leave with my Uncle.

The train ride back was in silence as my Uncle seems to be trying to think about who to continue with me. While I'm thinking about the voice from last night and all the weird things pointing to me being an actual angel. Once we arrive back in our city we walk in silence still while we patrol the city, though today seems to be another quiet day. I can only assume it is because this is my Uncle's home city and no intelligent villain would do anything here.