
The next month after the event of the drug ring, my Uncle and I just did the normal patrolling around the city. Once again it was fairly boring, though this time my Uncle watched me more closely when he let me deal with the petty criminals. However, my feeling of burning all the 'sinners' as my instinct seems to label them, has lessened as it only grows the more surrounded I am by them. I also noticed that if I focus on someone, even your average person, I can see any 'sins' they've committed in their life or the guilt they carry.

At one point I curiously looked at my Uncle and saw the immense guilt he carried for failing his Master, my parents, and me for some reason. I didn't want to confront him about it, as our relationship had gotten slightly strained from my last outburst and killing of the man. Our conversations outside of patrolling or any form of hero activity were very awkward and lasted only a few sentences. I've been talking with Rumi about pretty much all the changes that happened to me other than the voice in my head or the fact that I may be a real angel.

The last two weeks with my Uncle will most likely be the same uneventful patrols with the few idiots who still wanted to commit petty crimes. Which was true the last two weeks seemed even more boring as my Uncle was watching me closely. The extra attention only pissed me off more, like he thought I was now going to go around killing everyone. I didn't voice this though but I looked forward to the end of the two month training, I just wonder what score he is gonna give me.

"Akihiko, I know our training is over now, but I just worry that you may let your emotions control you again," my Uncle tells me before I leave to head home.

"So does that mean you gave me a bad score?" I ask him with a neutral expression. He just stared at me with a complex look.

"No, I gave you a good score. You completed every task I set before you, helping all those in need....but I still worry about you as your Uncle. Are you sure you're ok?" my Uncle says to me with worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just so you remember, the deal was if I still wanted to become an underground hero, you'd stop pestering me. I'm going to become one," I say as I look at him with a completely determined look. He stares at me for a few seconds longer before letting out a tired sigh.

"I remember, I won't bother you about it anymore. But just remember should you ever need me, I'm a phone call away," my Uncle says as I just nod my head and leave the house.

Once I leave I text Rumi to see if she wants or can come over before school tomorrow. She immediately responded with a yes. Once I arrive at my house I just place my things back and relax on the couch watching TV, while I wait for Rumi to show up. After about an hour, Rumi just comes inside my house without knocking and jumps into my lap before I can say or do anything.

"Missed me?" Rumi says with a smirk after a long passionate kiss.

"Very much," I say with a smile and then hug her as all my annoyance and confusion over the last few weeks threatened to overwhelm me.

"What's wrong?" Rumi asks with worry as I buried my face in her cleavage and just enjoyed the wonderful breasts she has.

"Just been a long two months, that felt even longer after the drug ring incident. I feel like my Uncle sees me as another failure of his, which pisses me off more than he knows," I say to Rumi while muffled by her cleavage, I relax as my emotions melt from her hug and company.

"I'm sure things will return to normal eventually," Rumi says trying to reassure me while running her hands through my hair and she giggles slightly as I enjoyed myself.

"We'll see," I say with a sigh, then Rumi pulls me back to look at me with several emotions across her face, worry, love, and lust.

"....You know I'll love you no matter what," Rumi says as she looks at me for a few seconds.

"I know and I love you too," I say with a smile as Rumi and my friends seem to be the only people who really understand me.

"Good cause you're stuck with me! And I won't let you leave now!" Rumi says with a smirk and a look of claiming me as hers.

"I won't have it any other way," I say and chuckle, while I pick her up bringing her upstairs to my room.

Seemed Rumi's parents already knew she wasn't coming home tonight as Rumi slept over and we headed to school together. Arriving in class we can see mostly everyone is already there and talking with one another about their time in training. Once the rest of the class arrives and Gran Torino stands in front of the class he clears his throat to shut everyone up.

"Last night your hero instructors sent over their final verdict. Seems you all have gotten good scores, some with places they suggested improvement on," Gran Torino says to all of us, while I feel his eyes linger on me at the last statement.

"Either way you all got passing scores and we can now move onto even more 'fun' activities," Gran Torino says while emphasizing the word fun. Everyone looks at each other with some concern at his statement.

"Now that you all have your provisional licenses and have gotten approval from a pro hero, we can begin really training you all," Gran Torino says with a smirk.

"Today we are going to head to the facility here at school that has several different scenarios that each of you will have to work through. They each represent different natural disasters that can happen. Go change into your hero uniforms and meet me outside the building entrance," Gran Torino says before leaving the room and everyone quickly jumps up to change.

Once we all go outside the building that holds the second-year classrooms, Gran Torino ushers us all into a bus. The bus takes us to a new building further on the school ground, which is about a fifteen minute drive away, showing how large the school grounds are. We all arrive outside a building that looks like a giant stadium but is bigger than any building I've ever seen before. Walking inside we see several different areas that look like they can be used to test different natural disasters as Gran Torino said.

"Ok, listen up! There will be robots in each area we test that act as civilians, you must rescue them and subdue the villains running around. I and Gran Torino will be the villains, you will work in pairs that we have already picked. The first area we are testing is the earthquake zone," Sensei Night says after we enter and see her waiting there for us.

"First up are, Akihiko and Keigo!" Sensei Night says while giving us both a smirk knowing that we don't get along at all.

"Don't fuck it up for us," Keigo says as we wait in the city for the horn to start.

"I should be telling you that number two," I say to him with a smirk as he hates he can't beat me. He glares at me hard and the horn blares signaling the start.

Once the horn blares the ground shakes resembling a medium-sized earthquake. Keigo immediately flies up to avoid the shaking ground and begins grabbing the 'civilians' out of trouble. I also ran around helping any robots but was stopped as Sensei Night sends a blast of her dark energy at me. I grabbed the robot and shielded it from the blast and jumped away to get it out of harm's way. Then I quickly returned to where Sensei Night was, it seems she ran off.

A block away I see Keigo fighting Gran Torino who is easily dodging his feathers and lands a few strikes on Keigo. Putting my dislike for Kiego aside, I rush over and intercept Gran Torino who had a surprised look at my sudden appearance. I then strike him overhead sending him crashing down, then I use the handcuffs to 'subdue' him. While Keigo has already left to continue helping the robots.

"Glad you two could put your differences aside," Gran Torino says with a pained smile as my strike hurt him, even though I was holding back. I just nod my head as I place him in the area considered 'jail'.

Rushing back inside the emergency zone I can see Sensei Night has been 'killing' robots quietly while Keigo is helping the remaining ones. With a sigh, I follow the dark energy that radiates off of Sensei Night that I can feel. I sneak up behind her as she is planning to strike Keigo who is unaware of her presence. I then grab her and force her to the ground while cuffing her.

"Akihiko! Damn, you can be quiet!" Sensei Night says with a chuckle as I suddenly grabbed her. Then after I brought her to the jail zone, Keigo and I were able to save the remaining robots in under ten more minutes. The whole exercise took us almost thirty minutes.

Once the exercise was over everyone else got to do their turn. Seemed even with Keigo and my dislike for one another we still were the best team. The next few weeks of school were us coming here and training in different natural disasters, while 'villains' ran around causing more trouble. More than half of our second year was already over and the last big thing they wanted us to do was the big test for the school year.

Gran Torino saud the last test for our second year is obviously going to be another written test that covers everything we learned so far. Then the more important test is the practical exam which will be one on one fights with a teacher. The last few weeks of school were our teachers preparing us for these exams without holding back at all. Once again my friends and I held study groups at each other's houses but usually mine as it was the quietest without parents.

As the last week approached my friends became more nervous as the first couple of days were nothing but written tests and the last day of tests was the one on ones. Arriving at school the first set of written exams was underway, like all the past written exams I breezed through them. Each day after that my friends complained was even harder, though for me who memorized everything it was extremely easy. I was more interested in the one on one exam, as I feel they will do something slightly different for me.

As the last day of exams approached I walked inside the arena where the sports festival was held. Inside were Gran Torino, Sensei Night, and my Uncle, confused I waited for someone to talk.

"Akihiko, we know how strong you are. So don't take offense, but we decided that we three would face you without holding back. If you pass this test you will not have to take the whole practical exam next year," Gran Torino says to me as the other two nod their heads agreeing with his statement.

"Ok, then let's get this over with," I say with an indifferent shrug as I know I can beat them.

"Well, there is a rule here, you can only pass a portion of next year's practical exam if you beat us without using your quirk fully," Gran Torino says with a knowing smile.

'Shit,' I think to myself as now the possibility of passing fully is not a hundred percent.

"I understand," I say while rolling my shoulders and the three then get into their fighting positions.