
The factions of Wolfberg and Silver were currently both gathered within the hall which was as huge as 10 football fields. Divided into sections and a beautiful view of the garden and an artificial lake. Anyone would be happy to be invited to such a great hall for the celebration.

Right now everyone gathered here was not happy at all. It was like a battle will break out and many people were here to act as meditators. The same could be said about Prince Aaron.

Prince Aaron Von Angelone was the 3rd in line to the throne and one of the active pursuers of Dutchess Felicia von Wolfsberg. He wanted to marry Felicia but she refused him publically. He was a respected and honorable prince of the Kingdom but had eaten shit by pursuing one of the most beautiful women in the Kingdom.

There were many reasons why Prince Aaron didn't stop courting Felicia. One he would get support for the throne. Second, he would sleep with one of the most desired women on the planet.

Prince Aaron was not an idiot and knew that it was foolish to keep courting this ruthless and heartbreaking beauty. He did this because of matters of heart and pride.

Everyone knew that the Silver family was here to break the engagement and that was the slapping face of the Wolf family. Hence, forces were gathered to keep everyone in line. As a deterrence to show that battle would destroy both sides.

They were waiting for Silver's family to start the talk and soon the battle of wits will begin.


All 4 wolf ladies namely Sam, Lily, Alice, and Felicia were standing together.

They all were happy because Dante defended their honor during the showoff against Garry Lawkeep.

"Brother loves me so much that he showed such brutality to those jerks for defending my honor," Sam said with pride in her brother.

"Ara, he did defend my honor as well. So maybe I will present him with my first kiss as thanks from lady like myself." Lily said while smiling happily and blushing madly.

"He would do the same for me. So I am proud of him." Alice said proudly.

"My lovely son is such a sweetheart. Just his Aura is enough to make little bullies cry and suffer. I am happy that he defended ladies of the house." Felicia exclaimed happily.

Everyone in the wolf family was happy with Dante and his Chivalry even though he went out of control and lost his sanity during the party.

The only thing that these ladies saw was that he ignored all bad comments about himself and defended them instead when the truth about them was spoken.

They hated those nicknames but they were true as well. Dante was just too innocent to know of these things as he was a kind and caring boy, who loved his family.

"Still he defended his ex-fiance a lot as well. Do you think he loves her for real? If that is true then it would be sad to break the engagement. Let's ask Dante for his opinion before breaking the engagement. If he loves her and wants to stay with her, then I will do my very best to stop this breakup." Felicia said firmly.

"No mom, please break this marriage. Only I deserve him. All others can go to the..." before Sam could finish Felicia showed her vicious gaze.

"Young lady watch your manners. You are the twin sister of Dante and the future Duchess of the Wolfsberg family. Know your place." Felicia declared to Sam that it was impossible to be with someone like Dante who was her brother as well as lower ranked in the hierarchy after a decree from her Ancestor.

Sam was sad and had made up her mind to run away from home with her brother in the future to protect him from bad women.

"I don't think Freya wants to marry Dante. She called him trash and asked him to break the marriage peacefully. Both father and daughter are scheming foxes." Lily said with a hint of anger.

"Mother, what do you think about this whole situation?" Felicia asked her mother.

"The best thing to do here is to break this marriage with good conditions in our favor. Dante can marry anyone he wants in the future. Men of our household have no restrictions to how many women they marry as per traditions." Ancestor said stoically without showing any emotion on her face.

This statement made all women anxious because it meant Dante could have a harem of women and no one had a right to stop him since Ancestor gave affirmation.

All were anxious and looked at Dante who was sitting a little far away from them and talking with Aunt Catrina.


"Aunt, why don't you teach me that body-transforming technique? I heard it is based on potions. Must be nice to be someone else haha." Dante said happily.

"Anything for my cute nephew," said Cat while patting Dante.

Everything was moving fast now. The silver family was going to make a statement to break the engagement.

Dante had decided to end a marriage peacefully and respectfully. This will allow him to gain favor from Silver's family in the future. Also, allow him to remove any resentment of the Silver family.

"Silence everyone," Grandmother said to all people present.

"Silver Family state the purpose for this Faction meeting," asked Grandmother.

Duke Silver moved forward in the center of hall and began to speak.

"Our purpose is simple. Silver and Wolf family had a marriage contract on basis that my daughter will marry Dante. Contact was made by my father and grandfather of Freya. I am here to confirm the success of marriage in the future." Duke silver stopped after speaking with a smile.

The disaster was incoming and Ancestor Wolf knew about that. The silver family was playing with words.

What they meant was that both Dante and Freya should agree to a marriage in front of everyone to continue this bond. Otherwise, the marriage should be annulled.

The Priestess of Lightium was present and would interfere if conditions are not met today.

'They have planned this for a long time huh. Bastards!' Ancestor thought and gritted her teeth.

Dante and Freya were called forward and Duke Drakon said something to Freya which made her jolt and sad.

Now, everything was to be decided by these two partners who were supposed to stay together forever in the future.


Dante looked at Freya and concentrated on the body language of the little lady.

Freya was shivering a little and her head was down on the floor. She looked disturbed by whatever the Duke said to her.

'Well, today is a happy day to break an engagement. With this, no one will try to marry me in the future and I can play around with women if I want to without caring about duties.'

Dante was finished in a noble circle. He has removed an heir of Dukedom and was to be sent to borders to play soldier in the future.

He had only two choices now. One is to stay in the family and stay humiliated. 2nd was to leave family and be free but in huge danger.

The choice was obvious. Wolf's family dumped him and made him bear all humiliation anyways. He couldn't care less about more disgrace to his name.

Dante didn't care about what people said about him. He would become strong enough to make them all kneel before him in the future.

'Sadly noble life is just so full of betrayal. This grandmother of mine made the right choice to protect my family and throw me to wolfs.' Dante thought with sudden enlightenment.

In any case, the Wolfsberg family will not be blamed and Dante will become a laughingstock in the nobility circle.

"Lady Freya Silver, the heir to Silver Dukedom, do you wish to continue this marriage contract?" asked Ancestor Wolf.


She couldn't speak and kept looking at the floor.

'Why the hell is she not speaking? Hurry and say no' Dante was disturbed by this wait and silence of his little fiance.

"No, I don't want to marry Dante. He is trash and not worthy of me," exclaimed Freya while looking at Dante with a determined expression.

Everyone looked at Dante with pity and sympathy.

It had to be known that the marriage contract was a very respectable and noble traditional event. Breaking it would be cursed by the whole Kingdom as a whole. It had religious aspects. Only broken when either party was to be blamed.

"Dante von Wolfsberg, do you want to continue this marriage contract?" asked Ancestor.

"Nope," Dante said with a straight face but he didn't have a smile this time and looked directly at Freya.

"State your reason for denying to fulfill the contract." Ordered the ancestor.

"Well, Lady Freya deserves a better life partner. And that partner is not me. So just break the contract already." Dante started moving back towards the exit of hall after saying that. He was tired and wanted to rest now.

'Good riddance. At least now no one would come and bicker me to stop flirting with ladies. I need to start training from tomorrow and repair my meridians. No one knows when disaster would strike after all.'

Dante left the hall and started moving toward his room. This would take 10 minutes at least. He had finished his main task for today.


After Dante left the hall was in silence. No agreements could be made in anyone's favor when the outcome was so straightforward.

There was no drama and the decision was in front of everyone.

"Marriage Contract is annulled. All conditions attached are also broken. From today onwards Silver family is not welcomed in Wolfsburg territory. Get out all of you!!" Exclaimed the ancestor and shouted the last sentence.

Hence everyone left. Some were happy and some were sad.

Among those sad people, Freya was the saddest.