
With birds chirping outside the mansion. A new day began. Sun rays were starting to come into the room. The atmosphere was serene and calming to the mind.

Many would remember last night as the start of new era. Blessings happened last night. Nobody knew who got blessed by the goddess of Light and what this signifies.

The Chruch of Dawn was busy finding missing pieces to the element of surprise they went through last night.

The phenomenon did not even occur when Saintess has bestowed the blessing.

The world named last night's event "The start of Light Era". This was the day that would be celebrated and misused by the church to collect offerings from poor peasants and nobles alike. The World of Humans looked filled with light and hope. Only real manipulators knew that this was just a facade to hide the filth and darkness behind the cover.

The world was truly filled with too many elements of Suffering and Despair. People decided to ignore the filth outside their homes and believed in the best.

People hoped that goddess will help them and everything will become fine in the coming days. They had hope in Saintess and goddess planning.

They would be disappointed for real. As they believed in the wrong people.


Today was the day that the real journey of Dante was supposed to start. Free from all drama that he had gone through last night.

Cherry cane into the room and woke Dante up.

"Wake up Dan. It is already 6 in the morning and time for morning exercise."

Dante always woke up early in the morning to perform training and meditation to maintain his physique.

Dante looked at the cherry with exhausted look and said "Cancel that and get out right now. Let me sleep." Dante hated when people ordered him or told him to do something. He was different from normal people after all and spoiled a lot in his last life.

"What do you mean Dan? I..." before she could finish.

"I said get out and don't disturb me!" Anger could be felt in Dante's behavior.

Cherry left the room while being sad because she didn't do anything wrong.

Dante removed the quilt and went to close the curtains on the window which brought daylight in.

"What the hell is wrong with people here? Waking me up at 6 in the morning? I am a Noble, not some peasant who needs to do farmwork so early in the morning. Idiots."

While closing the curtains Dante was talking with himself.

He was exhausted last night. He couldn't go to the bathroom at time and his bladder hurt. He already was weak in terms of vitality. Look at the insolence of this maid, how dare she wake him up so early in the morning.

"Kindly tell me this isn't your daily shenanigans Pearl." Dante looked at the garden visible far from his room.

He was sleepy and wanted to go back to sleep.

"Yes bro, I woke up daily to do sword practice and meditation to improve myself when I controlled my body. I also went to attend the lesson of different teachers. It was so fun and I love reading and training. Hehe."

Pearl appeared in front of Dante in her gorgeous body.

"Are you a muscle head or something? Who the hell practices so early in the morning? This is not some martial arts novel idiot." Dante was mad at Pearl for doing irrelevant things.

Pearl was out of this world and didn't get sad at his words and instead defended herself in a naive style.

"My body, my rules. *smooch*" Pearl kissed Dante and vanished towards the book area in Dante's room.

Dante went back to bed with an exhausted look and slept again.


Waking up who knows at what time. Sun was already at peak position in the sky. He removed the curtains and started to go and change clothes in the bathroom.

It was time for breakfast. Also remembered that he had foolishly promised his cousins to take them shopping. So he became unhappy. He didn't want to play around with kids.

After freshening up and clothing himself. He called cherry outside. Who looked at Dante and asked him.

"Shall we go, Dan? Breakfast is already late now."

"Yeh let's go and eat food, I am really hungry right about now."

Dante went alongside cherry to the dining area while humming.

'System, buy me a recipe for repairing my meridians without help from alchemists.'

[Affirmative. Searching system shop...]

[Found required Recipe]

[Rebirth Meridian Paste Formula: This paste will remake your meridians and depending on your Aura core technique the meridian quality will increase grades. This is an unranked recipe made by Guru Baksh in Mirage world, known for his godly recipes. Cost: 10,000 SP ]

The system presented him with the recipe for repairing his meridians. He was definitely not happy with the details and cost of the recipe. It was just a recipe and still cost so much SP.

'Money grabbing system should be the new name given to you Pearl.'

- All prices are fixed by Universe controlling authority aka Unicore itself. - Pearl pointed out the fact.

'Fine. Buy the recipe system.'

[Recipe bought and transferee to Inventory]

[Remaining SP: 10,045,000]

Since he bought [Steel Bladder] before and now [Rebirth Meridian Recipe]. He was now down 15k points.

Dante went to eat breakfast and everything went well.

He then went to the lakeside with cherry and talked with her for some time about things. He was starting to like cherry now. She was a cool lady. Charming and caring. She was sad that my marriage broke and that I suffered a lot.

"Dan I am really sad that this happened to you. I can not do anything for you, you have been so good to me. Why do bad things happen to good people?" Cherry spoke lightly with sadness.

"Don't worry about it. You cannot change the past but you can be happy in the present and shape the future. So let's forget about sad things and be happy now. Hehe." smile was visible on Dante's face and he looked awesome.

"You are so kind and open-minded Dan. I am happy to serve a master like you." Cherry was blushing now due to reasons unknown.

Cherry was just an average girl and after seeing her status her affection was at 85 and control was at 80.

"Alright what are the daily things we need to do today cherry? I also need to go shopping."

Dante and cherry talked about tasks they needed to do.

Dante went through the study material and used [Ultimate Memory] to ace all tests of subjects and refused to study anymore as he was already a scholar. His mother agrees hence Dante went shopping with his sisters.

The shopping mall was bigger than anything he saw on Earth and things looked similar to what could be expected from the modern world.

It was like walking through catalogs. Not many choices but the still diverse culture was seen.

Clothes and other accessories were bought by young ladies he brought with him.

He didn't buy anything because he had a system shop to serve that purpose.

He Still hadn't collected mission SP of some important missions yet.

After returning home. Dante performed a daily training mission that was assigned to him.


[Daily Mission: Train for 2 hours.

Objectives: Perform 100 Sit-ups, 1km of Jogging, and 100 Push-ups.

Reward: 100SP and 1% increase in Physical prowess.]

Yes, the reward was shitty but the result of 1% was even shittier. He needed to change training and make Core fast.


Dante went to take a bath where he found his mother and she took him to bathe with her. It was great to take bath with beauty. Dante loved it and even rubbed the bossom of his beloved mother. She didn't dislike that.

After the bath, he went to his room. It was 7 in the evening and Kai followed him everywhere he went. He asked Kai to buy him the ingredients that he needed from the recipe.

Ingredients were as follows: Jagged Wolf tongue, Calm Fish guts, Serene Pearl of 7 Nights, 1 Aura crystal, Soothing Grass, Fusion Light Essence.

He didn't care how much these ingredients cost or what their purpose was for them. He wasn't interested in such an info dump.

The only thing that interested him was to repair his meridians fast and securely.

Kai didn't ask many questions. He gave Kai his [Aura coin Card] for payment. Yes, this world had credit cards. Also, Banks were called [Vaults]. Different families controlled different vaults but the most famous and secure vaults were of the Dragon race who were rare in the continent. They were King rank spirits, in reality, Aura inside them was purer than humans. Even small dragons were born as peak Rank 1 Aurars. They were magically enhanced beasts. More Intelligent than humans and stronger than Demons. A rare and strong race indeed.

So Dante made lots of money by selling 10 books in 2 years. He was a famous genius scholar and loved by Scholars and children alike. His most famous book was an international selling Childrenbook named "Eternal Light".

He was rich and can afford many things in the secular world. He was very poor when compared to Aurar Community.

Aura coins were the currency nobility used. 1 Aura Coin was enough for peasants to live happily for a year. The coins in the normal human community were divided into copper, silver, Gold, and Aura Coins.

Bread and 1 liter of water cost at 5 copper coins each. Earning of peasants were in copper coins. The silver coin was given to guards. Gold coins were obtained by adventurers. Aura coins were the currency of nobles.

The exchange rate of currency was as follows: 100 copper coins equal 1 silver coin, and 100 silver coins equal 1 Gold coin. 100 Gold coins equal 1 Aura coin.

With 100 Aura coins, you could buy decent land to farm for the rest of your life and even live a life of luxury with the remaining Aura coins.

It was a world of rich. Dante was richer than most.

He had approximately [1.5 Million Aura Coins] in his Dravault. Yes, Dragon vaults were named [Dravaults]. The branches of these vaults were all over the continent including Demon kingdoms.

The currency of Aurars in the Wizards community was [Aura Crystals]. There were 6 Grades of Aura crystals and mines. Starting from Low, Mid, High, Top, Supreme, and Peerless.

Currently only upto Top grade Aura crystals were available in the market. The last 2 Grades were extinct or hidden from low-ranking Aurars.

(A/n: Aurars here refer to Magicians who use aura energy)

Dante sent his personal guard Kai to buy him the required ingredients. He decided to take bath in the recipe to repair his meridians.

'Show my status'



Name: Dante Von WolfsBerg (Agata Shehr {1st life})

Age:5/16 {1000+ years old}

Potential: 0/10

Charm: 9/10 {Still young, will increase when becomes adult}

Luck: 0 {Fateless}

Title: Playboy, Hardcore Idiot, Parttime Masochist, Scumbag, Playboy Incarnate

Strength: >F- , Agility: >F- , MP: >-F

Aura Level: 1(normal)

Echo Compatibility: none

Element Affinity: Pure Light, Thunder, Fire (All mid-tiers)

System Level: 1 (Upgradable)

Condition: Healthy, Broken Meridians, Strong Soul,

Innate Ability: Grand Devouring Physique (Lv2), Aura of Attraction

Perks: Devourer (+), Despair (Conditional), Painless Body (+), Enhanced Regeneration (Lv1), Star Core Technique (Lv0), Supreme Memory/Ultimate Memory (passive)

Skills: Light Cleansing (Lv1), Star Sword Technique (Lv0)

Equipment/Inventory: Eternal Light (Book), Manga (5), Books (3), 3x Immeasurable rank skill creation Scroll, 4x God rank Skill Creation Scroll, Zex22 (not in the inventory), Tier 3 Meridian repairing pill.

System Points (SP): 10,045,000 SP





"Activate [Enhanced Regenration] permanently and maintain it throws system AI. I won't give the command again and again to repair my damages." Dante ordered per his requirements. He wanted to see what function Enhanced regeneration had for his recovery.

[Enhanced Regen: activated]

[Meridian damage detected, trying to repair]

[Activate Light Cleansing Automatically]

[Repairs failed at approximately 20% success]

[Meridians usable for low Aura spell casting]

[Meridian Grade 2 is achieved]

[Host is advised to repair meridians completely before creating star Aura core]

"Han han pata hai baap kou matt sikha" said Dante in his mother tongue which meant 'yes I know, don't try to teach your father'. This was a meme on earth.

At least Dante has something to work with now. He could cast low-level spells and create a paste using his Aura energies.

So Dante waited for ingredients to be delivered to him. It took 2 hours before Kai returned with all ingredients. Since none of ingredients were that rare. Well they were expensive but not rare.

Dante checked his status again to observe change in his potential.



Name: Dante Von WolfsBerg (Agata Shehr {1st life})

Age:5/30 {1000+ years old}

Potential: 3/10

Charm: 9/10 {Still young, will increase when becomes adult}

Luck: 0 {Fateless}

Condition: Exhausted, Damaged Meridians(no longer Broken)
