Chapter 32: The Runaway

Chapter 32: The Runaway

Periodically, Elouise would glance back at me, just to ensure that I was still there. And when I made eye contact with her, I could have sworn that I felt a deep connection – one that, perhaps, had been put together by the aura of my silver cord.

After what seemed like a very brief stretch of time, we at last arrived to our final destination: none other than the Vatican. A great deal of time had indeed lapsed, so I knew – but Elouise’s magic, passed on to me, had collectively made time both cease, and become infinite.

“Wow,” I breathed, “how did you find this place?”

Cocking her head to the side from where she had landed on a tree branch, Elouise said, “I would have told you it was magic, but I thought you had long stopped believing.”

Although I responded with silence, I still deeply considered Elouise’s words. Perhaps, I thought, I really have lost that spark of magic I once believed in so dearly.