“I never said that.” It’s a fast and angry statement.

  Again another long, drawn-out silence when he doesn’t elaborate or answer any of my other points, and I frown at him, my heart almost bursting through my chest with the intensity of this.

  “Why can’t you be straight with me? Wipe away the doubts and confusion with one honest answer. It’s not hard! … Do you have some kind of feelings for me? Any at all, even a tiny speck?” I ask boldly, my nerves fluttering in my stomach, and instantly nervous for asking this so directly. I know he will probably shoot me down and walk off with me pushing this narrative, but I want this clear for me. I need to know once and for all what I am to him. “Just say it… Kayla, you suck as a person, and I have zero attraction to you. If that’s what it is, then say it to me.”