19. I'm the Boss

After the incident with Noah, I asked Ma and Pa to help me start up a business.

"Ma! Pa! I would like to start up a business and I need your help". I replied

"Ok dear, I'm so sorry for what Jessie did to you". Ma replied

"No Ma, it's not Jessie or Noah's fault. It's my fault for trusting them". I replied coldly

"Don't feel bad dear, we are always here for you". Pa replied

I smiled at them. I was so glad to have people to look after me and also treat me like a daughter.

"I would like to have a multi purpose business. It would consist of designing and selling of clothes, shoes, bags and other accessories, technology and I.T development".

"This business is a combination of my late parents and my twin sister's dreams and ambitions".

"What a nice business idea but it will be difficult to run a multi purpose business. There can be frauds, large capital,large input and alot of stress". Pa replied

"No problem Pa, I can do this. I just need to borrow some money from you to help me start up the business and I also need business advice".

"Don't worry dear, what belongs to us belongs to you. We will help you with this your great business idea".

"Thanks Ma, thanks Pa".

I hugged them tightly

Two Years Later

Two years have passed and I have been able to set up the biggest business in the whole of the phillipines. The name of my company is Amor Industries and my business is the biggest. I built Ma'm Corazon a bigger restaurant and I improved Pa's business. I built Tori a restaurant and she fulfilled her dreams of owning her own restaurant. Aunt Roma Christie was in charge of the fashion designing, shoes, accessories and clothes making department.

I came down from my Tesla car and my security guards followed me into my company. My company consists of 20 floors and my office was at the last floor (20).

I was dressed in a blazer and a black top and jean with a matching boot

"Good morning Ma'm Rhian". Everyone in the ground floor said

"Good morning" I replied

As I was going towards the elevator, a young man bumped into me

"Sorry Ma'm Rhian". He picked up the papers that fell on the floor

"Are you blind? Can't you look before you leap. You're fired! Get out from here". I shouted

"Ma'm please, I need this job. I won't do this again". He pleaded and crawled after me.

"Alright, you are not fired anymore but don't do this again unless I won't be so lenient".

I walked inside the second elevator which was only meant for me because I am the boss. When I got to the top floor I entered my office. My office was very spacious, it has a bedroom, bathroom and a kitchen. My late parents picture was hung on the wall and I would always look at it whenever I am tensed.

"Stefan!". I shouted

"Yes Ma'm".

Stefan is my personal assistant and he has always been here since this past two years and he has improved my business drastically but I don't like showing my appreciation to him because I feel that showing emotions makes you weak and vulnerable.

"You're one minute late Stefan. You are fired!".

"Go and get me the files needed for the meeting today and be quick".

"But I thought I'm fired Ma'm Rhian".

"Shut up and get me the files". I replied

"Ok Ma'm". Stefan rushed to get it

After some hours I heard a knock on the door

"Come in".

My chair was facing the wall so I didn't see who came in

"Good morning Ma'm, I am looking for a job as a fashion designer and I was told to come to your office".

I turned my chair and I was shocked to see Maya

"Rhian is that you". Maya asked

She ran to hug me but I pushed her away

"Don't touch me, you are here to get a job right. Show me your resume". I replied coldly

"Are you really the boss of this company".

"Yes, I'm the Boss. Show me your resume so that you can start work immediately, I hate delays".

"Rhian ,why are you acting like this? It's me Maya, your twin sister".

"Show me your resume or you can leave my office". I replied coldly

Maya showed me her resume and I employed her. She looked sad but I don't care and I can't trust her anymore.

After the day's work, I went home. I renovated my late parents house and it was more bigger, classy and modern. I made robots and Androids to help me tidy the house, sir Isko and ma belen relocated to Manila and they helped me in maintaining the garden and cooking food. I trusted them also and they always made me happy

"Rhian! I'm here". Tori shouted

"Tori, why are you shouting? You are such a noise maker".

"You are so mean Rhian, you are no longer as cheerful as before".

"It's not good to be too nice unless people will betray you. The world is a cruel place".

"Ok Rhian, you are really so creepy. Let's have dinner and have some fun".

"Ok Tori".

After some hours, Tori went to sleep in the guest room and I was awake trying to complete some paperwork in the sitting room then I heard the sound of the door bell

I went to open the door and I was shocked to see Maya, Yna and Ji-yoo.

"What is it, can I help you". I replied coldly

"We are sorry for not contacting you". Maya said

"We lost contact with you". Yna replied

"We couldn't find you and we didn't know you were staying in Manila". Ji-yoo said

"Well I don't care, come in and sleep in the guestrooms, it's late".

"You've changed so much, I am so sorry about leaving you". Maya said

"Get in or get out of my house". I replied coldly

They all entered the house, I was so furious seeing them so I went to sleep.

I woke up early in the morning and I prepared for work

When I came downstairs, I saw Tori and ma belen making breakfast for everyone . Tori was also chatting heartily with Maya, Yna and Ji-yoo.

"Tori hi".

"Hi Rhian "

"Wait for breakfast"

"Alright Tori".

"Hi Rhian". Maya said

I nodded my head in response

"Good morning Rhian". Yna and Ji-yoo said

I nodded my head

"Have a cup of coffee". Maya said and she gave it to me

I took the cup and poured the coffee into the sink

"I don't take coffee from strangers". I stared at Maya disdainfully

"Rhian stop acting like this, you act as if we committed the biggest sin in the world, what's wrong with you?". Maya shouted

"Can you hear yourself right now, you left me when i needed you and you expect me to just trust you three again. Are you even aware of what's going on in my life? Tori, ma'm Corazon and Mr Marcial were there for me and they are the only persons I trust". I yelled

I picked my handbag and I stormed out from the house.

"What happened to Rhian, she has changed so much" Maya asked Tori

"Noah cheated on her with Jessie"

"That's so cruel, no wonder she's so mean towards us". Yna said

"She doesn't trust easily, you three will have to prove to her you are trustworthy". Tori said

"We will prove it to her". Ji-yoo said