21. It's all my Fault

I refused to go home but Ethan, Yna and Ji-yoo insisted I go home because I had to go to the office tomorrow. Maya was still unconscious and it was all my fault. I went home and I slept like a log because I was so exhausted.


"I don't know how Rhian became the richest and most successful business woman in the whole of the phillipines, I thought killing her parents and taking over their business will make her loose hope and become useless but she became stronger. I have to get rid of her and her sister and I would destroy them bit by bit". Uncle Armando said and he laughed loudly

"Get everything ready, the war begins".

"Yes boss". One of his men replied


The next morning I woke up feeling a bit better but I had a throbing headache. I had a warm bath in my jacuzzi, I got dressed and I had breakfast and left for work.

"Good morning Ma'm Rhian". Stefan said

"Good morning".

"Is everything ready for the business party?"

"Yes Ma'm".

"Tell my personal stylist to come 2 hours before the party so that I will get ready in time".

"Yes Ma'm, Mr Franco Segismundo is here".

"Ok, send him in".

I held my head, it was seriously paining me.

"Ma'm are you ok".

"I'm fine, just get everything ready".

Franco walked in and I stared at him. Franco was very handsome, he has a way of making me stare at him. Girls are always following him around.

"Good morning boss Rhian".

"Good morning Franco".

"You look disturbed, is everything ok". Franco asked and he looked at me with genuine concern

"I'm fine,we are now business partners so you should start bringing in the products we need to create new sets of clothes and accessories for our fashion shows".

My head pounded and I held it, I was starting to feel dizzy

"Rhian you're not feeling ok. Let me get you something to stop the pain".

Franco brought some pills and a glass of water and he gave it to me. I drank it but I still felt dizzy as I tried to walk in my office, I felt dizzy and as I fell to the ground. Franco held me and he carried me towards my bedroom.

"Put me down, how dare you carry me". I yelled at him

"Keep quiet Rhian, you are not feeling well so go and get some rest. No work for today, I will take care of everything".

Rhian stared at his eyes and he stared at hers, his eyes showed sincerity and she didn't react anymore. He dropped me on my bed and I fell asleep

She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. I wish I knew the reason why she is so cold to everyone. I walked away and I handled all the work.

Rhian woke up and she looked around but Franco wasn't here. I think it's almost time for the party. I went home to get ready

I stared at the mirror and I looked beautiful in my purple-colored floral gown

"Ricardo! ".

"Yes Ma'm".

"Where's Franco? He told me about the business party but he isn't here".

"Ma'm Rhian, Mr Franco is already here. He is waiting for you in the car park".

"Ok, hope my limousine is ready".

"Yes Ma'm".

I headed towards the car park

Franco looked around the car park. I am shocked at the amount of cars she owns, he thought . I looked ahead and I was amazed at her beauty, the purple coloured gown complimented her eyes and hair. She looked like an angel.

Rhian also stared at Franco, his tuxedo fitted his body perfectly. No, what am I thinking. I shrugged it off

"Hi Rhian, you look very stunning. You are a very beautiful boss". Franco said and he winked at me

"Whatever, we are late for the party. Ricardo let's go".

I stared at Franco and I kept thinking about his compliment.

When we arrived at the venue, we were greeted by the press with lots of questions.

"Ma'm Rhian, is it true you are the youngest and most successful business woman in the whole of the phillipines".

"Ma'm is it true you are the sole owner of Amor Industries".

The questions were many and I couldn't answer all of it.

Guards and security took me through the crowd and press into the venue.

I stared at the place, the chandeliers twinkled brightly like stars in the night. The tables and chairs were arranged according to class and social status. I admired the hall

As the party commenced, I interacted with various business men and women.

"Rhian, it's time to give your speech". The host whispered in my ears.

I nodded my head and I walked towards the beautifully decorated podium. I held the mic and I spoke eloquently

Franco stared at Rhian, he didn't know what he was feeling. I don't know why I feel so attracted to her, she drives me crazy; Franco thought. I stared at her and I admired how she looked in her purple-colored floral gown.

"You seem to love her already". Stefan said

"What do you think you are saying, I don't love her. I'm just admiring her".

"That's not what it seems like". Stefan replied

Stefan walked away

I'm I really in love with Rhian, I thought. I shrugged and I continued listening to her .

Rhian finished her speech and everyone applauded her. I felt good after the speech. I came down from the podium and Franco approached me with a smiling face and I couldn't help smiling back at him.

"You did great Rhian, that's why you're the boss".

"Thanks Franco".

I was talking to Franco when someone tapped me on my shoulder. I turned around and I was shocked to see someone I never expected to see.

"Jessie". I said

"Surprised to see me". She smirked

I composed myself immediately

"I'm not surprised, what are you doing here slut?". I replied and I folded my hands and looked sternly at her.

"Hey! How dare you call me that".

"I don't have time to talk to you; time is money. So excuse me, I have other important things to attend to". I said coldly

As I walked away, Jessie glared at me.

"Noah is here ". Jessie said and she smirked

As I heard the mention of Noah's name, I stood transfixed to the ground. I didn't know how to react but I was very shocked. I continued walking away but I felt pain in my heart, I couldn't show my pain it will make me look weak.

Jessie hissed, she didn't expect Rhian to ignore her comment.

"Rhian are you doing ok?". Franco asked

"Yeah I'm fine". Rhian replied

The music started playing and people started dancing.

"Would you like to dance". Franco asked

I was about to decline suddenly I looked up and I saw the second person I hated the most in this world; Noah Kings. He came towards my direction holding Jessie's hand and she smirked at me. I was so angry seeing him but I also felt pain but I wasn't going to be weak this time.

He looked happy to see me but I only felt hatred towards him.

"Rhian! ". Franco said and he tapped me.

"Mmmh, sorry I was lost in thoughts".

Then Noah came in front of me releasing his hands from Jessie, she looked dumbstruck by his sudden action.

"Rhian, I can't believe you're standing in front of me". Noah said and he smiled.

"Franco let's dance". I said and I looked in his direction

"Excuse me". I replied Noah and I followed Franco to the dance floor.

Franco stared at Rhian, she wasn't acting coldly but there was tension. After Rhian talked with those two people, she started acting tense and I saw the pain in her eyes. We danced gracefully but I could feel her mind had drifted, this was the first time I have seen her so worried, she was always cold towards everyone. Then suddenly I heard the music stop.

"Excuse me". Rhian said and she walked away.

I searched for Rhian and I saw her in the garden just outside the hall. She was with the guy I saw earlier in the party. They were in a heated conversation. I listened closely.

Noah reached to touch her hands but she pushed him so hard that he fell to the ground.

"Don't you dare touch me, you monster". Rhian shouted and she pointed her fingers at him.

"I'm so sorry Cutie, I shouldn't have cheated on you. I was blinded by Jessie". Noah replied

"You liar! You never thought of me, you betrayed my trust and you cheated on me. I hate you so much, you are nothing but a heartless monster. Don't you ever come near me, I don't ever want to see your face. I hate you Noah"

Rhian really sounded very angry

"Please cutie" . Noah said and he stretched his hands to hold her waist.

Suddenly I heard a loud sound, Rhian slapped him across the face and he turned red immediately.

Noah was shocked at her action

"I have warned you already, stay away unless next time I will do worse".

Rhian hissed and walked away .

Rhian walked away from there. I felt immense pain after seeing Noah and Jessie, the scene of the past played through my thoughts but I had to compose myself, I had gotten over Noah but the pain was still there, Suddenly my phone rang

"Hello doctor".

"Good day Ma'm. The tests are concluded but there's a problem, we found out that Maya suffers from cerebral aneurysm".

I staggered backwards and suddenly Franco held me.

"Cerebral aneurysm, can it be treated".

"Yes, through surgery but there's only 50 percent chance of survival". The doctor replied

"Start the treatments immediately, leave the rest to me doc. I will come and visit her tomorrow".

"Alright Ma'm, just pray everything works out. Most patients have lost their lives through this surgery ".

"Ok doc, thanks".

I felt tears gathering in my eyes but I've learnt not to cry.

"Don't worry Rhian, everything will be fine". Franco said

I nodded my head

"Let's go Rhian".

We greeted all the guests and bade them goodbye

On the way home, I was feeling very sad and I also felt pain. My sister's condition bothered me and seeing the two persons I hate also made me feel worse.

When I got home, I asked Ricardo to drop Stefan and Franco at their homes.

I couldn't take the pain anymore, I changed into a red bodycon gown and a pair of heels and I decided to go to a club but first of all I drove to my parents tombstone.

After crying on the tombstone of my late parents, I offered flowers . I wished they didn't have to die, that's why uncle Armando is the first person I hate most in the world.

I have never been to a club before but I had to take my mind off all these tensions everywhere. Tori travelled to Cebu for a cooking show, Ji-yoo,Yna and Ethan were always in the hospital looking after Maya so I had no one else to share my problems with. Ma'm Corazon and Mr Marcial Da'Leon travelled to Italy for vacation so there was absolutely nobody but me. I missed my parents alot .

I arrived at the club and they instantly allowed me in because I was the most successful business woman in the whole of the phillipines. I had to wear glasses to prevent people from noticing me.

I ordered a bottle of tequila, I didn't drink much so that I won't be drunk but I felt pain so I needed to forget my pain. I ordered up to 8 bottles and I was totally drunk.

"Hey beautiful". A strange man came closer to me but I pushed him away.

"Don't touch me you fool. All men are the same, you are all betrayals". I said and my speech was slurred.

Franco just got home but his friends asked him to join them for a drink at a club, he changed his clothes. I was sent the location of the club and I went there.

"Dude, what's up?". One of his friends asked

Franco's friends were about four guys who attended the same college with him.

"I'm doing great Eros". I replied

"What's up Stanley and Gabe".

"We are doing fine. We hope to hit some ladies tonight".

I laughed

"Cross, how's your girlfriend".

"We broke up, so you should ask of me not her".

I laughed again, my friends really made me feel good. I looked straight and I saw a lady in a red bodycon gown, she looked really sexy and beautiful but she looked really familiar.

"Franco let's drink". Eros said and I cut my gaze from her.

I didn't drink much so that I could drive home without having an accident. I wasn't drunk but my friends were all drunk and they fell asleep on the chair we all sitted on. I stood up and I felt drawn towards the strange lady, I could feel she was in pain. As I tapped her shoulders, she turned to face me and I was shocked to see Rhian.

I stared at her from up to down. I looked at her lustfully and I felt like taking her in my hands but I couldn't do that because it was wrong to take advantage of her in her drunken state.

"Franco is that you? Let's dance ". Rhian replied happily and she jumped up and down circling around me.

I liked her drunken state, she was happy and she didn't reply coldly.

"Let's go and dance Franco, Pleaseeeeee".

"Ok, but after dancing I will take you home".

"I don't want to go home. I want to stay here and dance with you".

Rhian folded her hands and she staggered but I held her.

"Let's go and dance". I replied Rhian


She danced really well and I noticed she is a very good dancer. She dragged me to the dance floor and I danced with her, she grinded her body on me and it really affected me alot. She started to stagger and I lifted her up and carried her to my car, I would send one of her staff to bring her car. I headed to her house.

"I liked dancing with you, you are a really good dancer". Rhian said to me and I felt very happy

She continued talking and laughing and I couldn't help but stare at her. I was starting to feel a very strange feeling towards her and I couldn't explain it.

We got to her house and I helped her to her room. Her room was very beautiful and spacious, it had a king sized bed at the middle with a walk in closet, a mini wardrobe, maxi wardrobe, a jewelry room, a mini library and a jacuzzi bathroom with automated controls. I was in awe

As I placed her on the bed, she dragged me and I fell on top of her . Our lips were inches away, I felt like kissing her lips but I couldn't.

Suddenly she started rubbing my neck with her hands, she sucked my neck and I moaned. I couldn't hold myself anymore, I started sucking her neck also and it formed a hickey, she moaned. I kissed her neck and I also licked her cleavage. I wanted to pull down her dress and suck her breasts and nipples but I decided against it. I moved towards her lips to kiss her suddenly she fell asleep.

I pulled away from her and I pulled her heels off from her legs covered her with blankets and I drove home. I kept imagining the good moments that happened earlier and I smiled.