Episode 12: Prism Revolt (6)

Within a quiet hospital room, a black-haired man could be seen on his bed, lazing around on his phone as he played [Rankers War] on it.

"..." As the young man played through countless stages out of boredom, a sudden knock rang through his room, alerting him. "...?"

Instantly turning his head over towards the direction of the sound, Jace noted the sight of a bespectacled white-haired man in a lab coat standing by the room's doorway.

"Hello, Jace," the man greeted with a smile on his face. "Am I bothering you?"

"No," Jace yawned in response. "I was bored waiting for you, so I was playing games to pass the time."

"Mm, that's good to hear," the white-haired man — Jinfei, began walking over towards his bed, soon stopping right in front of it. "How are you feeling?"

"Sigh... That's the third time someone asked me this today..." he sighed helplessly. "Well, I'm feeling much better now."