Episode 14: One's Soul (4)

The gentle morning sun shone through the quiet living room as a young black-haired man could be seen silently exiting out of the showers. There, it could be noted that he was wiping his hair dry.

"Yawn..." As he did so, he yawned, drowsily making his way over towards a chair and sitting on it. Then, his eyes turned towards his clock, noting that the time was currently: [ 9:27 AM ]. "Ugh... I ended up waking up in the morning..."

Right after abruptly waking up from his slumber, Jace attempted to fall back asleep. Unfortunately, he was unable to do so. Without being able to do much, he decided to take a cold shower, cooling off his head.

"..." With a dazed expression on his face, the young man stopped wiping his hair. "Sigh... What to do... What to do..." In the next moment, his eyes glanced at the ceiling in silence. "That dream of mine... Was it another vision?"