Episode 14: One's Soul (5)

As the black-haired man's eyes landed on the woman before him, the two hunters stared at one another. At that moment, an awkward silence protruded out into the air.

"Uh, hello, Jace..." Malory coughed. "It's nice meeting you again so soon..."

"...what are you doing here?" Jace blinked in confusion, turning his attention back to Landon who was nervously laughing.

"Ahaha... So, uh... Funny story!" The blonde-haired man scratched his head in awkwardness. "It was originally meant to be just the four of us like usual! But then... On my way back yesterday, I ended up coming across Malory... And uh..."

"I asked Landon here whether you guys were planning on going into any dungeons anytime soon," the woman followed up with his words. "While I know it wasn't my place to ask, since we didn't really know each other... I thought it wouldn't hurt."

"And then I just invited her, you know!" Landon coughed. "T-There's nothing wrong with that, right?"