Chapter 24: Save him

Every time she raised her hand, she would make a clattering noise in her sleeve, which made Yin Xiaxia look at her unceasingly.

In any case, Jibai must find Xie to release the handcuffs.

The backside of the school is a deserted mountain and lake, with weeds overgrown and inaccessible. It is a place where unscrupulous teenagers often gather to smoke.

It was windy today, and the half-person tall grass cage was floating with the wind. Xie Sui scattered his gang of brothers and squatted by the lake alone, with roots in his mouth, staring at the lake calmly.

In fact, he wanted to leave several times. He didn't know what he was doing. What's the point of asking her to come...

After all, I couldn't control the urge in my body... I went crazy to see her.

Just when he was in a daze, a pebble flew over and fell on the lakeside, splashing him all over.