Chapter 25: Mrs Cheng

Jibai was also taken into the police station as an eyewitness and took notes.

"It's those people; I saw them with hurt him!"

"He is innocent and a victim."

"Well, uncle police, you must not let the bad guys go."

"He is my classmate; um, he usually performs very well."

Just as Jibai uttered the three words "very good", Xie Sui's grumpy voice came from the interrogation room next door.

"How many times do I have to say that without parents, it's **** dead?"

The female police officer who made the transcript twitched her lips. "He behaved well."

Jibai hesitated and explained: "Just a bad temper; everything else is good."

It was seven o'clock in the evening after finishing the transcript, and the female police officer gently patted Ji Bai's shoulder: "Student, you did the right thing to call the police in time today. It's okay; go home for dinner."

Jibai asked quickly, "Then when can he leave?"