Chapter 22 lycanthrope-humanoid

The night sky has already painted Van Gough's Starry Night, as orbs of light swirl in the lavender and blue canvas. A ghostly winter moon hangs there, imitating a pale strobe light as the sky becomes shaky. A corona of shimmering yellow rings its dying glory. The sky around it is a broadsheet of grate-grey, hemmed in the horizon with a plum-purple tinge.

Her fragrance, her scent, so close to me. I placed my lips to her neck as she took a deep breath in, her soft pale skin to my lips. I gently sank my teeth, tearing through her skin. It felt different to her wrist, and my eyes glowed red as she closed them. She gripped my top, squeezing it, letting out a relieved sigh.

She was sacrificing her body for me as I stopped letting go of her. I am ready.

I looked at Mia. She looked pale and weak as her eyes were slightly closed. I had to get her help; I had sucked more than two pints out of her. Yesterday and today had been too much. Realizing I didn't have much time, I removed my pocket knife and cut open my wrist.

I tilted her head slightly to the back as I kept my wrist above her lips, dripping my blood into her mouth. With the first drop of blood, her eyes shot wide open, glowing red, and her fangs sharpened as she grabbed my wrist . Her energy levels were increasing as if she had tasted something new that she liked. She wouldn't stop the yellow stone on my neck had started to glow.

I pulled my wrist away, and she looked at me with blood on her lips. I wiped it off using the back of my index finger.

Her skin had a radiance to it. The two big guys saw us, and as they approached us, I stepped in front of Mia. My eyes lit up, and Mia transformed into a wolf and, without warning, jumped on the men, biting them.

The men used their arms to cover their faces as she ripped through their flesh like soft candy. They screamed in pain as I stood there watching.

When the tall, slender man appeared out of the dark shadows removing his hat, he was five meters away from where I stood. He looked at Mia, who looked up at him.

As she was about to attack him, she changed back into her human shape and screamed in pain, holding her stomach in a crouched-up fertile position. His eyes changed color, it was pitch black. He stepped forward Mia started to shake.

I looked up, and my stones lit up; I felt anger racing and like I wanted to kill this man. I walked up to him. He stopped looking at Mia and instantly looked at me; it seemed like he was trying to inflict pain on me.

My fingers became stiff. My fangs shot out my eyes glowed bright red as my stones lit up. I felt the pain Mia felt, and it couldn't harm me. It made me build up more anger.

I experienced somthing that I had never felt before, an "awakening" of my true power within me, a sharp pain rushed through my body as a shockwave sparkling through my veins, -AHAHHAAA- I FELT ALIVE-

He stepped forward and gritted his sharp teeth, the veins on his forehead became visible. When he noticed I was not reacting, he looked at Mia, who had screamed.

The air filled with mist as the lights dimmed, a blue light sparkled with tiny bits of sparkles like spinkling stars as it grew bright and brighter like a sharp radiating light in the dark shining to your eyes, this was more than just a light it was a unique power that the diamond carried, it was a light of protection, if it touches you it burns through you.

There was a loud scream, the scream was like the sound of wild pig being preyed on.

She stood up, holding her arms straight beside her, and clenched a fist. The man in the long coat stood there as three other men appeared out of nowhere, standing beside him.

Their fangs came out, as their eyes darkened. The three men looked down at the two men lying on the ground. The light had reached them as flames set them alight they stood up, running blindly, screaming with pain.

The three men stood there looking at the men. The one in the center stretched out his arm and closed his fist as if he was crushing him with his bare hands.

It is as if my terrified soul has unleashed a demon. All I felt was anger.

I felt as if I was protected by this light and something far more powerful, "I was untouchable."

The three men looked over Mia, trying to inflict pain. My shield was protecting us. It is an so light that they had to stand further back to avoid the light.

When the stones grew brighter, the pendant opened.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" I said.

They never answered. As the three stepped closer, Mia pleaded to stop them, "you have to stop them now. Your stones will stop glowing, and we will be in trouble."

Does Mia even know half of my story? I thought I their chosen one. Maybe I was overthinking my powers. She is right; the stones could stop glowing, the pendant could close, and we would be in trouble.

Ling and his pack of wolves emerged out of the dark shadows in the woods. The pack of wolves was able to cross through the light.

This is not good i thiught, if they were enemmies we would be in serious trouble.

The wolves stood besides me and Mia. They growled at the men.

The three men turned around and started running off as Ling, and his pack chased off the men. After seeing what the men had done to the other two bodyguards, I knew this was a trap.

The men never really came for us. They were after Ling and his pack. "Mia, call them back now."

"Why can't they catch the men who are after you?"

"This is a trap," Mia went silent, changed into a wolf, and chased after them.

I had now worried Mia would be caught in the trap. I called for Jia to protect Mia, and my green stone lit up in response, "Mia will be safe, but you have to stop the pack, or there won't be a tomorrow for them."

My body twisted unnaturally as my bones reshaped and shifted to form a lycanthrope-humanoid skeleton, causing me immense pain. I had excessive body hair and huge eyes that glowed yellow and fangs.

Within minutes I will become a hulking wolf-like celestial. Upon completion, I had lost my human mind, fully transformed into the wolf form, and let out a howling to call Mia and Ling's pack back.

Although initially, I could only transform at the full moon, being an alpha hybrid has allowed me to transform into a vampire or alpha wolf anytime.

Drawing a deep breath, I analyzed each scent, aroma, and fragrance of the woods as I chased after them. My strength was incredible, and my speed was faster.

I could do things other wolves couldn't, jump on the tallest trees and snap enemies in half. I encircled myself in, each odor bringing me into more engrossed tranquility until I reached closer and heard cries, not any cries; it was cries of wolves captured.

I saw a fire burning as the thick smoke became dark. I ran as fast as possible, deep into the woods where they were captured. Mia couldn't change back. She was too weak, as the men surrounded her, trying to inflict pain.

Jia was protecting her, and as I ran towards them, I saw that same girl from the accident; she appeared and disappeared. Was she trying to warn me?

I ran towards the direction she had appeared. She had dark eyes and black hair, holding a brown teddy bear.

I ran after her, in the direction she kept appearing, and found myself on the other side of the woods, thats when I realized she had saved me. Had I gone the same way as Mia, I would be dead.

I slowly moved in and sneaked up on them, changing back into my human form, realizing Ling and his pack were caught in what appeared to be a net hanging by a tree.

Beneath them was a fire burning that was growing higher and higher. I looked at the three men and felt anger, turning them into ashes. My blue stone suddenly died.

"What does this mean?" I thought as we killed the fire, letting them down.

Mia leaned over and gave me a hug and peck on the cheek as she ran up to her family, hugging them.

After the long day, we headed back to the house. Maka was sitting in the lounge staring at a blank TV, Jia was up in her room, and Lei was asleep on the sofa.

I was too exhausted to ask why his sleeping there. Maka glanced up and rolled her eyes as we headed upstairs. I leaned over and hugged Mia, "goodnight," it felt strange with her not being close to me. Was I ready to depart after this long day?