Chapter 26 Power

The park became darker. Soon the shadows of the trees will blend into the blackness, and their silhouettes against the sky will grow less pronounced.

As the view disappears, the sounds emerge as the volume steadily turns upward. The breaking of simple leaves or twigs becomes the focus of my attention.

I detect the loam fragrance in the autumnal breeze and glance upward to glimpse the moon before a dark cloud erases its precious silver rays. Besides me is Mia, and surrounding Ling and his pack of wolves.

"I think Mr. Chan is more dangerous than we think," Mia insists.

Ling is wearing a black shirt and pants with pointy black shoes and paces back and forth after describing the tattoo we have seen. It turned out Ling knew Mr. Chan.

He is neither a hybrid vampire like Maka nor a hybrid vampire. He's a vampire in the underground; he runs the dark side of the underground, is well-connected, and has alot of business dealings with humans.

However, he was situated on the other end of Hong Kong. Why was he here?

Ling feared the worst since I was exposed and feared for Mia's life.

Mr. Chan was the type who got revenge. Even though nothing has been done to him, he will find a way to get revenge, and with all the people working under him, he has changed a few of his people into vampires.

Mia was right; he was dangerous. That night, Maka lies awake. She researched Mr. Chan and couldn't find any information on him until she went onto the dark web using a VPN and Torrent not to be traced.

There was a chatroom called the silk road, and in there, she found out who Mr. Chan was. People were afraid of even mentioning his name.

She had to watch killings on the dark web to get deeper into the silk road; this was no moral enemy.

-About the dark web, the dark web is a term referred to specifically as a collection of publicly visible websites that hide the IP addresses (Locations) of the servers that run them. Any web user can visit them, but working out who is behind and using the sites is complicated, and you cannot find them using regular search engines such as Google. Almost all sites on the dark web hide their identity and IP address using the Tor encryption tool. You can use Tor to hide your identity and spoof your location. When a website is run through Tor, it has much the same effect.-

How did Jiang's dad recognize Chan? Would that mean he deals in the underworld?

"Boss, how long are we going to hide out here?"

"For as long as I say you will.

You would know why I chose this place if you had seen what I have. This kid is one of a kind, and he's dangerous and not easy to take down. He's a hybrid, day and nightwalker.

He can turn you into ashes just by looking at you; you have not seen what I have seen. If that friend of his hadn't been there, I would be dead."

"But, Sir, what makes him different from you?"

"Everything, he is faster, stronger, and has powers. Back in the day, we thought we had burned them all, but this one is the reborn of," Mr. Chan paused, looking up, "she can hear us."

"Who can hear you, Sir?"

Mr. Chan turned around with his red eyes glowing and felt an excruciating pain in his head as he kept his head dropping to his knees, blood ran down his ears, and his daughter Huan ran up to him.

She had a face of a Chinese porcelain doll with shiny hair. She touched her dad's head and blocked out Jia, protecting the place with a spell. Her dad had slowly recovered.

He looked pale as he caught his breath, "what are we up against, dad?"

"Something I never knew existed. His sister is growing stronger by the day. She carries only thirty percent of the power he carries."

"Thirty percent?" Huan repeated, "and she is capable of doing this."

"How long are you able to keep this spell?"

"We are in a cave, dad. I would never have imagined needing a spell to protect us with this distance."

Meanwhile, Jia sits at home by the table, staring at the portrait. Maka and Lei sat on the opposite end of the table, "the guy who attacked my brother is building an army.

I just got through to their hiding place. It's in a cave."

Maka moved closer, "and what's happening."

"I threw him off for now, but we have a problem?"

"We do?"

"Yes, since my brother drank on Mia, he is stronger, so he doesn't need courage, which makes me weaker."

"I knew she was up to no good," Said Maka

"It's not her; it's Ling. He knew what was coming, and Mia had no clue," Jia paused and walked over to the window, "she has no clue now that my brother can only feed on her.

With their power, the wolves become stronger, I become weaker, and if this continues, I will lose my abilities."

"Why didn't you say anything to him."

"I never knew until now, when crawling into that guy's head. My brother's powers will increase Mia, would be sacrificed, and Ling and his pack will grow stronger. They are preparing for what was to come decades ago."

Maka had started to love Jia. She was like a little sister and felt sorry for Jia, "so can we stop it, and if we can stop it, how are we going to stop it?"

Jia took a deep breath, "in the forest is a lake. It's spellbound water that only people like us can drink; to others, it's poison.

It's toxic to anything human, and Mia would have to drink it 'willingly,' She has to understand that her family could die when drinking it. Mia doesn't know anything."

Lei's eyes grew wide, "but why would they sacrifice their daughter?"

Jia glanced at Lei and smiled, "she was never their daughter."

"What do you mean she's not their daughter?"

"Well, long ago, Mia was taken from her family.

She was an infant, and her grandmother was a powerful woman who stayed in the woods. People mistook her grandmother for being a witch and killed her. As for Mia, she was taken by Ling thats when they found out she is a hybrid, but she a hybrid with eighty percent wolf, and 20 is a vampire."

Jia turned around with her silky black dress and two ponytails neatly tied. She walked to the table as she transformed into a twenty-year-old. She glowed to her and was much taller and looked more mature.

Mia can do this, so we won't ever know the real her unless she doesn't know how to transform, "why would Ling want to give up someone as powerful as Mia?"

Jia looked up, "that's what I am trying to figure out, except for me losing my ability, and they increase power. I can't make sense of it," Jia changed back to her old self, "I can't seem to get into that guy's head.

Something powerful is blocking me off, the only type of person who can do this is an alpha Hybrid with the ability to end humanity, but the only alpha hybrid I know is my brother."

Maka stood up, "is he the only alpha hybrid? If Mia is a hybrid, we have our hands full with the unknown. Where are they now?"

"Mia and my brother went for a walk. They would be back soon."

I was alone in the park with Mia after Ling, and the rest of the pack had left. Mia placed her right leg over mine moving closer, and her eyes changed yellow as she gave a devious smile lifting my wrist.

Mia wore a red leather jacket and black jeans with black boots. Her hair was in curls hanging over her shoulder.

She lifted my wrist and brought it close to her lips, staring at me while she sank her teeth through my flesh. I felt a sharp burning sensation as she slowly started to suck.

This time it felt different. Mia's eyes became brighter; my stones lit up as she started sucking hard, breathing through her nose.

She stopped staring up at me with their yellow eyes and bloody mouth, blood dripping from her lips.

She moved her head to the side, and I moved closer, breathing my warm breath above her neck as I sank my fangs. She sighed in relief. Gripping my jean, she closed her eyes and threw her head back, staring at the moon.

The blood tasted sweeter and more satisfying.

Just us under the moonlight. She moved her lips to my ear, whispering, "enough," as I stopped.

Jia dropped down to her knees, screaming, holding her head.

Maka jumped up and comforted her holding her tight against her chest until they stopped sucking. "My brother needs to stop," Jia closed her eyes and passed out.