Chapter 38 Darklord

Fear, we often feel and can't describe; we chase shadows, we play with our shadows, and we fear shadows. When I was ten years old, I ran around chasing my shadow; little did I know that shadow would be my protection, my bodyguard, my shadow; when darkness fell, I dreaded it, going back into that single dark room, curtains blowing open.

The wind blew mercilessly through the curtain rattling the window like a pickup truck with cans attached. I crawled under my comforter, seeing shadows lurking from the dark corners; as the tree banged against my window, I would grip my comforter so tight that my knuckles turned white.

My heart raced so fast as the shadows moved in. Closer, I screamed as hard as I could; my mom would come to the room in her silky white pajamas, sitting by my bedside and reading me a bedtime story; she always told me, "your shadow is your protector."

I now understood what she meant when lying on my bed, staring up at the roof.

Mia had been sick for weeks, and Maka suspected Mia was pregnant.

We went to the doctor for a checkup, and Maka's suspicions had been confirmed; I felt stressed out. I am only now eighteen, but it was not just about me; it was also about Mia; this made her happy, and I couldn't understand why she was calm about it.

Weeks went by, and her belly grew more bigger; unlike ordinary humans who wait for three months to see a bump on their tummy, Mia, s stomach became visible at three weeks; she had a different glow to her skin and more radiating and she appeared happier.

Hers and Maka's relationship has improved.

They started speaking more; Lei came more often around, and he and Maka became closer.

Being eighteen years old and having a pregnant girlfriend changed my lifestyle. As an Alpha, I knew I could protect the baby. My worry was when I was not around.

"Hey, baby, what are you thinking" I glanced over at Mia; she stood, beautiful as always; she was wearing a black tank top and pants.

It was one in the afternoon, and she never got dressed; Mia was not in the mood for dressing because she felt bloated and had cramps.

I stood up and asked her, "why don't we get out abit more than sitting in the house?"

She looked up at me and ran the back of her finger over my cheek, then smiled gently, "sure for you, anything." She had turned around and walked up the staircase when there was this scream.

I ran up to her Jia and Maka ran over to the staircase; Mia was lying on her stomach; she had scratched her nails into the wood as she was trying to elevate the pain, trying to control her breathing.

When she turned around, we noticed her eyes were pitch black, and stomach veins were visible, and her stomach grew bigger; I placed her head on my lap, trying to calm her.

My Yellowstone was becoming dimmer. I am not sure why since I felt fine.

"We have to get to the hospital."

"My lord, we have a problem."Said Shen

The Darklord turned around and floated towards him; the whip he held had pieces of human flesh and skin and Screams. Wails. Cries. Sobs.

Regrets. Punishments. Sufferings.

Pain. Pain. And pain.

"What seems to be the problem, Shen?"

"The baby will be born soon, my Lord."

"What baby?"He replied,

Darkness surrounds the evening sky. The stars were peeking out from their dark home. It looked like God took a straight pin and poked a paper with tiny holes.

Crickets softly played their symphony as the world slept. I laid in on my bunk, staring off into the darkness, and wondered what the day had in store for me. The night watchman quietly walked his route like a thief in the night; Mia was more peaceful. I alleviated her pain, and she became calm; the yellow stone grew brighter.

I felt a sense of relief, thats until a bright light flashed through my window. I heard a growl of restlessness howling from afar as it had started raining like cats and dogs; this storm was different; it was more robust. It was vigorous ripping through the material; the cars alarms had started going off as a gust of wind rattled the windows; Mia, who had laid beside me, gripped my shirt and placed her leg over mine, shutting her eyes as the dark sky trembled and the grey clouds manifested into an electromagnetic wavering convulsion, letting the heavens cry pour like a running tap on the sidewalk, creating a pool of water of on wet sand.

I heard heavy breathing closing in as I looked down; Mia had fallen asleep; what was that sound? I gently shifted her head to the pillow and walked over to the window, and I saw someone with a black Arope standing there looking up at my window; I ran downstairs as fast as I could; when opening the door, the man in the rope was gone.

I looked around and could only see floods of water.

The house was quiet, and thats when I heard something upstairs; I ran as fast as I could to where the sound came from; it was quiet, and there was no one in the rooms. A dark shadow lurked towards the bathroom as it faded through the door like a ghost.

I opened the bathroom door, and there was no one; I heard a banging sound coming from my room, and the red stone had started to glow, "this is danger." I transformed into an Alpha wolf. And I got the scent of the dark lord; he was close by; what did he want? I could smell him inches away as I ran across to my room; Mia was gone; the room window was open; without hesitation, I jumped through the window from the double-story house; my enhanced senses could not pick up the scent because of the heavy rainfall, I howled, Ling and his pack were nowhere to be seen, I howled again this time harder, as I ran around the house, I could see nothing the Darklord has to take Mia and my Unborn, I heard of getting to him.

Maka came outside when hearing the howl; I transformed back into my human shape, "what happened, Kai?"

I looked at her as my eyes grew dark; I tightened my fist, "That asshole took Mia."

Maka went silent momentarily, then said, "who is the dark lord."

"I shook my head."

I felt sad. I felt angry, not at the Darklord but at myself for leaving Mia on her own; the wolves had appeared, and they stood in front of me. I snapped. "Now only the bloody Dark Lord has her." Ling walked up to me.

And placed his hand on my shoulder, "We know where he is heading, and we have to move fast; Mia is due to give birth, and he is out to kill the baby."

Jia walked out in the rain; it was as if she had an invitation invisible umbrella; the rain never touched her, and her eyes were glowing red, and she looked at Ling. Then looked over at me, "there's not much time." Jia pointed east, through the forest and a narrow path crossing over a high bridge, and below was contaminated water.

The wolves prepared as they howled; out of the forest's dark shadows came unfamiliar faces. It was an army of eighteen vampires; I looked down at Jia, "I called them." I nodded as the wolves and the vampires prepared to attack.

The silvery mist licked at every surface. Rain fell on the forest canopy covering dense and tangled vegetation. Bowl-shaped plants caught the rainwater. Beetles, snails, flies, and frogs continued their activities.

The sheer denseness of the foliage had made me fear for the life of Mia and my unborn, like in all this space, I could still be snug. The thousands of noises had crashed over me as refreshing as any waterfall, overriding my senses and setting my brain to the same chemical soup.

The moon was a wraith-silver disc hanging in the lonely sky. Lasers of moonlight, as bright as diamond-flame, turned the sea a-glow like melted platinum. It was as if I was watching a scene from an old fable stepping off the page and I was beguiled by its beauty. The Chinese called the May moon the dragon moon and I could see why. The waves were a-glitter like curved scales and I became lost in the haunting lullaby of their swell and sigh. Who am I to argue this is a beginning to a beautiful start?

We clearly had underestimated our own kind, when seeing the Vampires standing outside, there numbers have grown, but so has my stones, that's right my stones gave me a sense I had never felt before I felt more strong, I felt confident, looking at the Vampires made them appear like a army of ants.

Jia walked over to me and looked up at me squeezing my hand.