Chapter 37 Shadows

Jia came walking down the staircase in her white winnie the pooh Pyjamas; we both turned around that moment, "Jia, you are up?"

Yes, I am, she shook her head; the evil guy is outside; I saw him outside my window."

"It's okay. I took care of it; he can't come closer than he is. I have placed invisible protection around. He can't cross over it."

Jia smiled and went back upstairs.

"So you can place protection around the house." I can do alot more than that; I pushed Mia over and kissed her passionately as both our hearts raced; I moved my lips to her neck we started undressing, making passionate love.

Mia was my first, and I went to this extent with her; what I felt was indescribable. She was intelligent and beautiful.

The clock struck 3 am when I felt a breeze over my back; there was an unwanted presence; how was this possible?

Mia had been lying on my chest, and I tried not to wake her while standing up.

As I stood up, I turned around and glanced at her again; questions raced through my thoughts, was she my girlfriend?

Does she like me?

Is she my destiny?

I suddenly paused when hearing footsteps outside; I walked over to the window and saw nothing but fog; the light that was up had vanished; I found that strange since the stones were glowing and the pendant was open.

I heard heavy breathing, the type of breathing when you run a marathon. There were footsteps around the house my paranoia kicked in ; I knew the Darklord was around, and my only way to defend the family is to get rid of the dark lord.

However, this became impossible since only certain people could cross the dungeon, so I stepped outside. And I looked around fearlessly. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned to see it was Mia. She was half asleep. "Baby, come back to bed."

I looked around, but there was no one; upon entering the house, Mia glowed to her; she looked slightly more plumpy, or was this my imagination?

Her hands felt warm; I looked down. Her nails had a neon manicure; it looked stylish, and her fingers looked swollen.

"Are you okay?"

She shook her head and ran to the toilet; I ran after her, and she puked in the toilet, "are you okay?"

I, m not sure I dont think I am; I feel sick.

I felt her forehead with the back of my hand, which felt warmer than usual, "seems like you are coming down with the floor.

This loud bang woke everyone up; it had come from the lounge; I picked up the baseball back and walked over slowly.

The door was wide open, and the wind had picked up drastically. It started to rain and thunder as the clouds covered the moonlight. Maka and Jia stood upstairs looking down; what was that? Said Maka

"Nothing to worry about, just a bad storm." Mia entered the lounge, "Are you both still up?" Maka questioned; we were asleep. It's just the storm rattling the windows. It broke our sleep; Maka shook her head in disbelief, then looked over at Mia; you look pale, and sweaty Jia had walked down the staircase this instant; she touched Mia's hand and immediately pulled away; Maka frowned and stepped down the stairs.

Jia stared up at Mia and looked over at her brother.

"Jia, what's wrong?"

"Why is it that we can't heal her?"

"We can't?" I repeated; I attempted to touch her hand. I felt s sudden shock spiking through my body; it was like stepping onto a live wire or sticking your finger into a socket.

Detective Bolin sat in his office flickering his pen; it was somehow therapeutic; his desk was piled with paperwork, unsolved case files which he had pushed aside since the fall of 1989; the case of the mission girl was assigned to him, he had worked months in search of the missing girl, he had kept the case discreet because the villagers thought the house had burnt down with the little girl in it, as did for detective Bolin, he found nobody, and without anybody, there wasn't sufficient evidence to say the baby existed, on that crime scene he had found something that he had later buried in his backyard after strange occurrences took place.

It was like yesterday; he sat in his office and looked at the yellow file, its pages had turned yellow, with coffee and tea stains from his desk; he felt closer to this case than he had ever felt before; he leaned his forehead in his chair, stretched out his arm, and touched the file, then looked up to the clock it was 4 pm, he had a routine at that time he would go to to the cantine and get coffee meet Detective Xhia. They would catch up on their dailies.

Detective Bolin was on the fifth floor, where there were two offices, one for him and one for his secretary; the files on that floor were highly confidential.

When detective Bolin needed assistance with finding files, he would ask secretary Lin Hu; they had been working for many years together. She was on the second floor with Homicide assistant detective Xhia; she was efficient and knew exactly where each file was; Lin Hu was a mother of two

Sadly not everyone has that perfect marriage and life; she had a few ups and downs with the underworld, and her ex-husband got mixed up with the wrong crowd and put their family in danger, detective Bolin who was kind-hearted, dealt with them and squared up all the outstanding debt, she promises to repay everything. "All I want in return is for you to divorce your husband for a better life for your kids." His words she won't ever forget.

After a few weeks, they divorced, but her ex-husband was furious and attempted to kidnap her; that's when Detective Bolin frightened the living shit out of him.

He ran as far as he could and disappeared Lin-Hu, then transferred from homicide to Detective Bolin's department; no one could understand what made her so special that he chose her office next to his.

Bolin stood up and stretched out, yawning; as he walked over to the door and pushed down the handle, he looked backward at that file sticking out.

It was the case of the missing girl.

There was a knock on the door; it was Lin-Hu; she had a stack of files under her arms; Ms. Hu, you seem like you are carrying heavy. Is there anything I can assist you with?

Lately, the office has been cold, and the aircon was set at its lowest even on cold days; Ms. Hu had known her boss for a long time and had noticed a change in Bolin; he had lost an excessive amount of weight; his skin had a glow to it, his hair was shiny, hooked different, he looked handsome, she notices the silver ring on his middle finger with a black storm and what appears like python teeth covering the stone, it had a unique glow to It, it had a neon radiance to it, and it sat perfectly around his finger, it lightened and darkened, it's as if it was expressing emotion. "A ring is expressing emotion."

She thought to herself, "Sir, I am. Heading downstairs, are there any files you would like me to take Bolin looked back at the files on his desk. "Where are you taking those files?" He questions in a flat stern voice.

"To the lockup, on homicide?" Mr. Bolin had raised his eyebrows and then narrowed them, drawing them closer to eachother as the wrinkles on his forehead became visible.

"That storage dump site is so full; you would spend hours searching for try right file." He smirked as if he had just convinced himself that he was smarter.

"Lin Hu pulled out a 64 GB flash drive and showed him all that stuff down there is on here, Boss, and it is saved to the backup cloud drive.

"How do you know how to do all this?"

My daughter showed me how; Lin Hu grinned ear to ear, like a mother who had just appeared in a book of genius world records, for figuring out the word "cloud."

"So are you telling me that all this on my table can go to a cloud?"

Lin Hu proudly smiled. "Yes, Sir"

"Okay, maybe sure that the cloud you are sending it to is accessible time and place these files in a box, cover it, and Mark in red -DO NOT TOUCH- Mr. Bolin's order had explicitly been particular on how to mark it and place it on the cloud.

"Please lock my office after you leave."

Lin Hu gathered all the documents and carefully filed them individually, then encrypting she had uploaded the encrypted drive to the cloud and left it on his table as she was about to exit. A tall, dark shadow floated over to her; she felt paralyzed, and her eyes grew as her mouth hung open. A mist unfolded, floating towards her.