Press Incident

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The class erupted in cheers, and Mokami was showered in applause as the new president. After a few minutes of celebration and excitement, it was finally time to head out for lunch.

Girls with Mokami made their way to the cafeteria. He would usually eat with boyz, but this time, there was a difference, and he wanted to be close to girls so he could stop them from panicking. He didn't want his girls to be groped by mobs while running in panic.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, everyone chose different foods that suited their particular taste buds. Momo enjoyed her vegetable curry while Itsuka savored her plate of miso ramen. Toru had her usual bowl of udon while Kyoka opted for some cold soba noodles with tempura vegetables on top. Even Tsuyu and Yui decided to try something new with Bento boxes filled with rice balls! As everyone tucked into their food, there was an atmosphere of camaraderie - a feeling of friends enjoying each other's company away from schoolwork and lectures.

Later, boyz came near to see Mokami getting along with the girl they wanted to join in. They were happily chatting and eating when suddenly alarms went off.

"An alarm?!" All the students in the cafeteria look up in bewildered surprise.

"There has been a Level 3 security breach. All students please evacuate outdoors promptly." A robotic voice announced over the speakers.

"What is 'Level 3 security'?" Immediately, Iida questioned the boy next to him as the robotic voice continued to announce.

"It means someone is trespassing on school grounds!" the boy answered urgently. "I've never seen anything like this in the three years I've been here! You should hurry, too!"

Students of 1-A were about to panic when a voice washed over the big room.

"QUIET!" This time, he even raised his voice a bit. Even when he spoke in a whisper while using this trick, everyone would hear him and stop to listen, now that he raised his voice, even the escaping mob stopped acting like monkeys on Viagra and stopped where they were.

"It is just the press." He said as he pointed at the window. The mob calmed down and looked out the window. Seeing the press member, they started to curse and fill the cafeteria once again, while most people looked at Mokami. Their group was still seated and eating without any worry, while students of 1-A looked proud. They were glad that they chose a capable class rep.

After lunch, they returned to the classroom and did the ceremony for the class representative. Itsuka went first and gave her speech.

"Being a vice president of the class is an honorable position that I take very seriously. I can proudly say that I will be working hard to bring harmony and balance to our class, and ensure that every student is respected and given a voice. With my experience in leadership, I am confident that I can make our class the best it can be."

Momo followed with her speech about being co-president. "As co-president, I pledge to create a safe and welcoming environment for all students in this classroom. We should strive towards creating an atmosphere where everyone feels supported and accepted no matter what their background or identity is. Additionally, I promise to work with Itsuka to ensure that all voices are heard in order for us to have meaningful conversations about important topics affecting us as a student body."

Mokami was last and gave his speech about being co-president: "I believe strongly in supporting each other as we embark on this journey together as classmates. Together, we can share ideas and perspectives so that everyone has the chance to learn from one another. We should also strive towards creating strong bonds with those around us so that we can help foster cooperation between classmates even when differences arise." He concluded with a nod and smile, making sure he had conveyed his message before taking his seat once more.

With it, the day ended. Mokami say goodbye to Momo and the girls, as they would go out again. Using this opportunity, he called his lawyer.

"Mokami, what's up?" The lawyer asked from the other side.

"Bakin, I need a contract for a beauty product. My company will be the producer and one civilian will be working with us to create it. She will earn 20% percent from each sale so long as we use the main ingredient she supplied even when we stop taking her help." Mokami gave a quick summary.

"Any hidden cluster to screw her later?" The lawyer asked. Bakin was a great lawyer. A smart lawyer who is not afraid to get his dirty. He had a Quirk that allowed him to feel people's moods, so he was great at court, while he was a natural genius.

"Nah, all honest business."

"Ten minutes."

"Alright, send me an email."

"See you later."

"Yup, take care." With it, he ended the call and made his way to his dear Mitsuki's home. By the time he arrived, Bakin sent the mail, so he was ready to go. He knocked on the door and waited with a smile. On his way over there, he bought champagne and created a briefcase cooler to store it.

Mitsuki soon opened the door and looked at him with a blush and a blinding smile.

"Mokami, welcome. Come in." She was wearing a short skirt and blouse, with a thin belt to cinch her waist.

He walked in and sat on the couch. Mitsuki put water into the kettle and walked near him. Mokami held her hand in between his and started to explain the contract and how their partnership would go.

"You will be directly under me." He said as he showed her the contract, "You don't need to do anything, I will do the all work and you will just enjoy whatever comes."

"I will visit you often to secrete your precious juice and take samples. Tasting your delicious tea and snacks are of course a big bonus."

"Our partnership will be satisfactory and profitable for both of us. While we work for this great cream, I will also get to see you."

He placed innuendos in his every sentence, and soon Mitsuki's flush reached her brain once again. The last time he visited, he learned Katsuki's father worked oversea and visited home only a couple of days every few months. It would explain why Katsuki was an insufferable, little asshole, really, but it also left Mitsuki lonely. He initially just wanted to mess with Katsuki while talking about a partnership with Mitsuki. But upon learning that Bakugou's father was working overseas all the time, and some other details he noticed in their household, he thought there was something else going on, thus he decided to at least come several more times to learn what really was going on.

"So, what do you say?" He asked after he explained everything.

"Sounds unbelievable!" Mitsuki smiled, "I accept."

"Great, then sign here, and here, and here. I will send you copies and we will start soon." He said as he opened his briefcase and removed the bottle and a couple of glasses. "Up for a celebration?"

"Why not?" She smiled and took the glasses while he uncorked the bottle. He was a minor but Mitsuki seemed like she didn't care. Even if she did, he would convince her, but her willingness made it much better.

"To our partnership!" He said and they clinked glasses. The sparkling champagne was a perfect choice; sweet and tangy with a hint of lime, it tasted like summer and success. Mitsuki's eyes brightened as they drank, and he could feel the sweetness in her cheeks. They talked about her future plans, and how this would change her life.

It was still early, so they didn't drink much. He wasn't expecting to make her drunk and have sex with her right there and then. This was a long game, and he was still placing his stones. Of course only after he made sure it was as he was thinking. Although he was 90% sure of it, the alternative was bitter and he didn't want to be the cause of such an immoral act.

When Mitsuki was a bit tipsy, he stood up and declared his departure. Mitsuki was a bit disappointed, but she knew he had to go. Katsuki would come soon, and she had to cook as well.

She saw her at the door, and at the entrance, she hugged him. "Thank you for giving me this opportunity. This means a lot. Especially after Masaru lef— After Masaru went to overseas for work."

"Mitsuki, it is you who is giving me this opportunity. I will make a fortune out of your ability." He smiled.

"Still, I feel lucky to meet you." She said and buried her face in his chest.

"That luck and pleasure are all mine." He stroked her back and a tingle went down her spine. 'Maybe a bit shorter game than I thought.'


Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 8 Euros! You can now support me and have two extra chapters!
