We reached the second Patreon Chekpoint, and I will publish 2 Bonus Chapter tomorrow and day after by adding one to each daily chapter. Thank you everyone for supporting me!


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"For today's hero basic training, we will be having three instructors, All Might and me, and one more person," Aizawa announced to the class.

'I hope it doesn't deviate too much from the original.' Mokami sighed as he listened to the teacher. In the end, he decided to let it happen, so he can see if there was any difference with League of Villains.

"Excuse me!" Sero raises his hand, "What'll we be doing?" Aizawa held up a cue card with the word 'Rescue' on it in blue. "Disasters, shipwrecks, and everything in between. It's rescue training."

"Rescue…" Itsuka leaned forward in her chair before saying to Yui, seating in front of her. "Looks like we will do real hero work this time."

"Mn?" Yui nodded.

Kirishima reclined back in his seat, arching an eyebrow. "This is the duty of a hero!" He then sat up, enthusiastically. "My arms are ready to rumble!"

"No one can beat me in water, ribbit." Tsuyu asserts, excited as well.

"Hey, I'm not done." Aizawa interrupts the class's enthusiasm. "You can decide if you want to wear your costume or not this time." Aizawa pressed a button on the remote in his hand, sending a signal for the costume locker to open.

"Because there are probably costumes that limit your abilities in certain environments, too. The training will take place off-campus, so we're taking a bus. That is all. Start getting ready."

Everyone turned to look at Mokami while he nodded towards his co- and vice-presidents. "Momo-chan, Itsuka-chan, coordinate the girls and take them to the bus, I will deal with the boys."

"Aye aye" The duo nodded and walked towards the boxes, while he watched as the boys took their costumes as well. Some opted to not wear costumes, and he just shrugged. When everyone changed, the boys left the changing room and met with the girls in front of the bus.

Izuku wore his pro costume as it was super durable. Even when he battled against Bakugo, there was not even a speck of dust on it. Only Todoroki wore PE clothes as he had not his costume. Not that he cared.

After meeting in front of the bus, the girls allowed everyone to board based on their seat numbers, and with it the class was ready.

"I always end up saying whatever is on my mind," Tsuyu said as she looked at Izuku with big, curious eyes and out of nowhere called out "Izuku-chan."

"Uhh—what?!" Midoriya blushed like a wimp he was at the sudden call out by a girl, heat rushing to his cheeks. "Yes, Asui-san?!"

"Call me 'Tsuyu-chan'." Asui asserted.

Nervous, Midoriya averted his eyes as he nodded. "Y-yeah…"

"Your Quirk is like All Might's." The frog-like girl commented.

"Huh?!" Midoriya jolted, his head going into panic mode. "Y-Y-You think so?!" Izuku freaked out from the statement as she tried to come up with a lie.

Has she figured it out?! What should I do?! What should I do?!

Mokami looked at his pathetic face and read his thoughts. He wondered how others couldn't. After Tsuyu's statement and Izuku's acting, it wasn't hard for people to notice that he was hiding something and that the frog girl was up to something.

Mokami wondered how Bakugo didn't figure out in anime when the wimp admitted his Quirk was given to him by someone else, but it wasn't his damn business. This time, because he was beaten to the ground and Izuku was fine, Bakugo spent some time in the infirmary and Izuku had no chance to run to his boyfriend and spill all of the secrets All-Might specifically told him to keep from everyone. For what? So his boyfriend wouldn't get upset.

Kirishima was about to answer to ruin the moment, so Mokami leaned forward and said, "Now that you mentioned it, they both augment the user's physical stats right? Though, All-Might never blasted his bone off. Maybe because he is strong."

Midoriya looked at him in fear and anger but didn't say anything.

"But, it's nice to have a simple augmenting type, Quirk." Kirishima acknowledged as he leaned back in his seat. "You can do lots of flashy stuff!"

The red-haired boy extends his arm as he activated his Quirk, causing the skin of his arm to harden like a rock. "My Hardening is strong against others, but unfortunately, it doesn't look like much."

"There is no weak Quirk, there is a weak user." At this time Mokami said again. "It is what you do with your Quirk that matters."

"What do you mean, gero?" Tsuyu asked.

"I am not saying all Quirks are equal, they are not. Some are overpowered from the beginning, but that doesn't mean others cannot catch up with people with strong Quirk. For example; Toru-chan. She is just a regular cute high-school girl and her Quirks only make her invisible. But she trained her body to walk barefoot on the battlefield and fight with her naked body. Without any iota of protection on her body. That requires courage." Mokami said as he looked at the invisible girl.

Toru felt overwhelmed by Mokami's words, feeling like all of the hardships she had suffered were worth it in the end if someone could see her struggle and recognize how strong she was. Her heart raced and tears threatened to spill over as emotion flooded through her body, knowing that others had noticed her bravery and were praising her for it. All she ever wanted was to be seen as a hero, and now here she was — being recognized with admiration and respect from those who understood what it took for her to even make it this far.

"I never thought like that." Kirishima muttered, "Hagakure, you are so manly!"

"You are awesome, gero," Tsuyu added.

Mokami smiled, satisfied with the response. "It's true that there are no weak Quirks, but," he paused and held up his hands in a gesture of emphasis, "there are those who have given up on themselves, and that's where the weakness lies. Popularity is not strength; having strong allies is not strength either although it is as important; even having a strong Quirk does not make one stronger than others. Making best use of what you have makes you strong."

Kirishima felt a wave of determination wash over him at those words. He knew Mokami was right. He was suddenly pumped up to train harder and make himself stronger. He wanted to prove he wasn't weak or lazy — that he could live up to the expectations of his schoolmates and classmates. He knew it wouldn't be easy but if Toru could do it, then so could he! Taking a deep breath, Kirishima stood up from his seat determinedly and thanked Mokami for his words.

"I'm going to put in more work into training my Quirk so I can become the best version of myself," Kirishima declared firmly as all eyes fell upon him in surprise. "Even if I am just a simple Quirk user, I will strive hard to hone my skills so I can protect everyone around me! I will increase my focus on training from now on!"

The others stared at him in awe before clapping their hands together in admiration of Kirishima's newfound determination — Toru especially proud of herself for having such an effect on others.


Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 95 Euros! You can now support me and have three extra chapters!
