Warm Evening!

Check the auxiliary chapters for my next fanfiction poll please. As requested, I separated three fanfiction. You can also read the first chapters of each fanfiction to have better idea. There four more days until the poll ends. I hope I can get more ideas. Thanks and Peace!



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Toru presented the cupcake basket she brought, to Mika, then the girls started to bond. Although she was Nejire's fan, she didn't act like a zealous devotee. Only showed some enthusiasm when the bigger girl hugged her.

Mokami, who was watching all that from the corner of his eye, got up and started to show her around.

"Come on let me show you the beauty of this place." He said as he took her hand and walked towards the stairs. Toru looked around as she followed Mokami. The mansion was even more beautiful than she had imagined - its size was intimidating but at the same time majestic.

Everywhere she looked there were luxurious things that made her mouth water and eyes sparkle in awe. From the grand staircase to the huge library containing thousands of books, sculptures, paintings, and many more artifacts; no detail seemed out of place in this grand palace-like building.

They continued their tour through the mansion until they finally reached a door leading to a balcony with a view so breathtaking it almost made Toru weep. She couldn't believe such a gorgeous place existed - one could see for miles and miles away among forests and mountains which included Yuuei.

On the other side, the ocean could be seen. She loved the house and its futuristic disposition. Although it was made of stones like any other, the house looked like houses came out of sci-fi movies.

"And this is my room." He opened the door as he ushered her to enter. With an almost blood-dripping face, she stepped in and started to look around.

The room was surprisingly simple in comparison to the rest of the mansion. The walls were almost white but had a tint of gray while being filled with pictures of family members and some other individual pictures. Next to it was a neatly made bed with light blue sheets, a single simple nightstand, and a bookshelf filled with science books and fiction.

When Toru saw Mokami and Momo's childhood photo she almost had cuteness overload but she kept back her "Kyaaa's". She could see how much the twins loved each other from their expressions in the picture - it made her feel warm inside. On one side of the wall, there were green plants placed on top of a shelf other than that, the room was empty.

She was honestly expecting a different room when she first stepped into the 'first boy room she entered.' There were no heroine posters, no figurines. Everything was tidy and neat, and there was nothing extra.

She then walked to the bed and sat on it. It was soft and bouncy. She thought it would feel comfortable but the idea made her blush, so she jumped as soon as she sat.

"Let's go, the lasagna should be ready." He said.

"My favorite!" She exclaimed.

"Oh really?" He mocked a surprise, "I am lucky then."

They both laughed and went down the stairs. The dinner was super enjoyable with 6 beauties. The family was cheerful, the food was great, and everything seemed so perfect.

"So, what did you think about the house, Toru-chan?" Nejire asked.

"It's... wonderful." She replied with a smile. Luckily, everyone at the table could see her, so her pure smile was appreciated by all.

"Toru-nee you are soo pretty." Eri expressed with her eyes wide open, making Toru almost cry.

"Eri-chan is even prettier." She answered, as she wiped her eyes with her palm and smiled at the little girl.

At the end of the dinner, the family walked to the backyard. Mokami and Momo showed Toru one of their favorite spots on the grounds. It was a huge garden with a lake in its center, surrounded by trees and flowers of all kinds. The lake was filled with clear blue water that reflected the stars above at night - it was absolutely breathtaking. The center was full of Koi fishes with bright orange scales which made it beautiful, despite its size. The entire garden was surrounded by tall ivy walls that kept the place hidden from neighbors and guests alike.

As they sat down and a robot carrying a tray approached, they sat in the gazebo near the lake.

"Deserts are ready it seems."

"Creme caramels?" Toru asked with her mouth wide open. Caramel was her favorite.

"Did I guess right again?" Mokami asked with an evil grin.

"He always does that." Nejire giggled.

"Nii-chan is the best!" Eri hugged him.

They talked about everything and nothing - from their usual gossip to every other thing they could think of. They were so absorbed in their conversation they didn't notice the sun setting.

The last thing they saw of the sun was its fading orange rays reflecting on the water, making it look like molten amber, as it slowly made its way toward the horizon.

"It is truly beautiful," Toru whispered as she watched.

"Yes, it is," Mokami said as he looked at this goddess.

"Moka-chan, thank you for inviting me." Toru turned to him and smiled.

"You are welcome, Toru-chan."

With it, ended one of her best days...


The following days were quieter. Focusing on his own plans and training, Mokami spent most of his time with his classmates. Whenever he had free time, he visited either Inko or he took one of the girls on a date, Mika included. Their relationship was the most strange one. It has been almost two years since they first kissed. From that day onward, both felt an immense connection, but they still held themselves back.

Mokami, because he thought Mika was too drunk and she couldn't remember. Mika because she was ashamed of the feelings she had for her son. Although they were still close, both could feel there was something missing.

He still visited Eire at night. After the initial scare, she got used to soundproof rooms and let loose her moans. Whenever they were together, she would go wild and scream at the top of her throat. She long accepted that Mokami was the best thing happened to her, and she couldn't go back anymore.

And day by day, two weeks ended. It was finally time for Sports Festivals.


Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 81 Euros! You can now support me and have three extra chapters!
