The Truth!

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"They hacked every mobile device in the Tokyo region!" Detective said as he listened to the walkie.

"We, the League of Villains, are here to foil one of the biggest companies in Japan. Bayen, the trusted Pharmaceutical Company, supported by the government, protected by heroes…" As Shigaraki said that, the stream started to show the place where Momo and others were waiting for a few seconds, then changed back to his face, what was strange was, among all the heroes that were shown, students had their faces blurred but others were on full display, "...this headquarters is actually one of the big bases of Equity! Criminal organization that kidnaps children and experiments on them just so they can sell new drugs to increase the efficiency of Quirks to the governments.

Equity's grand plan of bringing equity to masses had always been a lie. They wanted to create serums to permanently remove Quirks from people and another one to strengthen their soldiers. Imagine a world where 99 percent of the population is Quirkless whereas the 1 percent is gods that can do unimaginable things."

The stream changed once again, and Stain appeared in the screens of every device in Tokyo. He was battling with strong Quirk users that were defending a door. Nomu and Stain were stronger than their opponents and soon, the door was opened.

"Oh god!" Jiro exclaimed.

"How vicious!" Momo sobbed.

Inside, there were hundreds of tubes with children floating inside. Almost all of them had cuts on their bodies. There were tubes attached to their arms and mouths to keep them alive. Although most were naked, the vision was blurred so they couldn't be seen in places.

"This is the true face of Bayen! Taxes you pay goes to protect companies like this! Government pays them fortunes, and heroes rush to protect people like them. See for yourself. See how vicious these people truly are. Under the nose of the government, under the eye of heroes, such a big company was able to kidnap hundreds of children to experiment on them!" Shigaraki hissed with hatred. And his emotions were real.

"Who are you!" At this time, Nomu and Stain walked into the lab, only to be stopped by a man with a doctor's coat. Stain's eyes were bloodshot as he looked around. He was about to go mental in anger. He wanted to cut whoever was responsible for this. He wanted to cut them into a thousand pieces! So, as he saw the audacious man shouting who he was, he lost it.

"You scum!" He shouted as he dashed forward, but another man appeared in front of him. The man's arms turned into steel swords and stopped Stain's. "You piece of shits! How can you do this to innocent children!"

"This is the price of science." The man who questioned them first said with a smile. He was wearing a doctor's coat and had glasses. Obviously he didn't know his face was on every screen in Tokyo. Shigaraki didn't stream any of these to the headquarters lest the enemy learned the truth.

"Price of what? Your greed? More power?" Stain spat on the face of the man, but it fell short.

"A small-time criminal cannot understand." The man said and ordered. "Kill them."

More people appeared out of nowhere and engaged with Nomu. Five Nomu could hold tens of men, and Stain was battling against extras.

"Someone must be dyed in blood!" His eyes shone in crimson murder, as he swung his sword. His opponents could turn his arm to blades, but the rest of his body was still flesh and blood. The sword gushed a deep cut on his shoulder, and Stain was fast to follow. He licked the sword and when the opponent froze still, he dashed forward to cut his neck.

"Are we going to watch it happen?" Detective asked as they were watching the battle.

"Rushing in recklessly will make things worse." Endeavour snorted, "Children there are being protected by villains at the moment."

"What!" Detective turned to look and saw Nomu were standing between attacks towards the children, protecting them as they were killing their opponents.

"If we go in now, and any children get hurt, it will be our fault. And against whom are we going to battle?" Mirko scoffed. "Bayen is a reputable company and their opponents are villains. Which side are we going to take?"

As the battle intensified, it became clear that the villains were too strong for the guards to handle alone. One by one, they fell, as Stain and Nomu killed all of them.

"We will reform this city. In order to do so, we require more victims!" Shigaraki grinned as his face appeared once again. "Equity, Fake Heroes, Powerful and Influential People hiding in the shadows, Corrupt Governments and Corporates…Watch your back. We will expose all of you, one by one.

Heroes, you saw it with your own eyes. Choose your side now. Are you going to stand with corrupt governments to protect degenerate companies like Bayen or are you going to fight against injustice as you swore to do. I am not asking you to join us. Our way might differ. But so long as you stay as government dogs, know this… You are supporting this."

As he said that, the screen changed once again, showing hundreds of children, now freed from their confinements. There were clothes on them, covering their bodies. They were breathing weakly. Stain was staring at the camera directly, with his eyes screaming bloody murder, "This society overgrown with fake heroes, where the word itself has lost its true meaning, and the criminals who wave their power around idly should all be purged. I don't care what you call yourself, hero, vigilante, villain… Words are meaningless. I will hunt anyone like these people.

I used to worship the word hero, until I saw the truth. Hero is a title given only to those who have accomplished great deeds! There are too many who act like heroes, but are really money-worshippers. Until this world realizes its mistake, I will continue to appear."

With it, Nomu and Stain vanished with a spiral appeared out of nowhere. Heroes watched without doing anything. Today, they failed. Instead, villains saved the day. It would only take less than an hour for the whole world to know about this incident. Despite the efforts of the CEO of Bayen, the government and a particular council… It was unstoppable. The world saw the truth.


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