Attack of Thieves!

A reader of mine started to publish a novel. The premise seems strong and well thought, and the stracture seems solid. Let's support it! Thanks.

Misfortune System


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Egypt, The Egyptian Museum, Middle of the Night,

At the entrance of the museum, there were tens of people walking aimlessly while workers ushered them to leave as it was closing time. The people who wanted to see more were bemused by the announcement, but the workers were hellbent on preventing them from lingering any longer. They too, seemed annoyed, wanted to disperse the crowd and return to their homes.

"Heh, they are good." At this time a man that could not be seen by anyone there looked at the charade in front of him with a smirk. From a mile away he could smell cheap acting and wary looks on every single face in the crowd.

"What was it?" A girl asked from his earpiece. Ahmed shrugged his shoulders and ignored the girl. He didn't have an obligation to help others. They were just distractions.

Ahmed made his way towards the back of the museum, hidden from everyone's view thanks to his Quirk. He had already informed his trusted allies about the heist, telling them to gather as many villains as possible to create chaos and distract the heroes. As he approached the back, he saw a group of villains standing around, waiting for their instructions.

"Hey, you're the Chameleon, right?" One of the villains asked as Ahmed approached.

Ahmed nodded and said, "I'm here to help you guys take down the heroes if they appear. I am going to strike from their blind spots while you distract them and then we steal whatever we want."

The villains looked excited and ready to cause some trouble. Ahmed smiled to himself, knowing that they were just pawns in his game. He had no intention of helping them, but he needed their help to create a diversion.

"In three minutes, we all attack from the front. Don't worry about heroes, me and my team will be closeby to take care of them." Ahmed said with a reassuring smile, as he looked at the faces looking at him with hope. Just like how Sahar was famous among heroes, and many looked up to her, among villains, Ahmed was a legend. He got away with many crimes under his belt with many heroes gathered around him. Even in situations that seemed impossible to escape, he was able to run away scott free, furthering his myth.

This one time, heroes layed a wide net of ambush to catch Ahmed, but they failed. Only later Ahmed exposed that he was hiding in one of the cars all the time, which was ignored by many heroes there due to his quirk making him virtually invisible. At first many refused to believe it, but when Ahmed leaked out some video snippets that lasted a week, the public went nuts. He was hiding where he was sitting for a week, without eating or drinking, while the heroes were looking all around like a bunch of clowns.

"We will do as you say, Chameleon." One of the villain leaders said, as they had taken positions. They were close to the museum already, and villains knew heroes would appear soon enough. Oh, how right they were. The museum was already filled with heroes, but they didn't need to know it.

The villains made their way towards the museum, their confidence growing with each step. They had been told that the museum would be an easy target, with no heroes around to stop them. Of course they knew heroes would arrive as they created ruckus, but they had trust in their numbers and the legend who was looking over their shoulders to protect them.

As they approached, they saw a group of tourists taking pictures in front of the building. The villains didn't think much of it, assuming they were just regular people enjoying the sights. But as they walked past the tourists, suddenly the group of seemingly innocent tourists turned into heroes and attacked them.

The villains were caught off guard, but they quickly recovered and began to fight back. It was chaos in front of the museum, with heroes fighting off the villains.

One of the villains, a man with a quirk that allowed him to manipulate metal, created a barrier of metal around himself and began to attack the heroes. But a hero with a lightning quirk quickly took him down, sending a powerful bolt of electricity through the metal barrier.

As soon as the villains and heroes posing as tourists spotted each other, tension filled the air. The villains were trying to create a diversion for the Chameleon to steal the dagger, while the heroes were on high alert, ready to take them down.

A villain with a Quirk that allowed him to manipulate earth started by hurling a street sign at the heroes, who quickly dodged and countered with a hero possessing a Quirk that allowed him to create small explosions with his fingertips.

Another villain with a Quirk that allowed him to phase through solid objects tried to sneak past the heroes, only to be caught by a hero with a Quirk that allowed him to sense movements through vibrations in the ground. The hero swiftly tackled the villain to the ground and restrained him.

A hero with a Quirk that allowed him to control plant life created a thick barrier of vines to stop the villains' advance, but a villain with a Quirk that allowed him to create explosive bubbles detonated a few in the midst of the vines, causing them to disintegrate and creating an opening for the villains to slip through.

Meanwhile, a villain with a Quirk that allowed him to manipulate gravity tried to create chaos by flipping the ground, causing heroes and villains alike to stumble and fall, but a hero with a Quirk that allowed him to create force fields blocked the effect, keeping himself and those around him safe.

The skirmish continued, with both sides using their Quirks to their fullest potential. However, the heroes' superior training and coordination eventually proved to be too much for the villains to handle. They had been ready for the attack while villains were caught flat-footed.

Mokami, Sahar and other heroes waiting for the main team to arrive heard the commotion outside, and were in a bad mood. They were heroes too but here they were, abandoning their fellows to fend for themselves outside, while waiting for a big fish. Although it was the most logical action to take, they were still feeling guilty.

Meanwhile, The Chameleon, invisible to all, slipped past the heroes and made his way into the museum. He was careful not to draw attention to himself, blending in with the crowd as he made his way towards the exhibit containing the ancient dagger. His main team also sneaked in with other means, and were about to clash with the hero team.


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