Ahmed's Lieutenants


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Have you guys seen the last chapter of One Piece? OMG!


Shadia walked confidently through the halls of the Egyptian Museum, her eyes scanning the surroundings as if she was searching for something or someone. She wore a black leather jacket and jeans, giving off an air of rebelliousness and edginess. As she walked, small plants sprouted from the ground beneath her feet, twining around her ankles and wrapping themselves around her legs.

Shadia was one of Ahmed's closest allies. Her Quirk was called "Nightshade," which allowed her to create and control poisonous plants. She used this Quirk to take out her enemies silently and without alerting anyone. Shadia and Ahmed have been friends since childhood, and they grew up together in the same neighborhood. She was crazy and could attack anyone, friend and enemy hardly mattered. Due to that, only people that could stand against her quirk could be in Ahmed's main team.

Suddenly, she spotted a hero walking towards her, his eyes darting nervously from side to side. Shadia's lips curled into a malicious smile as she raised her hand, causing a patch of poisonous nightshade to erupt from the ground beneath the hero's feet. He stumbled and fell, coughing and choking as the toxic fumes filled his lungs.

Shadia sauntered towards him, the plants around her feet snaking forward and wrapping themselves around the hero's body. "You're pathetic," she spat, her voice dripping with disdain. "You heroes are all the same, weak and helpless. You can barely defend yourselves, let alone protect anyone else."

The hero struggled to break free, but the plants around him only tightened their grip, constricting his movements. Shadia leaned in closer, her eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "You should have stayed home," she whispered, before turning and walking away, leaving the hero writhing in agony on the floor. "Now, where is Sahar? I want to present her head to Ahmed."

Tariq prowled through the halls of the museum, his stone skin crackling with anticipation. He had always enjoyed a good fight, and he was eager to put his Quirk to the test against some heroes. As he turned a corner, he spotted a group of heroes huddled around a display case, their eyes wide with wonder.

Tariq didn't waste any time. With a roar, he charged at them, his fist slamming into the display case and shattering it to pieces. The heroes scattered, screaming, but Tariq wasn't interested in them. He was looking for a real challenge. Not weaklings like these.

He soon found it in the form of a heroine who stepped out from behind a corner, her eyes narrowing in determination. Tariq grinned, feeling a rush of excitement. This was what he lived for.

The hero charged at him, her fists glowing with energy. Tariq didn't flinch, his stone skin absorbing the blows effortlessly. He countered with a punch of his own, sending the hero flying back into a nearby wall, knocking her unconscious.

Tariq chuckled, feeling the thrill of battle coursing through his veins. He was about to turn and find his next opponent when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching from behind him.

He whirled around, ready to face whatever hero was coming his way, but was surprised to see it was another villain - one he recognized from Ahmed's team, Nora. This woman was troublesome.

He looked at the beautiful woman with long black hair and a deadly Quirk. Her Quirk was called "Mind Numbing," which allowed her to numb the minds of anyone within a certain radius. Nora and Ahmed met when she was working as a spy for a rival gang. Ahmed was impressed by her skills and offered her a job. Nora was fiercely loyal to Ahmed and would do anything he asked of her. Although Tariq didn't know why she was so loyal. After all, it hasn't been long since they met.

"Ah, I see you're enjoying yourself," Nora, a smirk on her face. "But we need to move quickly if we're going to get that dagger."

Tariq nodded, still feeling the adrenaline rush from his earlier fight. "Lead the way,"

They walked towards the stairs that would take them to the basement where the dagger was kept. As they turned to another corridor, they saw a lanky man with a sinister grin.

"Farouk." Nora called out, "Where have you been?"

"Here and there. Blasting heroes, killing villains. Usual." Farouk smirked.

Farouk was crazy even by this team's standart. He loved chaos and could do anything, anytime. His Quirk was called "Explosive Touch," which allowed him to make anything inorganic he touched explode. Farouk and Ahmed met in a bar fight, and they bonded over their mutual love of chaos. Farouk was one of Ahmed's most unpredictable allies, and he's always looking for an opportunity to cause mayhem.

"Good, let's move on." Tariq said with a wry smile on his face. He hated this guy. Soon they were joined by another member of the team, Aysha. The petite woman with bright blue hair and a bubbly personality. Her Quirk was called "Crystalize," which allowed her to turn any object into a crystal. Aysha and Ahmed had a long history together. They were once lovers, but their relationship ended when Aysha was arrested for her crimes. She still harbored feelings for Ahmed, and she's loyal to him to a fault. It only intensified when Ahmed broke her out of jail. Among the five, she was the most loyal, and anyone who wanted to betray Ahmed would have to deal with this crazy woman.

"Since we all are here," Aysha licked her lips, "Let's give them hell!"


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