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Hey you all! As I mentioned in the last chapter, the Highlights of Chaos series spans several months, and I didn't want to bore you with tiny updates in every chapter. Instead, I've chosen to "highlight" the important parts over three chapters, with brief mentions in between to keep you on track with the timeline and events. I hope my storytelling is clear enough, but just in case, I wanted to make sure you understood what I'm doing. Thanks and Peace!


While Bakin's rise to presidency would last for a few months, before all that happened, Mokami, Sahar, and her family managed to escape from Egypt with the help of Nezu. As their plane landed in Japan, they sensed the chaos that had erupted in their absence. The League of Villains had exposed the government and Bayen, a powerful pharmaceutical company, causing widespread turmoil throughout the country.

Upon their arrival, Mokami was immediately taken to UA High School to meet with Nezu, while Sahar and her family were temporarily accommodated in one of the houses in the school's yard. However, since they were brought to Japan illegally, Nezu had to register them first and come to an agreement with Egypt, which would prove challenging.

The tension in the air was palpable as staff rushed through the halls, discussing the ongoing crisis. Mokami was escorted to Nezu's office for a private discussion on the situation.

As Mokami entered the room, Nezu welcomed him with a calm smile. "Mokami, I'm glad you made it back safely. I trust Sahar and her family are well?"

"Thanks to your help, we all made it back safely." Mokami nodded as he took his seat. It had been around six hours since he had asked Bakin to work with heroes, and Nigel should have already started working on the internet. "What is the situation? Do the public still see Heroes as enemies?"

"Not so much," Nezu shook his head, looking at Mokami with a glint in his eyes. "Your lawyer appeared out of nowhere and started working with civil organizations, public communities, and some of the prominent heroes to quell the anger. His speech helped, and people on the internet are showing their support. It seems heroes are safe for now."

"That's a relief." Mokami sighed. Although he had underlying plans, he didn't want the country to go to ruins. "Why was the council not affected by what is happening?"

"Well, first of all, Shigaraki didn't aim at them," Nezu said with a sigh as he leaned back. "I am not blaming him. The Council was smart. They hid all of their involvement, and there is nothing to trace back. Even if Shigaraki pointed his finger at them, it wouldn't change anything. It would only alert the enemy about his existence, so he didn't."

"I see," Mokami nodded as he gazed at the table between them. "What is going to happen now? Will this affect us?"

"Not really," Nezu shook his head. "Although countries have a lot of say in how heroes operate, the universal committee is the one evaluating and registering heroes. Our education is supported by them, and you will still continue with your normal curriculum. That includes the Provisional License Exam you will be taking in a few months. The only thing that will change is, if, and it's a big if, the country decides to change the laws regarding heroes, you might be forced to work for some time before you can leave for other countries. But it doesn't seem likely. Your lawyer was effective when it came to the public's view on heroes, so it probably won't come to that."

"It is really saddening for students to be involved in this, but luckily, the villains were merciful enough to block their faces. Do you know that the pro-heroes there cannot go out due to public outrage?" Nezu asked as he shook his head.

"Top heroes?" Mokami asked in disbelief. Mirko, Endeavor, Edgeshot, Ryukyu... All of them were top heroes of the country, and now, due to being shown outside of Bayen, they were public enemies? "Someone is behind all this."

"You are right." Nezu nodded with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "My team of cybersecurity is working tirelessly to battle against whoever is spreading hateful messages on the internet, but we still can't compete with them. I doubt it is the League."

'Nigel, what is going on?' Mokami asked in his mind. 'I told you to remove the hateful messages.'

"I am doing even as we speak, sir. But they are appearing faster than I can deal with them," Nigel reported. "Shutting down the internet is not advisable. Although I can temporarily shut down the forums and social media, it would cause an uproar."

'Damn it!' Mokami swore in his head as he asked Nezu, "How about All-Might and the others?"

"He is doing his best, but..." Nezu sighed as he looked at Mokami with tired eyes, "There are things he can do all by himself. But it isn't that bleak. Things are getting better. For now, go home and reunite with your family. We will pick up slowly."

"Alright, Principal Nezu, let's talk about the main event now. I know you are busy, and I want to see my family as soon as possible too," Mokami said as he looked at the intelligent creature across from him.

Nezu asked, "What happened in Egypt?"

Mokami began, "As you know, I was called by Pro Hero Sahar for help against a villain named Chameleon."

"I've heard of him. He's dangerous and has managed to evade capture for years," Nezu nodded.

"Well, I caught him," Mokami smiled, surprising and impressing Nezu. "However, he did manage to get the better of me during the capture, and the trick I used to lure him out of hiding drew attention we didn't want..."

Mokami then proceeded to explain how Ahmed had thrown bombs and how the reporters had mistaken him for the culprit, leading to unwanted attention from the government and other parties.

"I'm relieved to hear that you're safe," Nezu said. "Don't worry. I'll handle the situation in Egypt, and Sahar and her family will be safe in Japan. For now, go and spend time with your family."

Mokami nodded in appreciation, standing up from his seat. "Thank you, Principal Nezu. I trust you'll do everything in your power to ensure their safety and resolve the situation."

"You can count on me, Mokami," Nezu reassured him with a smile.

As Mokami left the office, he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was glad that the heroes in Japan were still being supported and that the situation wasn't as dire as it could have been. On the other hand, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was a sinister force at play, manipulating the chaos to their advantage


You can read up to 20 advanced draft chapters and the Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 31 Euros! You can now support me and have two extra chapters!
