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After meeting with Principal Nezu, Mokami felt the weight of the world on his shoulders. The crisis in Japan was far from over, and he couldn't help but worry about his family's safety. Despite his deep concern, Mokami felt a small sense of relief, knowing that they were all safe in his state-of-the-art, fully automated house.

Upon arriving at the Smart Mansion Mark I, Mokami took a moment to appreciate the security measures he had implemented to protect his family. He felt a sense of pride, knowing that he had done everything in his power to keep them safe, but he also knew that there was still much work to be done.

As Mokami entered the house, his family greeted him eagerly, their faces lit up with joy at the sight of him. "Welcome home, Mokami!" Mika, Eire, and Eri exclaimed, wrapping him in a tight embrace.

"Thanks, girls. It's good to be back," he replied, returning their hugs. "I missed you."

"We missed you too, Nii-chan." Eri was still clinging to his neck, with no intention of letting him go. With no other choice, he held her in his embrace and sat down on one of the couches.

"Where are Nejire and Momo?" he asked.

"They're upstairs with..." Mika started, then sighed, "...guests."

"Who?" Mokami asked, with a frown. Although he allowed his family to bring whoever they wanted into the house, he was still worried when a stranger was present, especially at a time like this.

"It's Mirko and Ryukyu, sir. I thought that since it was the girls who brought them, there was no need for a report," Nigel said.

"It's Ryukyu and Mirko," Eire said at the same time. "They're being targeted, and Momo and Nejire didn't want them to be alone in their houses. So, they brought them back."

"I see," Mokami nodded. "That's fine. Let me go and speak to them, please."

"Nii-chan, don't go," Eri said, looking at him with her big, cute eyes.

"It's fine, Eri-chan," Mokami smiled, patting her head. "Now that I'm here, no one can hurt you."

She was obviously affected by the tense air inside the house. Although she didn't know much about what was happening, the worried faces of the people around her made her nervous.

"Also, I brought you a gift. Shouldn't you take a look at it?" he said, taking her to the entrance. He had bought her gifts from Egypt, but when he was escaping in haste, he had to leave them behind in Sahar's office. The same went for the others. He had bought clothes, delicacies, spices, and many other things, but now they were all gone. Luckily, he could create most of them with his powers.

"Really?" Eri jumped from his embrace and dashed towards the box, beautifully wrapped in red paper. She hastily opened it, revealing clothes from Egypt.

"Why don't you try them on with Eire and Mother while I talk with our guests?" he suggested.

"Okay, Nii-chan," Eri nodded happily, hugging him once more, then went to Mika and Eire.

Mokami made his way upstairs, his footsteps echoing softly in the quiet hallway. He found Nejire, Momo, Mirko, and Ryukyu in one of the guest rooms, talking in hushed tones. As he entered the room, they all looked up at him, their faces showing relief at his presence.

"Welcome home, Moka-chan," Nejire said, her voice tinged with concern. "We were just discussing the situation."

Mokami nodded, taking a seat across from the group. "I understand that Mirko and Ryukyu are being targeted, and that's why they're here. It's a good decision to have them stay with us for the time being."

Mirko and Ryukyu exchanged glances before Mirko spoke up, "We appreciate your hospitality, Mokami, but we don't want to put you or your family in any more danger than necessary."

Mokami shook his head, reassuring them, "My house is designed to keep everyone inside safe. You'll be protected here. Besides, the public outrage is not dangerous to you, at most it is an annoyance. I know you are avoiding due to you trying to protect the misled civilians. It shows you are truly heroes."

Ryukyu offered a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Mokami."

"So, it seems your internship was not peaceful, huh, Momo-chan." Mokami said while hugging Momo.

"That is one way to put it." She grumbled, "It is just sad that they targeted Mirko, Ryukyu and others."

"No, it is fortunate that they spared you." Mirko smirked wildly, "Even though they are villains, it seems they have a code they follow. They must have thought, you kids hadn't been corrupted by Hero ideology yet."

"That is strange though." Mokami couldn't help but say, "When the League attacked, they had no qualms about attacking us kids."

"Do you think it is about something else?" Ryukyu asked.

"I don't know." He shook his head, "All I know is that the League is dangerous."

After hours of discussion, they decided to call it a night. Mokami walked Mirko and Ryukyu to their rooms, ensuring they had everything they needed for a comfortable stay.

As he prepared to retire for the night, Mokami couldn't help but feel the pressure of the situation bearing down on him. He knew that his family and friends were depending on him, and he had to do everything in his power to ensure their safety and the safety of the public.

He returned to his own room, where Eri, Eire, and Mika awaited him. The girls had changed into the Egyptian clothes he had gifted them, and their smiles brightened the room. Despite the heavy atmosphere, the sight of his family brought a warm feeling to Mokami's heart.

"Thank you for the gifts, Nii-chan," Eri said, twirling around in her new outfit. "I love them!"

"You're welcome, Eri-chan," Mokami replied, smiling. "I'm glad you like them."


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