Happy Home!


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Mokami retired to his room, exhausted from the events of the day. He quickly changed into his nightwear and settled into bed, sleep coming quickly as he closed his eyes. The room was filled with a peaceful silence, the soft sound of his breathing the only disturbance.

In the middle of the night, the door to his room creaked open, and Nejire quietly tiptoed inside. She approached the bed, gently lifting the covers and sliding in next to Mokami. She snuggled up to him, seeking comfort in his warmth, only to be surprised when she encountered Momo already in the bed.

"Momo?" Nejire whispered, her voice betraying her surprise.

"Nejire?" Momo replied, equally surprised. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question," Nejire retorted, a playful tone creeping into her voice. "I came to spend some time with Mokami."

Momo huffed softly, trying not to wake Mokami. "Well, I'm here for the same reason. But don't worry, there's enough room for both of us."

They exchanged playful glances, knowing full well that they both had a relationship with Mokami. Instead of getting jealous or upset, they chose to accept each other and share the love they had for him.

As they nestled on either side of Mokami, the girls took a moment to appreciate the warmth and security they felt with him. The world outside was filled with danger and uncertainty, but in this moment, they felt safe and protected.

Their bickering subsided, replaced by the sound of their synchronized breathing. Mokami, still asleep, shifted slightly, unconsciously wrapping his arms around both Nejire and Momo. The girls shared a content smile, feeling truly loved and cherished.

The rest of the night passed peacefully, the trio wrapped up in each other's arms, a small sanctuary of love and warmth amidst the chaos outside. And as morning light began to filter through the curtains, they knew they had each other's support to face the challenges that lay ahead.

Mokami stirred awake, the morning light gently rousing him from his slumber. He blinked sleepily, his eyes adjusting to the brightness. As his gaze fell upon Nejire and Momo, both still asleep in his arms, he couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of happiness and contentment wash over him. At the same time, he sighed helplessly, realizing how much he missed both of them.

Careful not to disturb them, Mokami gently untangled himself from their embrace and slipped out of the bed. He stretched, working out the stiffness from his muscles, and then quietly exited the room.

Upon entering the kitchen, after cleaning up, Mokami started to plan what to cook for breakfast.

He walked over to the fridge and opened it, revealing an array of fresh ingredients. He decided on a menu that would cater to everyone's tastes, aiming to create a hearty breakfast to start their day on a positive note.

As he began to cook, the automated kitchen sprang to life, assisting him with various tasks. Robotic arms whisked eggs, chopped vegetables, and flipped pancakes with precision. The kitchen hummed with activity, as Mokami and the automated system worked seamlessly together to create a delicious meal.

As the aroma of cooking filled the air, one by one, the members of the household began to awaken. Drawn by the scent of breakfast, they made their way to the kitchen, greeting him with sleepy smiles and warm "good mornings."

He, fully engrossed in his cooking, looked up and greeted everyone with a smile. "Good morning, everyone! Breakfast will be ready soon."

As everyone began to gather around the kitchen table, Mokami noticed Ryukyu enter, looking refreshed and well-rested. She greeted everyone with a polite nod before taking a seat.

Just as Mokami was about to serve breakfast, Mirko sauntered into the kitchen, wearing a rather skimpy outfit that left little to the imagination. Some members of the household exchanged surprised glances, while others tried to stifle giggles.

Mokami, without skipping a beat, addressed Mirko calmly, "Mirko, I understand you might feel comfortable in that attire, but please wear something more appropriate while you're staying here."

Mirko looked down at her outfit and then back at Mokami, a smirk on her face. "What's the fuss, Mokami? You're the only male here, and it's not like you haven't seen a woman's body before. I mean with your looks, it should be impossible"

Despite Mirko's playful defiance, Mokami remained firm in his stance. "Hardly the point. There is still a child here, and you are a prohero. I don't want her to get wrong idea about adult wear"

Mirko rolled her eyes but conceded, "Fine, fine. I'll go change." With that, she turned on her heel and headed back to her room.

As Mirko disappeared down the hallway, Mokami returned his focus to the breakfast he had prepared. He began to serve plates of food to everyone at the table, offering a warm smile and words of encouragement to start their day on a positive note.

When Mirko finally returned, wearing more appropriate clothing, she joined the others at the table. Mokami served her a plate of food, and breakfast continued without any further interruptions.

As the family enjoyed their breakfast, Eri excitedly shared her recent experiences with Mokami and Momo. "While you were both away, I finished my latest art project! You should see it, Nii-chan, it's really good!"

Mokami smiled warmly, his curiosity piqued. "I can't wait to see it, Eri-chan. I'm sure it's amazing."

"Um, um." I will show you after breakfast. "Eri swung her head from side to side while eating her pancakes."

"How about you, Mom? Eire-chan?" He then asked.

Mika chimed in, saying, "Eire and I have been quite busy at the jewelry store. We've designed some new pieces that have been selling really well."

Eire nodded in agreement. "Yes, it's been quite a fruitful period for us. Our teamwork has been fantastic, and the store has never looked better."

Nejire, who had been quietly eating her breakfast, suddenly looked up. "Oh, that reminds me! Mika-chan, Mum, I saw a beautiful gemstone the other day that I thought would be perfect for one of your designs. I'll show it to you later."

Mika and Eire exchanged intrigued glances, eager to see what Nejire had found. "That sounds lovely, Nejire," Mika replied. "We can't wait to take a look."

As the conversation continued, Mokami and Momo listened intently, both feeling a sense of comfort in being back with their family. Momo, who had been relatively quiet, finally spoke up. "I'm glad to hear that everything has been going well here. I've missed you all."

Eri reached over and squeezed Momo's hand. "We've missed you too, Momo-nee."

'There is nothing like being home.' Mokami smiled, as he looked at his big family.


You can read up to 20 advanced draft chapters and the Next Checkpoint for extra chapters is missing 31 Euros! You can now support me and have two extra chapters!
